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ãÔÇåÏÉ ÇáäÓÎÉ ßÇãáÉ : l ✮✮ lstick it *

9-8-2010, 06:53 PM


happy me to back again
miss u sooo much
and have new look for u

with no more introductions
look at this pic below and try to think what's it about


It's ur Weapon…ur way to achieve ur dreams …ur savior from troubles
So.. what is it .. and how it works
This is what I was amazed with and what I'm talking about


Have u ever dreamed to be strong .. or enjoy the fitness
ok drow ur imagination .. and stick it



What about ur favourite country ? that u look for visting
If we consider it as Japan .. so collect some pics about it and then stick them



Ur house is narrow .. and u r dreaming with bigger one

....Stick it



Ther is some food u like but can't cook it … just stick it



U want a car .. but don't have enough mony up to now
… don't worry stick it



U r always waiting to hear possitive words from others to go on
Now .. no more waiting .. just stick it


Now .. ur wall must be like that


Actually .. I called it "an achievment wall "
Every thing I dream with … I always stick it without thinking
They maybe distort the look of ur room
But what if they'll come true soon
I think they r deligting ur room now !!!!

I'm not kidding or talking from my own .. it's real
Let's see what r these stuff … and how they works


In fact .. they consedered as instructions to ur inner mind

Scientest had proved that our inner mind response to orders wahtever they r

In several ways … one of them and the strongest …. Is a .... (Graphic Orders)o

Is to put ur orders into a picture .. or piece of paper and then stick it
In the best place u often passing by

Every time ur eyes see these orders .. it send to
ur mind ( im puls) to be attention to them

And then .. it's role begin


Allah created the mind as a server for u .. it's responsible to achieve ur orders
Or guied u to the places or situations that may help u through ur way to success

For example .. if u dream to a busness man
It helps u to find the best company … and then to find good ppl may help u
From their expriences … one day soon .. u'll be what u aim to " insha'a Allah"
Then u can bey the house , the car and travel to ur dreamy world


That's doesn’t happened easily
U have to programme ur mind to be ready for this trip

ur order must be clear and specific ...-1-o

Don't give an order .. "I'm a graet person "o
U have to be clear .. u can say
.. " I'm a great person in my work "…" I'm a clever in maths"


-2-.... don't give ur mind contract orders

e.g : ifu gave ur mind an order " I have a healthy body "
and next day .. u met ur friend asking u about ur self
then u told him .." I'm not fine .. have a weak body and terrible mode "o

remember .. ur mind response to the order after word I


3-repeat it many times .. try to stick it as much as u can

In ur room .. ur office .. ur lap … and so on
Every time ur mind see it .. it get active and take it seriously


4- be optimistic .. think of the possitive side only

U help ur mind that way
And our prophet had learned us befor thousand years ..
but scientest have just descover it recently by their reserching

Now ur order waiting for achieve
It's amazing mechanism we have inside us .. and we just don't feel it


I read about it a great book called

i found it at ( Jareer library ) in KSA
and never found it some where else

but it's really the best of the best i had ever read


If u have the easiest way to get success .. why do u look for the harder one ?

Ur minds is waiting for ur orders now
Put the biggest dream before .. then fil it with the small ones

Finally .. it's something in my mind



hope u enjoyed


Midnight Rain
9-8-2010, 11:49 PM
WAAAO! even though i red only the first half of your thread
i am impressed ^o^ this subject you chosen
is really good i know that i always try to order my mind
around to forget something unpleasant
or to make him work hard do things i want him to do without thinking
"i have no mode i'll do it later" or "i am too lazy to do it
most of the time it works but some times i barely
manage to make him obey me><
anyway thanks for the nice thread hope to see more ^^

10-8-2010, 01:31 AM

......... Reserved
it's an excellent and a very useful topic , your effort is obvious and for that i thank you

good bless you

17-8-2010, 08:54 PM
is really good i know that i always try to order my mind
around to forget something unpleasant
or to make him work hard do things i want him to do without thinking

then i see there r ppl do the same
that's really what i meant
u got it

thanks sis for pasing by

and thanks for Mido

18-8-2010, 12:06 AM

great topic

thnx alot

18-8-2010, 01:21 AM
Nice subject
and good idea

18-8-2010, 10:39 PM
so so so cool

enjoyed with your topic though I did not complete it

I will read it carefully and maybey will back again here

thank you again sis

good bye