The texts translation into English

[ منتدى اللغة الإنجليزية ]

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  1. #21

    تاريخ التسجيل
    Apr 2008

    افتراضي رد: The texts translation into English

    sorry brother

    I finished translating the first part of this paragraph on paper

    ويبدو أن آية لم تكتف بإشهار دينها، بل تتحين الفرصة لتحقيق حلمها بزيارة قبر النبي الأكرم وأداء فريضة الحج، كما لم تكتف بحصولها على الطمأنينة وحدها فسارعت لتسجيل أولادها الثلاثة رامي وتمام وعمري، في مدرسة عربية بعدما غيرت اسمي ابنتيها إلى آمنة أم الرسول وفاطمة ابنته، داعية النساء المسلمات الالتزام بعبادة الله وتعاليمه.

    وتعتبر آية التي تتمتع بسماع الأناشيد الدينية وأغاني المغني البريطاني سامي يوسف أن الله كتب لها عمرا جديدا بمنحها هذه الطمأنينة، وهي تكثر من ترديد (ألا بذكر الله تطمئن القلوب) و "يا الله يا رب العالمين احفظني مسلمة ليوم الدين".

    وذكرت أنها عندما توجهت لمجلس الحاخامات اليهودية في القدس للتنازل عن الديانة اليهودية سألها أحد الحاخامات عن تحولها لدين الإسلام فأجابته "أنت لن تعرف ما أشعر به بعد النطق بشهادة الإسلام".
    and I will come back once I finished the rest of it

    soon Insha'Allah

  2. #22

    الصورة الرمزية Schwert

    تاريخ التسجيل
    Nov 2008
    كاتب الموضوع

    افتراضي رد: The texts translation into English

    konnichiwa my sis Lolleta^ ^, how r u, nice to see here with ur participation there and wanna see some thing brilliant like share in that translation project up there^ ^, well, I'll get in topic now: ), this topic for translation from Arabic into English but happened some change newly and this change is new idea from my sis Azuma make u free to choose the language who u wanna put it here and then translate it into other language like you like, and also there's another choice to participate in this topic and this by put proverbs and translate it to the second language and this is nice idea too come from my sis DoRiMe as a new addition to this topic^ ^, I don't know from where come to me this interest to write and talk as I did^ ^, yes about the title of ur addition; u r free my sis and can put everything u want Islamic, public life, public relations and everything beautiful from ur choice; until if it long no problem we can participate to translate it as a team but I wish it be somthing important or useful until we feel that we do something big or wonderful achievement, sorry for speak too much"^ ^11

    Welcome my friend Mohababoo, nice to see u again with happy news^ ^, ok man don't be hurried, I like u do the rest in ur free time okay and I don't want to see sorry again, are we agree: ), see you

  3. #23

    الصورة الرمزية Hajime-san

    تاريخ التسجيل
    Apr 2009

    افتراضي رد: The texts translation into English

    so i'm back with something,and tell me if i'm in the right way
    about the translation ...i tryed ..about mistakes just tell cuz i'm not good in that... .... lol
    ok let's goo
    * * * * *
    **Arabic txt**

    هذا الرجل الوسيم

    هل تعلم ماذا يفعل لك القرآن الكريم عند موتك ؟؟؟
    عند موت الانسان و خلال إنشغال أقربائه بجنازته,يقف رجل وسيم بجوار رأس الميت..و عند تكفين الجثّة,يدخل ذلك الرجل بين الكفن و صدر الميت.وبعد الدفن,يعود الناس لديارهم,يأتي القبر ملَكان "منكر و نكير",و يحاولان أن يفصلا هذا الرجل الوسيم عن الميت ,لكي يكونا قادران على سؤال الرجل الميت حول إيمانه.
    لكن يقول الرجل الوسيم :هو صديقي ..أنا لن أتركه بدون تدخل في أي حال من الاحوال..أنتم هنا لسؤاله فقوما بما تؤمران به,أما أنا فلا أستطيع تركَه ,حتىّ أدخله الى الجنّة.
    فيقول الرجل الوسيم الى الميت: "أنا القرآن الذي كنت تقرأه بصوت عال أحيانا ,وبصوت منخفض أحيانا,فلا تقلق بعد سؤال "منكر و نكير" لن تكونَ حزيناَ.
    و بعد إنتهاء سؤال "منكر و نكير",يرتب الرجل الوسيم و الملائكة فراش من الحرير مليء بالمسك للميت في الجنة.
    **English txt**

    This handsome man
    Do you know what the Holy Quran do after your death ??l
    When a person dies ,and his familly is busy with his funeral,a handsome man stands next to head of the dead.When the body is shrouded,that man get's in between the shroud and the chest of the deceased.After the burial ..people return to their homes,two angels "Monker and Nakir" come in the tombe to trying to separate this handsome from the deceased ,in order to be able to ask him about his faith.l
    * * *
    But,this handsome man says:he is my friend,i'll never leave him alone in any case,do what you are ordered to do i'll not leave him until i had to bring him to Paradise.l
    The handsome man say's to the deceased: I'm the Quran wich you read sometimes with a high voice ,sometimes with a low voice,don't worry after the question of "Monker and Nakir" ,you'll never be sad.l
    When the question of "Monker and Nakir" ends...the handsome man and the angels are preparing a bed of silk full of "musk" for the deceased to the Paradise.l
    * * * * *
    thanks Saber for this super idea ,it's the first time in my life that i do that

    Best regards

  4. #24

    تاريخ التسجيل
    Apr 2008

    افتراضي رد: The texts translation into English

    Hey brother
    ^_^ OK we agree

    here it is

    The Dream

    It seems that declaring being a Muslim wasn't enough for Aya, but she's been waiting for a chance to pursue her dream of visiting the Prophet's grave-peace be upon him- and fulfilling the duty of Al-Hajj. Also, she wasn't quite satisfied with her own peace of mind, but she also registered her three sons; Rami, Tamam, and Amry in an Arabic school after changing her two daughters' names, one as the prophet's mother's name, Amena, and the other as his daughter, Fatima, asking all the Muslim women to comply to their worship to Allah and follow his guidance.l

    Aya enjoys listening to the religious chants especially the ones chanted by the British former singer Sami Yousuf. She believes that Allah has granted her a new life with his gift of inner peace that she feels, and she keeps repeating the verses of ( ) and ( ) .l

    She said that when she went to the house of the Rabbies to abandon her former religion. One of the Rabbies asked about the reason behind this change and she answered by saying that he won't be able to know how she feels after changing to be a Muslim>l

  5. #25

    الصورة الرمزية أسمـــاء

    تاريخ التسجيل
    Oct 2006

    افتراضي رد: The texts translation into English

    minna That's Great!
    thanks Saber for giving us the chance to select whatever we want ^^
    mine wasn't Islamic one but I do like the english text itself befor my translation comes ^^

    but don't u feel there must be opinions on each one's traslation as a feedback !

  6. #26

    الصورة الرمزية Do Ri Me

    تاريخ التسجيل
    Nov 2006

    افتراضي رد: The texts translation into English

    okay ... I'll put some Colloquial Arabic
    ( لغة عامية )
    الملدوغ ( أو المقروص ) يخاف جرة الحبل أو ( اللي بتلسع من الشوربة ينفخ بالزبادي )
    A burnt child dreads the fire .

    لا تقول فول حتى يصير بالمكيول ( لا تشتري سمكا و هو في البحر ) أو ( لما يجي الصبر بنصلي على النبي ) أو ( لا تبع فرو الذئب قبل صيده ) .

    Don't count your chickens before they are hatched.

    الشراد تلتين المرجلة ( كلـ،،ـب حليم و لا سبع نايم )

    A live dog is better than a dead lion .

    العين بصيرة و اليد قصيرة .

    The spirit is willing , but the flesh is weak

    لكل جواد كبوة و لكل عالم هفوة .
    Even Homer sometimes nods .

    okay ... sorry if I bother you and put something like slang
    I can delete it if you wanna ...
    ... but sometimes we need to know the meaning of colloquial Arabic in English

    if you love them ... I also have more


  7. #27

    الصورة الرمزية Schwert

    تاريخ التسجيل
    Nov 2008
    كاتب الموضوع

    افتراضي رد: The texts translation into English

    ( :*Niiice*: )
    Hi my bro Hajime-san, how r u, I see some thing really beautiful here, it's nice job man; u did well my bro and certainly u r in the right way, the mistakes issue I'll talk about it in Azuma's comment, I thank u so much my bro for ur nice addition and I'll see how I'll arrange these're works in my first comment here until becomes clear for everyone and I wish u benefited from this first try in the translation, that's beautiful and delighted me: )1

    Hey man, I knew u quick but not like this quick and in the translation too, I'm happy to see the rest and I'll add it to complete the story,thanks very much my dear Mohbaboo and may allah bless you, cya

    Hi my sister Azuma, how r u, we wanna benefit here so we may be break the chain for that and it's my pleasure: ), yes I felt that but I didn't know how I'll process it yet, these're brilliant texts may needs to emendation after it finish, I see that we participation to take a look to the finished work and emend it until we benifit from our mistakes in these're translations, we wanna be very good in this skill and this also can make us ready to participate in our favorits team in msoms's team, this's something beautiful

    Hi my sis DoRiMe, how r u, nice I'm seeing popular parable here, I love it: ), in relation to add it in this topic ...mmm...well, it's useful, it's contains of transltion from language to language...but it's short and not we who translate it; it's come as a finish work therefore I got new idea about it, what do u say if u put new topic for it; topic full of popular parable and recieve it from everyone to add it there, it'll benefit us so much and I have some of it and ready to add it there^ ^, now I who say: sorry if I bother u^ ^, cya
    التعديل الأخير تم بواسطة Schwert ; 17-3-2010 الساعة 06:41 PM

  8. #28

    تاريخ التسجيل
    Apr 2008

    افتراضي رد: The texts translation into English

    it's alright brother
    don't mention it

    I'll be back with the rest which weren't translated yet
    and I will try to give some feedback on the translated ones as Azuma said
    'cause we need to know where we were wrong
    and the same for mine I could use some feedback as I haven't translated in a long time

    seeya all

  9. #29

    الصورة الرمزية Schwert

    تاريخ التسجيل
    Nov 2008
    كاتب الموضوع

    افتراضي رد: The texts translation into English

    OK my dear Mohbaboo: ), well there's last part and become this story finished
    I appreciate ur help man and delighted me put ur hand to emend some our wrongs
    the better thing in this work is we try to translate some lines from texts we didn't try to do it before and then see our mistakes who will pass in the next try

    I'll stole some time everyday and come here just for EF^ ^, cya

  10. #30

    الصورة الرمزية Do Ri Me

    تاريخ التسجيل
    Nov 2006

    افتراضي رد: The texts translation into English

    okay brother ... got it

  11. #31

    تاريخ التسجيل
    Apr 2008

    افتراضي رد: The texts translation into English

    الاقتتال فتنة
    وبحزن تحدثت آية عن مشاهد اقتتال الأشقاء في غزة، وشددت على أن ما أسمته بـ"الفتنة" ستحقق لإسرائيل أعذب أحلامها للتخلص من القضية الفلسطينية.
    آية وجهت أول مناشدة لها لفرقاء حركة المقاومة الإسلامية (حماس) وحركة التحرير الوطني الفلسطيني (فتح) بالاحتكام للقرآن الكريم والعمل بحكم الصلاح بين الطائفتين المتقاتلتين.
    وأضافت "سألت عن موقف الدين في حال نشوب الخلافات بين المسلمين، فعلمتني إحدى الأخوات في مسجد الجزار في عكا سورة الحجرات وأذكرهم بالآية القائلة "وأقسطوا إن الله يحب المقسطين".
    inside fighting is a riot

    Aya talked sadly about the fighting among the brothers in Ghaza, and she stressed on what she called "riot" which will make Israel's sweetest dreams come true to ditch the Palestinian case.l
    Aya addressed a word and for the first time to the Islamic resistance group of (Hamass) and the to Palestinian Liberation movement (Fateh) to refer to Qura'an and work by a good judgments between the two opposing groups.l
    She added, "I asked about where the religion stands from in case of such disagreements among Muslims, and I was tought by one of the sisters in Aljazaar's Mosque in Acca Sorat (Alhojoraat) and I remember them iby this verse ( ) ".l

  12. #32

    الصورة الرمزية Schwert

    تاريخ التسجيل
    Nov 2008
    كاتب الموضوع

    افتراضي رد: The texts translation into English

    Hi everyone ^ ^1
    Hi my friend Mohbaboo, It's nice job indeed that u did it and I appreciate that, to this part we've finished the story and I thank ur esprit decorps of you everyone^___^1

    today, I found new thing for we work with, It's a nice story and has purposeful and I put it in the first page under this title" Translations under work", I wish we enjoy it, PBUY

  13. #33

    تاريخ التسجيل
    Apr 2008

    افتراضي رد: The texts translation into English

    thank you for the new story
    I would suggest that next time you put an English one
    and preferably a long one
    so we can try to translate it to Arabic

    I'll try to look at the unfinished ones from before before I start on the new one


  14. #34

    الصورة الرمزية Schwert

    تاريخ التسجيل
    Nov 2008
    كاتب الموضوع

    افتراضي رد: The texts translation into English

    Okay my friend, I shall participate to translate the new story
    ur suggestion will be apply in the next one in sha'a Allah
    but I didn't see high spirit from members, I think I'll add new idea to this topic
    for make it encouraging more, I'll back later

  15. #35

    الصورة الرمزية الثغر المبتسم

    تاريخ التسجيل
    Aug 2007

    افتراضي رد: The texts translation into English

    Peace be upon you ^__^

    how are u my bro ? I hope ur fine ^^

    hmm .. For a long time I didn't write anything in EF ..I am very happy today coz I writing here xD
    two days ago I just read some subjects .. but this subject It's very great ^.^

    okay .. now ..this first time I translated coz this be strong with me no mercy with my mistakes xDD


    قصة القارب العجيب
    تحدى أحد الملحدين-الذين لا يؤمنون بالله-علماء المسلمين في احد البلاد ( البلدان ) . فأختارو أذكاهم ليرد عليه, وحددوا لذلك موعداً وفي الموعد المحدد ترقب الجميع وصول العالم, لكنه تأخر فقال الملحد للحاضرين: لقد هرب عالمكم وخاف ؛ لأنه علم أني سأنتصر عليه , وأثبت لكم ان الكون ليس له اله ! وأثناء كلامه حضر العالم المسلم وأعتذر عن تأخره , ثم قال: وأنا في الطريق الى هنا , لم أجد قارباً أعبر به النهر , وأنتظرت على الشاطئ , وفجأة ظهرت في النهر الواح من الخشب , وتجمعت مع بعضها بسرعة ونظام حتى أصبحت قارباً . ثم أقترب القارب مني, فركبته وجئت اليكم فقال الملحد: إن هذا الرجل مجنون . فكيف يتجمع الخشب ويصبح قارباً دون أن يصنعه أحد ؟! وكيف يتحرك بدون وجود من يحركه ؟ فتبسم العالم وقال: فماذا تقول عن نفسك وأنت تقول: إن هذا الكون العظيم الكبير بلا إله؟! فقال الملحد: أشهد أن لا إله إلا الله .

    ملاحظات :
    1- أحس إنك معتمد على " الفاصلة" في الجمل .. مع أن بعض الجمل تحتاج رموز آخرى ( علامات ترقيم آخرى ) . ^^
    2- بالنسبة لجملة " أحد الملحدين - الذين لا يؤمنون بالله - " أظن لو كتبت أحد الملحدين - الذين لا يؤمنون بأي ديانه أو الذين ليست لهم أي ديانه - ( يعني تكتب تعريف مبسط لهم ) .. بمعنى أوضح أنك تستشعر أن هذه القصة يقرأها شخص غربي .. لا يعرف عن الإسلام .. فكيف تجد الكلمات الأبسط لفكره .

    3- أجريت بعض التغيرات البسيطة بالنسبة للقصة ووضعتها بلون آخر .. إن شاء الله تكون التعديلات صحيحة ^^" .. فعلى حسب وجهة نظري أنها تحتاج لمزيد أيضاً من التعديلات لتكون ممتازة ^.^"

    Story of strange boat / Story of wonderful boat
    One of atheists challenge - they not believe of Allah ( God ) - Muslims scientists in one countries . They chose smarter one of them to reply to him , and they selected appointment in this appointment every one watch and wait to arrive the scientist , but he delayed then the atheist said to audience : your scientist escape and fear ( he is escape and fear ) . Because he knew I'll win to him , and I prove to you in this universe no god . when he speaks the Muslim scientist came and apologized for late . After that he said : when I was in the road to here I didn't found any boat to pass the river . And I waited on the beach ... by surprised the plates of wood appear and gathered fast with together with system until became a boat .
    after that .. the boat be near to me , then I rode it and I came here . The atheist said : this man crazy ! How it can the wood gathered and become boat without any one make it ?! How it can be ?! And How he moved without anyone move it ?
    the scientist smile ... and said : then what you said to yourself when you said : This greatest and biggest universe without God ?
    after that the atheist said : I prove ( agree ) no god except Allah .

    notes :
    1- I was enjoyed when I translated this short story .. thanks my bro ..I love like this stories ^^
    2- Do u wrote this from ur mind ? or which book you take it ? can u write the name of book you take this story ..?!
    3- I don't know exactly I'm good for translate or not .. but I wish to be honest with me ..and don't forget me from ur advice to develop my ( skill ) language ?
    4- I'm not sure of translate :
    I prove ( agree ) no god except Allah .
    what you said to yourself when you said
    by surprised the plates of wood appear and gathered fast with together with system until became a boat .

    thanks my brother for every thing ^__^

    your brother lover / atha3r almobtasem

  16. #36

    الصورة الرمزية Schwert

    تاريخ التسجيل
    Nov 2008
    كاتب الموضوع

    افتراضي رد: The texts translation into English

    Peace be upon you
    Hi my friend Althagher Al Mubtasim, how r u man, about me I'm fine and praise be to Allah, I'm happy to c u in this topic and thanq for ur brilliant words

    my topic is for u my mate until if u didn't try to translate into English before, ur first try will help u to learn more and also continue to translate another pices and this aim of topic, the mistakes will be discovered^ ^ and then will be corrected in sha'a Allah

    علامات الترقيم أظن ان فيها بعض الاخطاء..عذراً انا لست جيداً فيها فلم أهتم بها لقلة كتابتي لقطع الأنشاء^ ^
    النقطة الثانية انا معك بها تماماً..الهدف من وضعي لقصص دينية هو النشر لغير المسلمين لكي يتعرفوا الدين الاسلامي أي لأغراض دعوية
    شكراً على التعديل أخي الثغر المبتسم انا لم ادقق في التركيب اللغوي للنص كثيراً لكن الان هو أفضل: )1

    I became happy when I know that you or anyone benefited from this topic and enjoyed it
    about this story frankly I took it from another forum when I looked for short stories in google
    I defined ur level in English through ur topics and comments in EF and I saw that you can do brilliant jobs and know that you're good in English my friend (: but don't forget increase ur info from time to time because we all need to learn more until if we excellent

    I think that the correct of those sentences are:1
    I certify that there's no god except Allah(The God)1
    What do you say to your self and you say:1
    Suddenly wood boards appeared and gathered together systematically and quickly and then became a boat

    I appriciate ur effort to translate this story my friend and I'm happy for that
    and you're welcome^___^1
    Peace be upon you

  17. #37

    الصورة الرمزية I LOVE JORDAN

    تاريخ التسجيل
    Jan 2009

    Smile رد: The texts translation into English

    Peace be upon you

    and thanks for your effort you made in this topic ...

    i read the topic from the beginning and i wanted to practice >>>>

    but i didn't have a lot of time ,,, translation for me is a nightmare ^^

    but you know, to translate from Ar to Eng is more difficult ,,, and need more work

    i am with the suggestion of mohbaboo ,,,

    that our original language is Ar and translation to it will give more comfort and free in dealing with words >>>

    ... best wishes ...

    C U

  18. #38

    الصورة الرمزية Schwert

    تاريخ التسجيل
    Nov 2008
    كاتب الموضوع

    افتراضي رد: The texts translation into English

    Peace be upon you
    Hi my dear sis I love Jordan, how r u, delight me see u in this topic and u r welcome here
    well, translation may be difficult but it's not in everything, I want u look at it as easy thing, u can try to translate a small part here and then increase that bit by bit and we here will try to correct the mistakes until u define it and exceed it in the next time, and about from any language u will translate this back to; u r free in relation to that and u can add everything u like; Arabic or English and then translate it but it must be 3 lines at least"^ ^, thank you my sis I wish u benefit from this topic, PBUY

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