عليك أن تدرك أنك إذا بذلت قصارى جهدك وآمنت بمقدرتك على النجاح، عندها ستحقق أحلامك
(worked should be work because it's if I )
no matter what stands against your dreams, break it into pieces and go on your way
السلام عليكم ورحمة الله تعالى وبركاته،،
-no matter what stands against your dreams, break it into pieces and go on your way
- مهما كانت العراقيل التي تقف في طريق حلُمكَ ،حطمها إلى قطع وامضِ في طريقكَ قُدُما !
- the greatest thing in the life,is to have a great aim,and the determination to attain it> a phrase from a file
التعديل الأخير تم بواسطة أَصِيلُ الحَكَايَا ; 23-12-2012 الساعة 10:48 AM
the greatest thing in the life,is to have a great aim,and the determination to attain it
أعظم شي في الحياة..أن يكون لديك حلم كبير/عظيم ,والإصرار/العزيمة لتحقيقه.
(you wrote good sentences ,I liked it)
my sentence:
Smile because you can !
[ ابتسم لإنه يمكنك ذلك ! ]
Nothing is more beautiful than life
السلام عليكم ورحمة الله تعالى وبركاته،،
rain is the gift we often forget to thank Allah for
- المطر هو النعمة التي ننسى غالبًا أن نحمد الله -عز وجل- عليها ،،
- and you became to me,as another soul breathing in mine
التعديل الأخير تم بواسطة أَصِيلُ الحَكَايَا ; 4-12-2012 الساعة 11:46 PM
السلام عليكم ورحمة الله تعالى وبركاته،،
ترجمة معنوية 100%
and I think,that this is the soul which must be found in the translator,I wanted it to be
but yours is more beautiful,"حتى لكأنّكِ ،روحٌ أخرى تتنتفس في روحي "
beauty is in the eye of the beholder
الجمال في عيون الناظر
Some Times, The Ideas Disapear When You In Need For It, But Minutes Later, It All Come In One Time
السلام عليكم ورحمة الله تعالى وبركاته ،،
I enjoyed my high school school experience to the fullest
- استمتعتُ بتجربتي في المدرسة الثانوية لأقصى حدّ !
- although he died ,I know there will be always always a memory for him, remind me ,that he was here one day
التعديل الأخير تم بواسطة أَصِيلُ الحَكَايَا ; 15-12-2012 الساعة 10:46 AM سبب آخر: nino,my apology and deep gratitude
وعليكم السلام ورحمة الله وبركاته
على الرغم من أنه قد مات، فإني أعلم بأنّ هنالك دائماً ذكرياتٌ له (تذكرني) بأنه كان هنا يوماً ما
i see your "remember me" should be "remind me" which means
تُذَكّرني وليس تَذْكُرني
my new sentence
my life without my mother, is spring without flowers, summer without sun, autumn without falling leaves, and winter without snow.
my life without my mother, is spring without flowers, summer without sun, autumn without falling leaves, and winter without snow
حياتي بلا أمي ..كالربيع بلاورد وصيفٍ بلا شمس وخريفٍ بلا تساقط الأوراق وشتاء بلا ثلج.
If you shout once again, I'll abduct you from here ^^
السلام عليكم ورحمة الله تعالى وبركاته،،
If you shout once again, I'll abduct you from here
- إذا صرختِ مجددًا ، فسأبعدكِ - أطردكِ من هنا .
- like a light in a deep shadow , like a dawn after a long night, as a last impulse in a dying heart , .
sister you are to me
this is a good thing actually, I like it too much
so let me start :
I can can the can, but the can can't can me
this is like an american crazy language I took it from my american friend
I wanna see your translations, but be careful
Oh! I forgot to translate the previous sentence, DOZO
- like a light in a deep shadow , like a dawn after a long night, as a last impulse in a dying heart , .
كالضوء في الظلام الحالك، كالفجر بعد الليل الطويل، كالنبضة الأخيرة في القلب الميت -
I think my translation's small ^__^ << I like humility
this sentence has already been mentioned, i can't translate it again
? where
I really didn't find it at all
ok you can translate it what's wrong
Obs! I'm sorry for delay, yes yes this's the translation of my sentence
ok take these two sentences
- when times rough ,, and things are tough ,, don't say enough ,, but say Ya Rab -
this the second
- if you met any visitor ,, don't get bored ,, but say make your self at home -
these sentences from my mind , hope you like it
? attention , you gotta translate them ok < ok
and I put 2 cuz the comment that reached me ,, GL
!? what's wrong guys
!? what's going on