First Thank you about swap & Dog ^__^

اقتباس المشاركة الأصلية كتبت بواسطة mohbaboo مشاهدة المشاركة

1You can't write more than one answer, I know it's possible to have more than one, but you have to choose one and I think that's a common sense and I didn't need to tell you that
So, if you wrote more than one answer, the answer is considered wrong

I did't know that we have to write only one word in the questions A & B

so I wrote two answers and I was sure of them & they are the same asnwers that you have written

I didn't write any word wrong all I did was that I have written two words & they are both correct and you wrote them in your answers

My only Mistake in the quiz is the fourth sentence in question D and I got 14 ??