اقتباس المشاركة الأصلية كتبت بواسطة Azuma مشاهدة المشاركة
Yeah may be I'm having some problems in description
It's like I want to fully transform the picture I saw to your mind and so was forced to use as many adj as possible , hope you get it well.
Yeah, I fully got it!
No one said anything about your description. You did good in everything ^o^=b

Even more excited to read the poem ,if I'm not asking too much u might bring it ^_^
thanks sis I was glad by your visiting and next time tell me the weakness in my text
I wish I know the name of the poem. I have to search through piles of books and papers to
find it ^^;
And weakness? I must apologize to declare...I haven't found any weakness!!
Frankly speaking, you write very well. Although you have some mistakes, you know Gr errors and such, but
comparing to the story you send to me, your writing is getting even better.

Don't let anything hold you back from writing. wishing for you all the best~