المساعد الشخصي الرقمي

مشاهدة النسخة كاملة : I have been doing & I have done

مس ساندرا
5-1-2012, 01:59 AM


I have been doing & I have done

How are you guys ?
I hope that you are fine..

O.K .. My topic is clear from its title as I think ..
so , it’s about have been doing & have done ..

let’s start guys !


starting point :
please concentrate in the sentences’ structure ::

"I have been baking cake since 2 : 30 p.m"
and ::
"I have cooked two cakes"

In the first sentence I talk about the "TIME" which I spend on cooking cakes ..
In the second sentence I talk about the "NUMBER" of cakes which I’ve done ..


so ..
When we want to talk about how many (hours-minutes-moments-months-days...etc) which we spend on doing something , we shlould use "Have or has + been + verb with ing"

When we want to talk about how many (cakes-moneys-cups-spoons..etc) which we have done
on a specific period of time ..
we should use "Have or has + Verb3" ..


on the first sentence , which is about time .. we should use one of these words :
1- SINCE: we use it with specific number or name , like : "May-Saturday-1990-2:30 and so on "
2- FOR : we use it the number of "Hours-minutes .." like : "for two hours-three days-one year and so on"


Although that it’s my first topic in this forum ,
I hope that the lesson is understood by you .. !

Bye guys , take care in you selves .. !


5-1-2012, 02:07 AM
Nice !h
present perfect continuous focuses on the amount of time we spend doing something in the past
while present perfect focuses more on things happened at an unspecified time in the past

Thanks alot
your lesson is simple but useful and may help those who find it hard to differentiate between the two

مس ساندرا
5-1-2012, 02:48 AM
Thank’s Azuma ..
I hop that they can differentiate between them after this lesson ..
I know that it’s simple because it’s my first topic here ..

5-1-2012, 02:49 AM
simple = easy not humble ^_^

مس ساندرا
5-1-2012, 06:02 PM
OH !
I thought that you meant (without complex details)
Ok that’s not a problem ..
all of those meanings are suitable ..
thank you !

غصنُ البَانِ
9-1-2012, 09:28 PM
Great! THank you so much, actually I'm such a trouble maker when it comes to grammar T.T
I have a question, is it right if I said: "I've been thinking that I wanted....etc"? Because I got confused
And thanks alot =D

مس ساندرا
11-1-2012, 06:59 PM
I think that’s depend on what the tense which you mean ..
If you mean the past perfect passive .. you should say "I had been thinking that I wanted"
but If you mean the present perfect active passive you should say "I’ve been thinking that I want"
It’s like this as I think >> I hope that I was useful for you ..

غصنُ البَانِ
12-1-2012, 10:10 AM
Oh... Yes you're right. No I swear you helped me =D
Thank you so much <3

مس ساندرا
12-1-2012, 10:33 PM
You’re welcome ^^

الآنسة سالي
13-1-2012, 02:31 AM

and peace be upon you honey

apologize me for being late to pass and comment

what an excellent lesson you have explained

easy, clear and very useful

most students find that it`s difficult to differentiate between some E rules

keep it up and practice , eager to see more and more from you miss

all love


14-1-2012, 12:55 PM
I think that’s depend on what the tense which you mean ..
If you mean the past perfect passive .. you should say "I had been thinking that I wanted"
but If you mean the present perfect active passive you should say "I’ve been thinking that I want"
It’s like this as I think >> I hope that I was useful for you ..

I'm sorry but I don't think that would be a structure commonly used in English
we can possibly say

Besides , you said past perfect passive but it's past perfect continous
and the other one will be present perfect continous as well

About Nuha's question
I'll try to look deep into it and get it to you


14-1-2012, 11:22 PM
After asking , I have been told that It probably sounds better if we put both verbs in the same tense. For example, it would sound better if you said, "I think that I want..." for a present tense, and for something in past tense, you could say "I thought that I wanted..."k

Hope now you cleared your confusion