المساعد الشخصي الرقمي

مشاهدة النسخة كاملة : درس جديد ♠♠Situational Dialogues♠♠

1-10-2011, 04:43 PM
Peace Be Upon All Of You Guys
How are you all How is it going? today I present to you groups of Dialogues with different and various titles and absolutely contents, I'll try to put two dialogues namely two different dialogues in a topic and next topic will be the same in sha Allah and so on, each dialogue has four parts, every part has specific expression which different than the others and so forth but all parts express the same idea in a different way, I think that these dialogues could be useful for people who want to learn English well, and may what I present benefit you and this is my aim from this topic, if you liked it please tell about that in your comment till I complete what I have started, your participations will determine the next step, all the best

Asking The Way
A Excuse me. Can you tell me where South Street is, please?
B Take the second on the left and ask again.
A Is it far?
B No, it's only about five minutes' walk.
A Many thanks
B Not at all
A Excuse me, please. could you tell me the way to the station?
B Turn round and turn left at the traffic-lights.
A Will it take me long to get there?
B No, it's no distance at all.
A Thank you.
B That's OK.
A Excuse me, but I'm trying to find the Town Hall.
B Take the third on the right and go straight on.
A Should I take a bus?
B No, you can walk in it under five minutes.
A Thank you very much indeed
B That's quite all right.
A Excuse me, please. Could you tell me how to get to the town center?
B First right, second left. You can't miss it.
A Is it too far to walk?
B No, it's only couple of hundred yards.
A Thanks very much.
B It's a pleasure.

In a Restaurant
A Can I take your order, sir?
B yes, I'd like to try the steak, please.
A And to follow?
B Ice-cream, please.
A Have you decided on something, sir?
B Yes, Haddock*, and chips for me, please.
A How about the sweet?
B No sweet thanks. Just coffee.
A Have you chosen something, sir?
B Yes, I think I'll have the curry, please.
A What would you like afterward?
B I'd like some fruit if you have any.
A May I take your order, sir?
B I'll just take a small salad, please.
A Do you want any sweet?
B Apple pie and custard would be nice.
*Haddock: a kind of fish

Nino chan
1-10-2011, 11:06 PM
Peace be upon ya
Indeed something very interesting and useful is going here !
yet you gotta bring more situations from daily-life .... every time make sure you update this
and believe me .... it gonna be very handy to a lot !


حياة القلوب
2-10-2011, 12:55 AM
it is good you can go on
thank you verymuch

2-10-2011, 10:25 AM
Thank you brother
^_^ keep'em coming

2-10-2011, 02:02 PM
delighte me seeing ur beautiful words guys
and thank you everyone
wishing to see others too
all the best

الآنسة سالي
7-10-2011, 08:07 PM

وعليكم السلام ورحمة الله وبركاته

so sorry for being late , I was busy and my Laptop charger burned

but i`m proud of you . and of such a topic

simple and useful ... thank u very very much

Keep goin` i

9-10-2011, 11:25 AM
Thank you very much
keep FLAYING ~
(^^ ))