المساعد الشخصي الرقمي

مشاهدة النسخة كاملة : The power of Love

free person
11-1-2011, 05:48 PM
( ♥♥The power of Love ♥♥)

The love have flaming power to do a lot of miracles in the life

The love have ability to change the world


We must in the first learn how to love ourselves, because if we love ourselves we can love all thing, by forgive and forget

Yes, we must learn how to forgive and forget our mistakes and other mistakes toward us


And then, we should to be teacher in love, teaching all people How to love themselves and their families

We can receive the love if we can give it to other

There are many kinds of love, but I think the most important kind of love is

(♥The family love♥)

Because the family is the first society to any person, and if he have enough love in his family, he can then give this love to all people outside this society

(♥In Family environment♥)

we must to be like friends, like one soul, all members in the family share other all thing

(The happiness & The sadness )

This strong relationships plant love

The life is very difficult without love especially between family

The really love have solution to any thing

I think

♥ If the patient love the life maybe this feel make him better and recover soon

♥If students learn to love their future, they study hardly and enjoy in this study

♥If each friends have clear love to other the relationship will be stronger forever

♥If any women love her house and family, she do all what she can do and even more to make this house happy

All this and more just if we learn How to love ourselves in the first and then The other

Because, some time our heart have really love

But we cannot express this love correctly

اخر شيء
13-1-2011, 01:42 PM
Peace be upon you my dear free person
I'm really impressed to see your new topic.
You really moved me with your fabulous words T^T

It's true that if we didn't learn how to love ourselves, we can't love others
nor can we teach them how to love themselves
Amazingly is that if we loved ourselves, we can change into better
Better than what the word "better" signifies
You've taught me a lesson that I forgot

Yes, we must learn how to forgive and forget our mistakes and other mistakes toward us
"To forgive and forget" is a difficult task. You can't master this skill
that easily
I prefer forgiving, but not forgetting, then again, how can I forgive when I don't forget?
I know not the answer of this question...

I like your topic.
Thanks for sharing it with us.
Keep on writing!
Next time you write a topic, I'll point out one or two of your mistakes ^^;
I hope you don't mind..

free person
13-1-2011, 05:44 PM
Thanks about your opinion, I am really happy about it

I Know my dear friend forgive and forget is not easily task to do, but we must know something when we do that we do that in the first to ourselves not to other humans, do that to our soul to live in freedom from upset and anger, but this not mean we can do that in all instants, in some instants I like you forgive but not forget , because

) المومن لا يلدغ من جحر مرتين )

Dear friend , I am not mean in my word to forgive and forget any one because some people do not worth that, I am too not mean to be easily goals to false peoples to heat us, When I forgive to be in peaceful in my mind and soul and not necessary to forget this mistake in some instant , to learn from it how in the next time to be more carefully.

All what I mean how to be in inner peace

Best Wishes to you

Free Person

17-1-2011, 08:11 AM
peace b upon you

thank you for yor topic

you know , I liked what've you meant

Love . is a great feeling if it was in it's correct place

no matter then what the person faces in his life becaouse when you lve something

you'll accept any thing from it


we shoulnot forget that we must love ALLAH
fisrt and first

so we can work hard to seek his love

then every thig is gonna be lright . isn't it ?
thanks again

pray on prophet

17-1-2011, 05:22 PM
yo ^^ hope ur fine and well
thx for the topic .. its very good
love. indeed its very powerful .. it can change alot in our lives

Yes, we must learn how to forgive and forget our mistakes and other mistakes toward us
thats true .. forgiving might be easy but forgeting is hard

(♥The family love♥)

i kept on looking at this part .. the family love i dont see how
a bunch of people living in one house under the same roof can hate each other
there may be small fights between them but no hate

(The happiness & The sadness )

the hapiness and the sadness
maybe i can call them pillars of love
happines is like a "+" in the love account and sadness is "-" .. so
with happiness love goes up and with sadness in down

I think

♥ If the patient love the life maybe this feel make him better and recover soon

♥If students learn to love their future, they study hardly and enjoy in this study

♥If each friends have clear love to other the relationship will be stronger forever

♥If any women love her house and family, she do all what she can do and even more to make this house happy

well said ^__^
thx again for the tpoic
se u soon with more intersting topics

* i think there are alot of spelling mistakes .. sorry bout that

free person
17-1-2011, 09:57 PM
Thanks a lot my sister smile

You are right the love of Allah is the biggest love in this live and we must keep this love in our heart forever whenever we go

& Thanks a lot my brother The. B. King

I agree with your opinion in family love not all days sweet we must have some salt

To have balance in life

22-1-2011, 07:31 PM
What a great subject I have just read

I enjoyed reading it , especially when it talks about something

that I lot of people have forgotten all about it

... the love among your own society is the most important love as you mentioned

... Thank you again for this subject

25-1-2011, 10:37 AM
thanks my sis about this topic but i think you must translate in to English
my real opinion i dont love something about love but love my allah first and my religion then my
environment ^^
have nice , good and best day

25-1-2011, 03:45 PM
Ma sha'a Allah
it's a beautiful expression dear sister and it's expressive, good work and I appreciate ur effort
I would thank you twice for this brilliant topic so thank you again^ ^1
keep going