!!!what is this all bout
man ;(
don't make it end like this why
actually we get enough from goodbyes if that what toy are Indicate to .
hope i'm misunderstood
but i doesn't make sense that we didn't even .. i don't know i get Confused when i saw your topic
but only what i know that we'll miss your brilliant touch in this fourm
man .. i really in shock !! how the way it gets here
i only want to say that ..
you have done more than enough .. i'll never forget
the way how you Encourage us
you are the leader in this fourm
i didn't find the right word to say
I owe you a lot , and thank you for every thing
and i'm sorry if i bother you on something or make you upset
i really dont know what to say ..
Allah save you what ever you go
goodbye ;(