Two Powers In The Age Of Hours "Long Story"xd

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  1. #1

    الصورة الرمزية kyto kid

    تاريخ التسجيل
    Jan 2008

    افتراضي Two Powers In The Age Of Hours "Long Story"xd

    السلام عليكم ورحمة الله وبركاته

    Hi Ladies and Gentle Men

    Long Time not Write a topic or a story but now here is my second long story after the ghost of island and i will use english members in my story as usual ^____^

    but in this story i will not let you know all characters in the story but i think they will be about 10 characters ,so you will know the character through reading the story .and please dont think in wrong way coz there will be evil and good characters so if you are evil in my stroy dont think i hate you coz there will be three boys in my story play an evil role and these three are colse to me ^_^ damn you make me put spoilers

    this story also will be similar to anime so the goal is fun this time ^^

    last note

    if any one read Ghost island you will know that Eima is the only evil characters in the stroy so now i will make her a good one ^__^

    lets Begin

    "Two Powers In The Age Of Hours"

    Chapter 1"xd”

    “The Princess Of Elves”


    In Year 1000 in Kingdom of Elves

    A seven years old girl stood at the corner alone hearing voices of screams and destruction around her and her family who supposed to live for long time was killed in front of her eyes..She saw her mother running towards her and hugged her strongly

    Her Mother said” :my love I will give you my strength in order to protect you from Dark Army and their King ..i know I will die but you have to live “

    The young girl cried” :Mom please don’t leave me alone I am scared “

    Her mother said “listen there is no time baby you have to understand now you have to use your power to protect yourself and your growth rate will be slow for every 100 years you will get older a one year only ,now when I give you my power you will disappear bye sweet heart”

    The young girl cried and her mother disappeared

    10 years later in 1010 the dark force disappeared for mysterious reason and also their king ..the young girl used to live with different families and she saw them getting old and dies but she grows in a slow rate

    The young girl discovered her powers and she developed it and remembered that all this happened because of The Dark King ..

    Years passed till year 2010 and the young girl became a 17 years old lady ,and the corruption at this time spread and hunger everywhere .

    The young lady used to buy her food in her way to home but suddenly two thieves appeared in front of her .

    The first one said “hehe give me what you have sweety”

    But the young lady said “get the hell out of my way knaves I have no time to waste with you”

    The second one said ”you must be fool ,we said that we want your food otherwise we will kill you “

    The first thief said “she will not obey us ,all right we will take it by strength “and he picked up a knife and started to attach the young lady but suddenly he stopped and he dropped the knife

    The second thief asked ”hey you what happened to you? “

    But the first thief did not answer and he opened his mouth and salivation fell over his mouth ,,,he seems that he lost his mind

    The second thief shouted “damn what did you do “

    The young lady smiled and said ”now your turn “

    The thief picked up a big knife and started to cut her neck but the knife hanged on the air and the young lady smiled.

    The thief scared and said ”how did you do this who are you? “

    The young lady said ”I am Eima the princess of Elves Kingdom”

    and the knife flew and cut the thief neck …

    "Chapter 2"

    The Vampire Slayer

    When you look at her ,the only comment is that she is a normal girl in high school attend all her classes and the day ended by coming back to home where she lived with her grandfather doing her homework and slept till another new day, but she really was not a normal girl .

    This girl lived with her grandfather , but where was her parents and the reason for that was ,when she was 12 years old in her beautiful house ,when the dark came and voices became low and her mother kissed her before sleep ..”bom bom” voices like knock on the door ,the whole family woke on this horrible sound and her father and brother hold guns to kill the intruder. When they descend to the ground floor they found someone in the kitchen and when they approached to him , he attacked them ,and the girl remembered that this person was not a human ,as he had a sharp fangs but her father managed to shot him so he fell immediately but there were more of them and also the person that her father shot woke again and in just moments screams rises and the girl ran to the second floor and hid under her bed

    “yes ,the vampires are real as my grandfather said to me ,my end become near “this is what the girl said to herself while she was hiding ,she saw feet of the vampires became more nearer .she held her breathe ,suddenly she heard screams of vampires and they vanished and someone hold her hand and pull her out of the bed and she was surprised when she found that person was her grandfather .

    Her grandfather said to her”are you all right honey?”

    The girl cried “yes I am fine grandfather”

    Her grandfather hugged her strongly “don’t worry dear you are safe now I will explain everything to you and tell you the secret I hid from you “

    The seventeen years old girl remembered all this events that happened to her and remembered the secret that her grandfather told her ,,she remembered her grandfather words when she was ready to go out holding her sword ,,remembered the secret that made her know her true identity when she approached to the graveyards ,,remembered all that when she saw the vampires came out of the graves to spread horror everywhere ,to tell every vampire wondering of her strength when she asked her who you are .

    She simply answered while putting the sword in his heart “I am Azuma The vampire slayer “ >>

    Chapter 3

    "Chapter 3"

    The Sniper

    Year 3000

    Soldiers of king of darkness guarded important site and they took human as slaves to serve the purposes of king of darkness, suddenly one of the soldiers fell and the others went to see if he lost his consciousness

    One of the soldiers said ”hey you what is wrong with you?” but he did not answer

    Other soldier said “look to his head there is a bullet make a hole in his head”

    The other soldiers looked around to see who attacked him “damn we will…….”

    But they could not complete the words as they all fell dead immediately .

    And now a girl and a 10 years old boy came out of old building

    The boy said happily “well done Lolleta as usual you never miss a target “

    Lolleta smiled “thanks brother do you really like my performance ,you know I am the best to use any types of snipers ,guns any thing with bullet “

    Her brother said “ok enough don’t be ego lets go home”

    When they reached their home or may be something like home as there were no home after king of darkness controlled the world .

    They ate dinner with their father and after they finished ,the young boy went to sleep and the father asked Lolleta to sit with him to discuss something with her .

    The father said seriously “ the leader of the resistance asked you to do a mission to save the world and if you succeed you will protect us from evils of king of darkness “

    Lolleta asked “and what is this mission dad ?”

    Her father said”lets go to the resistance and see “

    Lolleta and her father sneaked through the darkness ,when they reached on of the old building ,they descended through a hole and reached to the site underground .. the leader of the resistance welcomed them quickly and said”we figured out by studying the past that there was attempt done by a girl to destroy king of darkness but this attempt failed because of obstacles and danger that lead to death of the girl “

    Lolleta asked while drinking a cup of tea “so what is my mission?”

    The leader said “your mission is to save the girl so we can save the world as if we could change the past we could change the future and king of darkness would not exist in future if we managed to destroy his forces in past “

    Lolleta said to herself “he is a mad guy he wants me to save a dead girl “

    The leader said” I think you said I am a crazy man “

    Lolleta smiled “damn ,how did you know “

    The leader said simply “offfff it is clear the expressions on your face ,but any way one of our scientists managed to built a Time Machine so it will transfer you to the past exactly 2010 “

    Lolleta said “ok”

    The leader led Lolleta to the time machine and the girl entered it

    Lolleta said to the leader “is there anything I could bring you from the past ,a suit ,new tie or a mirror to look at your ugly face in mirror ,hehe”

    The leader said angrily “damn you …”

    Her father said “take care of yourself honey”

    Lolleta cried “I will miss you dad”

    And the time machine launched to its journey to the past ..

    Chapter 4

    Chapter 4

    "The Archer"

    During the last battle between humans and king of darkness , a

    nine year old girl showed great power against dark force using

    her arch and arrow ,she killed many soldiers ,but suddenly she

    saw him , coming through crowds and looking at her with his red

    eyes . she felt fear deep inside , she held her arch and started to

    shoot him but suddenly she found him near her ,she fell to the

    ground and her heart rate increased , she saw her sister fighting

    hard ,and she saw one of soldiers came from behind and started to

    kill her sister when king of darkness raised his hands and the

    soldier died immediately

    The girl name was Do Ri Me and now she grew and became 18 years old and remembered all this events and did not regret for the decision she took .

    One of dark soldiers knocked the door and entered her room

    Do Ri Me asked by cold look “what do you want
    ? “

    The soldier said “the dark king asked you to come

    Do Ri Me said “ ok ,go out

    She knocked his room and entered ,and once she saw him she lout

    “your majesty “

    The Dark King smiled “No Need Do Ri Me ,Please stand ,,I Just want to know if you could do this mission for me

    Do Ri Mi said ”definitely sir , I keep my promise ,,I swore that I will do whatever you want ,I will never forget that you rescued my sister from one of your soldiers and also you did not kill me

    The dark king said “ok so lets talk about your mission ,here is the target ,I want you to follow “ and he gave her a photo for a girl

    Do Ri Me asked “and the mission
    The Dark King Said “kill her

    Do Ri Mi said “could I ask what is her name sir

    The Dark king simply said “Lolleta or as they called her the Greatest Sniper

    Do Ri Me Smiled “nice I will have a good time with that girl

    Chapter 5

    DEvs LA

    In high school, Azuma said goodbye to her friends and while she was on her way to home ,she heard screams of one girl .she ran fast ,she found a vampire trying to drink the girl blood. She quickly pick up her sword from her bag and started to attack the vampire. both the Vampire and the girl looked at Azuma with fear in their eyes while she was coming towards them . Azuma was near to cut the vampire head .but the girl screamed “stop idiot what are you doing? she is my friend”.

    Azuma surprised “what?”

    The vampire took of her mask and a face of a girl appeared “yes fool and you are freak ,what are you doing with a sword . I will call the police”

    But Azuma ran away and disappeared, she said to herself “what happened to me ?i cant differentiate between vampire and human “

    At this time , lolleta was sitting in the time machine eating corn “oh what a boring mission .when I will reach ?”

    Lolleta decided to get benefit of the time by watching what happened to the girl that was killed in the past so she could help her . she played the video that recorded the past .

    She saw the following “a girl went to the graveyards fighting vampires and killed them one by one and after she had killed them all, a girl came from darkness and a fight occurred between them that finished by death of the girl fighting the vampires and after that the other girl also died and the age of darkness began “ this was the brief that Lolleta watched .

    Lolleta drank cola and said “nice ,piece of cake “

    Suddenly the time machine rocked strongly .

    Lolleta “what is happening?”

    She looked up to the sky and she found the answer she saw a girl on another time machine chasing her .

    “There is no way honey stop your time machine or you will be killed “ said Do Ri ME

    Lolleta said “in you dreams cupcake “

    “Ok you want the hard way “smiled Do Ri ME .She held her arch and arrow .

    “these days are over sweetie I don’t believe you still fighting with this old weapon “ laughed Lolleta

    “you will see “ said Do Ri ME .She put a blue ball in her electronic arch and she shot the arrow towards Lolleta .The Arrow took blue colors and once it touched the time machine that Lolleta sat in it ,electric shock spread over the ship and Lolleta screamed from pain .

    Do Ri Me laughed loudly ”who is the oldest ,now ?”

    Lolleta shouted angrily “look what you did to my hair ,I will never forgive you “

    She hold her gun and shot Do Ri ME ,But she missed her,the bullet damage Do Ri Me shoes .

    “damn ,look at my precious shoes ,so it is war “

    Lolleta admitted the challenge “yeah baby ,I will count you as one of my victims “

    Lolleta held a bazooka and pointed it towards Do Ri ME . THE TIME MACHIN exploded , “yes I made it “said lolleta happily .

    Suddenly the glass of the time machine of lolleta smashed and with incredible speed Do Ri Me trapped Lolleta in a web , “so please could you explain what did you make ?” Laughed Do Ri Me .. Lolleta said with great surprise “how did you escape ?”.

    Do Ri ME simply answered “do you think really you couldkill a girl like me ,,any way it is time to die .she put a red ball in the arch and ready to shoot Lolleta when Lolleta quickly pressed a button in the machine with her leg ,and a gun appeared behind Do Ri Me and the bullet flew but it missed Do Ri Me as she escaped .

    Do Ri Me breath “oh that is so close ,,thank god that my other shoe is working so I can fly ,but I can chase her any more “ .she changed the red ball with a purple one and shoot the arrow towards the Lolleta time machine ..”well I can locate her position now ,,I will enjoy another battle with this girl later “ said Do Ri Me

    Lolleta sighed “it was a good decision to secure the machine ,,now I hope I will reach in time “

    During this time ,Eima was walking when she met an old man .

    The Old man said “I know what you are looking for, young lady ,,you will find what you need in the “the death hole” where the darkness spread by the 30th day of this month and the king of darkness will rise again and control your world “

    Eima wondered “what king of darkness? Do you know him I want to know where he is “

    The old man smiled “I have a different information about him “

    Eima said “so tell me “

    The old man asked “why I should tell you ?”

    Eima smiled “no need “

    She penetrate his mind and read his thoughts and she knew that there was a vampire slayer who is a daughter of king of darkness.

    Eima said “thanks sir I get the information “..once she left . the old man face change to young one “hehe what an idiot girl “

    In Azuma Home

    Azuma said “grandfather I will go out for my night shift do you want any thing “

    Her grandfather “no thanks but be careful”

    Azuma walked in the same way to the graveyards but she has a strange feeling that it will be her last patrol to kill vampires and she wont see her grandfather

    Lolleta looked at the watch beside her “oh damn I have only 6 minutes to stop this disaster .what can I do what can I do?”

    She noticed a button with label “high speed”.she said “damn why did not this stupid leader told me about this button ,,ok now lets go “ and she pressed the button .

    Azuma reached the graveyards and she saw the vampires coming from underground ..she said “hi guys ,do you want a company “ she held her sword ,and she finished them all but she felt that there was some one watching her .

    Lolleta reached the exact date but it has only 3 minutes to stop the accident .she ran fast toward the graveyards .
    Azuma shouted “show yourself ,I know you are here “
    A girl came out and the light of the moon fell on her face .
    Eima said “you are really good although you are busy with the fight but you know that there is someone watching you ,you deserve to be the daughter of king of darkness.
    Azuma said” what is the hell you are talking about ? who are you?”
    Eima said “I am who gonna kill you as you did to my people”
    But Azuma attacked first holding her sword .

    Lolleta said to herself while she was running”I would fail , only one minutes left “. She prepared her sniper .

    Azuma avoid the attack with rocks by Eima and with quick speed she became behind Eima and she was ready to kill her with the sword when the sword suddenly hanged in the air .
    Eima laughed “haha you are a beginner really I don’t know how you killed my family with your father “
    Azuma said “how did you do that”
    Eima smiled “I have no reason to explain “
    Eima by remote control directed the sword to Azuma who is on the ground with out move and full of fear
    And Lolleta ran so fast to rescue her from her destiny there was only 10 meters to reach the graveyards .

    Eima looked at Azuma eyes “this is the end ,say goodbye to your life

    Chapter 6

    The Beginning Of The Journey

    Eima looked at Azuma Eyes “now you will say good bye to the life”

    “Bang” this was a sound of a bullet from a shot gun..

    Eima looked quickly and she was able to see the bullet in the air and stooped it and she prepared to reattack Lolleta with the bullet but Azuma get advantage of her busy and in one moment ,she put the sword under Eima neck .

    Azuma smiled” who will say goodbye to life now ?”

    Eima said sadly “ok so kill me as your father did to my kingdom and my family”

    Azuma wondered “my father ?your kingdom? What are you talking about?”

    Lolleta said to Azuma while she was coming quickly “she thought that you are the daughter of king of darkness “ and she turned towards Eima “but she is not Princess Eima” ..

    Azuma said “King of darkness ? are you crazy?”

    Eima said “sorry for mistake ..bye “

    Lolleta said quickly “no wait I came from the future to unit the powers to destroy dark forces “

    Eima laughed “really .i will see if you said the truth “

    Lolleta smiled “don’t even try you cant read what in my mind I trained against power like this “

    “so lets see the Vampire slayer “

    Eima penetrate Azuma mind and saw what happened to her when she was young..and she was nearly to cry ..

    Lolleta said as if she read Eima mind “ yes king of darkness who did this to Azuma “

    Azuma said “what do you mean ?”

    Lolleta said “king of darkness owns the vampires army “

    Azuma surprised “what”

    Lolleta continued “yes so we don’t have time to waste ,we must destroy him and begin in that quickly “

    Azuma said “ok but first I must get some rest before this horrible mission ,,so please come home with me “


    In Azuma home

    Her grandfather welcomed them “how are you girls “

    Lolleta smiled “fine thanks “ but Eima ignored his question .

    Azuma grandfather said “ok I will talk to Azuma in private for a little time ,,act like you are in your home”

    Azuma asked “what is the matter ?”

    Her grandfather said “don’t worry ,,just come with me “

    One hour passed while Eima and Lolleta were waiting outside .

    Azuma finally get out of the room but her face changed with a look of surprise .

    Eima looked at Azuma and smiled ..

    Lolleta interrupted her “hey tell me why are you smiling “

    Eima “not your business “

    Lolleta said to herself “I swear I will kill this girl after the mission “

    Azuma said “ok lets start the mission “

    Eima asked “from where could we begin”

    Azuma replied “we just go to the graveyards and we can find a signal “

    Lolleta laughed “what a plan “

    Eima said “ok lets begin ,she know what she said “

    The three went out ..

    Azuma held her swords strictly “are you ready ?”

    Eima said “sure I am “

    Lolleta said reloading her gun “lets kill some vampires”

    Eima looked at her with sarcasm “don’t be so dramatic”


    “well the girls unit together” said Do Ri Me While watching them .

    Her phone rang “hello “

    A deep male voice replied “hey ,what is the latest news”

    Do Ri Me “no ,,how my king let you in this mission ,”

    The voice said “respect yourself while you are talking to me ,,drag them to the Death Hole and leave the others for me “

    Do Ri Me said “and could you defeat them “

    The voice laughed “they will never see the daylight again “

    التعديل الأخير تم بواسطة kyto kid ; 29-8-2009 الساعة 08:06 PM



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