ياليت أحد منكم يعلمني بصحة أجوبتي هذي .. ولو بعض الأسئلة ..

You must not write a letter (in-on-through) red ink
The pine apple was cut (by-with-in) a knife
Im (at-on-in) a hurry
I (know-knew-have known) him since I was a hoy
I introduce Tom , a friend of (me-my-mine), tobetty yesterday.
She is (much-more-very) younger than I
Either You or I (is-am-are) to blame
A tire broke (down-out-up-) during the night

I bought the pen (for-of-in) 100 dollars
Milk is made(from-of-into) butter and cheese
He asked her (play-playing-to play)the piano
When (have you seen-did you seen-were you seen) her last
I know an amirkan girl (who-whose-whom) name is julia
(this my pen-my pen this-This pen of mine) is Old
(What-how much-how many) is price of this watch?
He,ll be back (in- for-before) long
He is looking forward to(see-seeing-seen) you next month
you shold try to be kind to(other-one-others).
I bought a new camera (who-which-what) can take panoramic pictures
We have (few-many-little) time to exercise
It is easy (for me - of me - me (to raed these books