المساعد الشخصي الرقمي

مشاهدة النسخة كاملة : Let’s learn how to Pronounce !

مس ساندرا
17-1-2012, 09:49 PM
let’s improve our pronunciation !

Through our English learning’s flight , as we already know we must learn how to write,listen and read . The most important thing which I wanna talk about is how to pronunce the words in English or how to "read" in a right way ..

How can I improve my pronunciation ?!
you can do that by different ways , such as :
Listening to people who have native accent.
Watching programs in English.
Knowing the true pronunciation via talking dictionaries.
Using devices which require an English langauge to deal with it "I mean programs which enabled you to talk with it "

these are some ways to improve your pronunciation ..
and the most important thing is : Not To Be Embarrassed about your pronunciation ..

First Step :
In this topic, I wanna share with you ,
you should write a word , or litters in words , and write the right way to pronunce it ..

Let me start :
Light : "g-h" is silent ..
National : "tion" is pronunce as : "sh"

Can you bring another words ??

Take care in your selves ..


18-1-2012, 12:03 AM
Hey =) .,
This is a really great idea since my pronunciation is really horrible !!
I'm not that good
But still ..,

[ Photo ]
" Ph " is Pronunce as = " F "

And thank you Miss. Sandra for this great idea ^^

مس ساندرا
18-1-2012, 12:26 AM
Your welcome Ragod ..
passion : "ssion" as : (Sh)
: )

18-1-2012, 11:00 PM
Good !

my shot


K- gh are silent
looool we've eaten half of the word it seems

مس ساندرا
19-1-2012, 10:47 PM
Heart : "ea" are like "part" in pronunciation ..

20-1-2012, 05:32 PM
This is really wonderful idea
Nice I'll try
"A" is pronounced as "ei"
and pronounced like the word say

I have a suggestion why don't we start first in vowel as example
?then diphthong then words and so on

لايـــت مونـ
22-1-2012, 06:52 PM
http://im16.gulfup.com/2012-01-22/1327247189472.gif (http://www.gulfup.com/show/Xvcdpndhkektt)
Thank you allot for this topic
It is great words about Pronounce

really I like it

thanks for your efforts

http://im16.gulfup.com/2012-01-22/1327247189472.gif (http://www.gulfup.com/show/Xvcdpndhkektt)

22-1-2012, 11:35 PM
we can't pronounce in perfect way like native people because it's a second language for us , but we can pronounce it as much we can by your ways as you said, and hoping to be from ordinary into perfect as a native with practice of course
online dictionaries are useful
and my words is Ethics + School (sometimes in english language Pronounce (C) as (K)
Thank you

24-1-2012, 02:15 AM
we can't pronounce in perfect way like native people because it's a second language for us , but we can pronounce it as much we can by your ways as you said, and hoping to be from ordinary into perfect as a native with practice of course

Sorry , I believe we can
since there are those non native Arabs who could master the language (the Rich language that has a very difficult sound system and letters that aren't in any other language ) and can speak quite the same as real Arabs, We can master English and speak like natives as well
It's a challenge we make by Practicing as you said

and my words is Ethics + School (sometimes in english language Pronounce (C) as (K)

Actually It's all the times that C is pronounced as k except in one condition
When it is followed by these 3 letters

y= cycle

so it's S only here and not k

مس ساندرا
26-1-2012, 05:41 PM
that’s perfect ! let me start : Practice : "c" as "k" because of the vowel "a" before "c"

مس ساندرا
26-1-2012, 05:43 PM
Your welcome light moon ..
I’m happy for that ..

1-2-2012, 10:12 AM
" tissue " is Pronunced as " Tesho "


مس ساندرا
1-2-2012, 08:48 PM
decision as "decijion" --> with mitigate "j"

2-2-2012, 11:34 PM
"Cavity is pronounced as "ka:viti

3-2-2012, 01:33 AM
always want to know difference between P and b
please don't said p pen or b book
or the heavy or light one
or other crabby stuff
hope to reach to accurate pronounce

8-2-2012, 06:55 PM
" Century " is Pronunced as "senchry "

مس ساندرا
8-2-2012, 06:58 PM
Children as "cheldren"
and not like "child" which is as "chaield"

غصنُ البَانِ
10-2-2012, 11:36 PM
Awesome, loved it :D

Okay, let me start with (Awesome), we pronounce it as: (Awsom) :$x
Also, (Enough) the (gh) part is pronounced as (F), so it's (enuf) :D

10-2-2012, 11:53 PM
that’s perfect ! let me start : Practice : "c" as "k" because of the vowel "a" before "c"

How's that O_o?
letters before C have no effects on it
A before C has nothing to do with pronouncing it as K
It's because it wasn't followed by the 3 letters I talked about earlier!u

11-2-2012, 02:46 AM
السلام عليكم ورحمة الله وبركاته
اعتقد اني اول شخص يكتب العربية .. اعذروني فهذا بالطبع ليس ضعف للغتي الانجليزية بل بالعكس فأنا ممتاز في اللغة الانجليزية والحمد لله اجتزت اختبار التوفل الامريكي ان كان لديكم خبره عنه ولله الحمد
ولكني كنت ماراً بإحدى اقسام المنتدى ورأيت هذا الموضوع فقررت ان القي نظره ..
ندخل في محور الحديث الذي انتم تتحدثون عنه وهو "النطق" او "البروناونسييشن = pronunciation" ..ارى ان فريق منكم ذهب يحضر كلمات في اللغة الانجليزية ويشرح الحروف المنطوقة فيها وهي طبعاً كلمات تخضع لقواعد معينه .. وإن عملنا بهذه الطريقة وبهذا الشكل فالكلمات كثيرة ولا حصر لها
الاهم هنا علينا هو تعلم قاعدة ومن ثم تطبيقها على كل الكلمات من اولها الى اخرها .. طبعاً الشرح الموجود في الموضوع عن طرق تطوير النطق لديك جميلة ولكنها مرهقة ومتعبه في ظل العمل الفردي وايضاً مملة بعض الشيء ما جعلني اكتب بالعربية والتوضيح لكم كما قلت ليس لضعف اللغة بل العكس تماماً فأنا اجيدها بشكل ممتاز الحمد لله .. انا فقط اريد ان افيد واستفيد .. فيمكنني الان إن احببتم سوف افتح من اجلكم موضوع متكامل عن كيفية نطق جميع الكلمات في اللغة بمعرفة امور بسيطة ان شاء الله او انتظاري حتى الرد القادم اشرح امور بسيطة .. لكم الخيار ..
الرد الذي هو فوق ردي مباشرة .. هنا تستفسر عن كيفية نطق الكلمة "براكتس = Practice" حقيقة هذه الكلمة جمعت الاثنين وهنا سأشرحها كمقدمة لكم :
نبدأ بشقها الاول Practice >> هنا في هذا الموضع الموضح باللون الاحمر جاء بعد حرف الـ " C " حرف غير الحروف الثلاثة وهي " e , y , i " فلذلك ننطقها " K "
نأتي للشق الثاني Practice >> هنا في هذا الموضع الموضح باللون الازرق جاء بعدها احد الحروف الثلاثة المذكورة ولذلك ننطقها " C "
ونشير هنا الى ان هذه القاعدة تطبق على جميع الكلمات في اللغة الانجليزية فبمجرد ان تشاهد الحرف ما بعد الـ " C " إن لم يكن احد الحروف الثلاثة الموضحة لا تنطقها سوى بــ " K "
هكذا اكون انتهيت ولله الحمد وهذه فكرة بسيطة جداً مما اود تقديمه إن تحمستم للفكرة سوف اقوم بالطرح وإن لم تعجبكم ايضاً فهذا حق لكم ^_^
اشكر صاحبة الموضوع على طرح مثل هذه المواضيع المفيدة عن اللغة الانجليزية ، وانا اااسف جداً مجدداً على تدخلي في موضوع انجليزي بكلام عربي وكما قلت هدفي الافادة بإذن الله ، واتمنى لكم التوفيق ان شاء الله

11-2-2012, 01:44 PM
First of all , I wished that you spoke English in your reply since you know perfectly how to speak
because most of our members know exactly how to read and fully comprehend English

Second of all ,thanks to your adds which were truly helpful and reasonable

لرد الذي هو فوق ردي مباشرة .. هنا تستفسر عن كيفية نطق الكلمة "براكتس = Practice" حقيقة هذه الكلمة جمعت الاثنين وهنا سأشرحها كمقدمة لكم :
نبدأ بشقها الاول Practice >> هنا في هذا الموضع الموضح باللون الاحمر جاء بعد حرف الـ " C " حرف غير الحروف الثلاثة وهي " e , y , i " فلذلك ننطقها " K "
نأتي للشق الثاني Practice >> هنا في هذا الموضع الموضح باللون الازرق جاء بعدها احد الحروف الثلاثة المذكورة ولذلك ننطقها " C "
ونشير هنا الى ان هذه القاعدة تطبق على جميع الكلمات في اللغة الانجليزية فبمجرد ان تشاهد الحرف ما بعد الـ " C " إن لم يكن احد الحروف الثلاثة الموضحة لا تنطقها سوى بــ " K "
هكذا اكون انتهيت ولله الحمد وهذه فكرة بسيطة جداً مما اود تقديمه إن تحمستم للفكرة سوف اقوم بالطرح وإن لم تعجبكم ايضاً فهذا حق لكم ^_^
اشكر صاحبة الموضوع على طرح مثل هذه المواضيع المفيدة عن اللغة الانجليزية ، وانا اااسف جداً مجدداً على تدخلي في موضوع انجليزي بكلام عربي وكما قلت هدفي الافادة بإذن الله ، واتمنى لكم التوفيق ان شاء الله

I think you kinda repeated all what I have just explained in my reply if you read it carefully
you can also look at my reply over here
#9 (http://www.msoms-anime.net/showthread.php?t=167620&p=3087883&viewfull=1#post3087883)

So once again thanks and we will wait for your next adds

11-2-2012, 09:55 PM
but u didnt tell me .. could i make a spatial topic about those grammars or just make a simple reply

11-2-2012, 11:09 PM
As you wish
and you are more than welcome to do that

12-2-2012, 12:29 PM
Hallo there
I'd like to thank you sister for the helpful topic
in relation to the pronounciations of words, let me tell you it was my bothersome problem in english in the begining
but wht has helped me yet to be good in this skill is the listening, as much as you listen the queer language as much as you get better in it
and this topic is a good way to improve this skill certainly

my whirl^ ^1

Soldier, 'di' here is pronouncied as 'J' namely like = Slojer


12-2-2012, 03:54 PM
ok guys do u wanna me but it in E or A .. its up to u
^_^ im waiting ur answer

مس ساندرا
22-2-2012, 09:13 PM
In fact , I know that it’s too hard to learn pronunciation from this topic , because - as I think - It needs to a virtual practice ..
But It just something , helps even if it’s boring and lasting a lot of time ..

Thank you a lot M.محمد أبو عبد
hope to see you here again ..

25-2-2012, 12:23 AM
^_^ OK im gonna make a lesson for u .. ill come back soon

الآنسة سالي
28-2-2012, 01:19 AM
Welcome مس ساندرا

although I came very late , but I have to say something in this topic

which is so easy, useful and has an amazing idea

and welcome every body who participate here


.... let me see

occasion ... "cc " is pronounced as K

and " sion " as we know pronounced as jn

like the word "" television


thanx honey ..

I`ll come back late

مس ساندرا
29-2-2012, 11:29 PM
Welcome الآنسة سالي & even if you late
(Insurance) the : "sur" are pronounced as : Shor
come guys .. let’s complate

1-3-2012, 12:38 AM
ocean --> oshan or something like that
tried to write the right pronounciation
but that was all i got

although there is an E after the C, it does not pronounced as S
لكل قاعدة شواذ

مس ساندرا
1-3-2012, 09:45 PM
Okay .. (when) is pronounced as : [ Wen ]
and "H" is silent .. so it doesn’t like what most learners think ..

: ) Go Ahead Guys

11-3-2012, 03:50 PM
nature /The 'tu' is pronounced like 'ch' as cheap

مس ساندرا
14-3-2012, 08:29 PM
Intellectual : "tua" pronounced as "chowa "

15-3-2012, 10:32 PM
"Natural is pronounced as "nachural

مس ساندرا
16-3-2012, 01:38 AM
"Waiver" as "way"

أسطورة ون بيس
16-3-2012, 03:42 AM
Hi every one

such a good topic

I'll try

hear "ea" like here


16-3-2012, 11:23 PM
"miracle is pronounced as "mirakil

مس ساندرا
19-3-2012, 02:28 AM
Haphazardly : it is not with " F " sound .. but with like the letters

19-3-2012, 10:44 PM
Here the "s" is silent
"The word is pronounced as "debri

مس ساندرا
21-3-2012, 09:24 PM
Thiland : pronounced as "Tailand"

The "H" is silent

21-3-2012, 11:18 PM
"Bronchi is pronounced as "Bronkai
Here the "h" is silent

مس ساندرا
21-3-2012, 11:51 PM
Sip is pronounced like "Sep"

غصنُ البَانِ
22-3-2012, 11:24 AM

We pronounce it like: "Angk-shuhs". This word means: Full of mental distress or uneasiness because of fear of danger.x

24-3-2012, 04:20 PM
"Calcify is pronounced as "kalsifai

afro boy
25-3-2012, 05:01 AM
soup like soap and vice virsa

25-3-2012, 06:56 PM
the "c" here is pronounced as /k/ and the "h" is silent
/so the word is pronounced as /kemotaksiz

مس ساندرا
29-3-2012, 01:10 AM
Scare , care etc in another meaning , all the words which end with (E) and contain (A) are pronounced
with (E) sound like : "Scere"

13-12-2019, 04:38 PM
Elizamor:El-I-za-moreLong I, and a short a in zaShiela:She-laNiftyest: Well......Niftyest.And I usually pronounce Riass name, Rye-usBut I do have one question. How do you pronounce Tse Gaiyan?