اقتباس المشاركة الأصلية كتبت بواسطة Naro-chan مشاهدة المشاركة

really ? yattaa ... yep i am so familiar with those types of stories actually if the story is completed i would know that myself that it was only the end !
You know something. I'm sure that you'll get surprised when you read the end

thanx for you ...
of course ... i am gonna read all of them In Sha'a Allah

it seems you have already put the 2nd part
okay ... cuz i have something to do right now ( sleeping ) XD maybe next time i'll continue
Thanks a lot
I appreciate everything you do for me
Sleep well and have lots of sweet dreams. The sun has already rose here

it's a secret lol

Why is it bothering me? >___< do I know you? I feel like I do