ãÔÇåÏÉ ÇáäÓÎÉ ßÇãáÉ : A Story Which I Have Written_Fishing Wisdom

ÃãÉõ Çááå
8-3-2012, 03:24 PM
Humbly, here you are a story of mine which I have written 2 years ago, wish you like it, God Willing.

Fishing wisdom

It is one of the spring peaceful days, the sky is wide and blue as the ocean and the cotton shape white clouds are sailing through it quietly, the cold breeze is playing with the trees leaves gently and the blossoming wild flowers covering the wet soil as a florid rug and spreading their beautiful aroma around…

This day is the promised and desired day for Muhammad the seven years old son of Abdullah; the young man who embraced Islam ten years ago…

Abdullah has promised his son Muhammad of a big fishing day as a prize for finishing memorizing the first three chapters of the Noble Qur`aan…

And here is Muhammad; jumping from happiness and shouting:

- We are going to catch our dinner, right dad?

Abdullah said while he was busy filling the car trunk with the necessary stuff for the trip:

- Yes, in shaa Allah…

Then Abdullah closed the car`s trunk putting his warm hand on his son`s head saying:

- So, you are ready now my champ, ha?

Muhammad with a big smile on his face:

-Off course and I am so excited.

Abdullah smiled in return:

-Then get into the car and let's fly to that lake son.

They both rode the car and before leaving the pregnant mother Azimah (who embraced Islam after marrying Abdullah) was shouting to them:

-Hey…you forgot the baits.

She ran towards the car and handed the baits to her husband smiling gently and saying:

-Was about to sleep with an empty stomach, bigfoot.

Abdullah said while rubbing his head:

-Naaah, I would have come up with some ideas.

Azimah laughed to say:

-Yeah, I know you mister genius.

With a loud laughter; Abdullah said:

-Ok, may I leave now big tummy?

Azimah gently smiled and said:

-Yes of course. May Allah be with you both Ameen

Abdullah replied:

-And you too Ameen.

Please take care of yourself honey.

Azimah replied comforting her husband who was worried to leave his beloved pregnant wife alone in the house since she is in her last month of pregnancy:

-Don`t worry about us, we are under the Most Merciful sight and care.

Abdullah said:

- I told you before; we can postpone this day till after giving birth for our baby… Azimah!! Don`t be stubborn.

Azimah looked at her husband`s eyes and said in a low tone:

-look at our son; he is so happy and excited Abdullah! And I don`t think that you want to break his little heart now and at this happy moment of him, right?

Abdullah took a deep breath stepping on the fuel; saying:

-Ok then, don`t forget the potato salad which you have promised me to make.

Azimah laughed loudly to say:

-How would I?

Muhammad got out of the car window reminding:

-And the ice cream too Mama.

Azimah replied:

-And that too my sweetheart… Please take care of yourselves.

Abdullah moved away waving with his hand; saying:

-Don`t worry, we too are under The Most Merciful sight and care.

While Azimah was watching the car disappearing; she raised both of her hands praying to Allah:

-O Allah, Be my Protector, my husband's and children…Ameen

After few minutes in the car, Muhammad was singing some nasheeds while Abdullah was watching him and smiling for the happiness his son living…

Then Abdullah asked:

-Are you happy, champ?

Muhammad replied while smiling:

-Yes, I can`t wait to be there dad.


-Be patient son, only few miles then we will be fishing our diner in shaa Allah.

After 21 minutes; Abdullah and his son have arrived and they were so amazed by the beauty of the nature around them;the snow-capped mountains peaks which lying behind the emerald lake, the flourishing green trees and the fresh green grass mat which adorned with the wild purple Iris. It was so refreshing for both of them; inhaling the fresh cold air in the arms of the nature there.

Abdullah and his son prepared the fishing tools in minutes then sat by the shore of the lake after fixing the fishing rod; waiting for their diner to catch the bait.

After a while, in wonderment; Abdullah asked himself while looking at his son; who was silent staring at the small waves of the lake`s crystal water:

-What is this little precious brain thinking of?

Then he gently rubbed the back of his son asking:

-Hey, where did you go?

Muhammad looked at his father with his innocent brown eyes smiling, but the look of discomfort was apparent on his face so, Abdullah asked:

-What is the matter son? Don`t you like this?


-No, not that dad but I was thinking.

Abdullah asked:

-Of what?

Muhammad kept on silent for few seconds before asking hesitantly:

-Dad! …Is it right that we have to hate non Muslims?

Abdullah smiled looking forward then asked his son calmly:

-Who told you this?

Muhammad sadly answered:

- Our art teacher.

Abdullah said no word staring at the fishing rod for a while, then with a deep voice he called:


Muhammad responded to his father while his eyes were getting filled with the childish warm tears for the feeling of guilt, thinking that he has ruined their big fishing day which is supposed to be the happiest beautiful memory for both of them.

Abdullah said:

- Listen to me, I know that you are so honest and will always tell the truth so, I am going to ask you and you answer me from your heart and try to understand me, ok?

Muhammad nodded his head positively while looking towards the lake then Abdullah asked:

-Son, what if your mother was a non Muslim,her brothers, their sons and daughters too, would you hate her, your uncles and cousins?

Muhammad`s eyes became wide and directly raised his head looking at his father so surprised to answer in negative:


His father looked towards him kindly and asked calmly:

-Then why to do so with strangers?

There was no response from Muhammad, so his father continued:

-Son, Allah Subhanahu Wa Ta`aalaa says in His Noble Qur`aan: "The food of those who have received the Scripture is lawful for you, and your food is lawful for them. And so are the virtuous women of the believers and the virtuous women of those who received the Scripture before you (lawful for you) when ye give them their marriage portions and live with them in honour". So, would Allah want us to hate them by making a kinship between us and them?

And says Sub`haanahu Wa Ta`aalaa:" Allah does not forbid you to deal justly and kindly with those who fought not against you on account of religion and did not drive you out of your homes. Verily, Allah loves those who deal with equity. " So, is hatred what Allah was talking about in that verse son? And Abdullah repeated:

-To deal justly and kindly.

Abdullah held his son`s shoulder and said:

-look at me champ.

Muhammad looked at his father with his teary eyes saying:

-I am sorry dad.

In wonderment, Abdullah asked:

-For what?

Muhammad cried so hard and with a trembling sad voice; he said:

-It is my fault, I ruined our big day, and It was supposed to be a happy day but I didn`t mean…

And before completing his words; his father took him in his arms and said:

-Come here son, you ruined nothing but you got to know that; I am really happy today more than any day. Do you know why?

Muhammad moved his head in negative which was on the chest of his father; then Abdullah gave the answer saying:

-Because today you have proved for me that you are an amazing Muslim man and a real slave and servant of Allah.

Abdullah took his son`s head between his hands looking at his innocent face and wiping the tears of his son with his warm fingers, saying:

-listen, you did nothing wrong.

Muhammad was listening to his father words and looking at his compassionate eyes then Abdullah pointed to the chest of his son and continued saying:

-You have a real pure heart within this big chest my champ, Ma shaa Allah.

Muhammad sadly said:

-But I was thinking about it dad.

Abdullah smiled saying:

-No, you asked me about it then what does that mean? but your beautiful white heart couldn`t accept it and that that matter has annoyed you so much son and forced you to wonder and ask, am I right?

Muhammad took a deep breath saying:

-Yes dad, and to be honest with you; last night I couldn`t sleep well; thinking about it and I too remembered you dad.

Abdullah laughed and asked:


Muhammad smiled saying:

-Yes ,I remembered when you told me that our prophet Muhammad (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) used to say: love for your brother what you love for yourself and remembered when you said to me that all human beings in this world are brothers and sisters for we have one father and one mother.

Abdullah smiled and asked:

-So, do you believe in that?


-Yes, I do for sure.

Abdullah asked:

-And are you happy for being a Muslim?

Muhammad answered directly:

-I love to be a Muslim always and forever.

Abdullah said:

-Then son, as long as you believe in our prophet and his words (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) then you must love for your brothers and sisters in humanity what you love for yourself!

Muhammad asking:

-To be Muslims?

Abdullah affirmed:

-Yes, and that love won`t ever fill a heart if hatred is taking its place, understood me?

Muhammad smiled:


Abdullah smiled and held his son with one arm saying:

-Come here my big man.

But still, there was a question concerns Muhammad so, he asked:

-Dad! What about our teacher? Is he a bad person?

Abdullah put his hand on his son`s head answering in negative:

-No, don`t say this about him. He just misunderstood the mercy and wisdom of Allah. May Allah guide him and all of us Ameen.


-Should I talk to him?

Abdullah was talking to himself:

-I wish that teacher just stick to his art and leave those innocent children alone in peace.


-What have you said dad?


-Oh, no no... Just leave him to me in shaa Allah, ok champ?



Suddenly, the fishing string has pulled so hard;Abdullah jumped on his feet catching the fishing rod pulling it strongly and calmly saying:

-Son, I need your help in here.

Muhammad held the rod with his father and they both started pulling their diner. Then Abdullah in amazement:

-Wow, it must be a huge fish.

They pulled together but then the thing which was pulling the fishing string got released; while Abdullah and his son were pulling it from the other side with all of their strength so, they fell on their backs on the ground so hard.

Abdullah looked at his son who was staring up without even blinking so, in fear he asked:

-Are you ok?

But there was no response so, he again shouted repeatedly:

-Son? Son? Muhammad?

Then Muhammad wondered while looking up:

-Is that our diner dad?

Abdullah looked up to see a big black boot dangling above their heads so, he exhaled his fear and laughed saying:

-I don`t think so.

Then both of them burst into laughing.

When the dusk came; the door of Azimah has been knocked so, she left the kitchen opening the door to find her husband carrying two big fishes and another big one was in her son little hands.Abdullah directly asked:

-Where is my salad?

His wife laughed to say:

-Waiting for you on the table, I don`t know who has the big tummy here?

After 20 minutes for the three fishes on the griller; the family started having the best happy dinner of an amazing fishing trip which will be printed in the memory of a small innocent child forever.

The End

ÃãÉõ Çááå
17-4-2012, 09:44 AM
Just finished correcting some mistakes

I would love to thank those who thanked me;

Hope Tear (http://www.msoms-anime.net/u1115089.html),ßæäÇä 117 (http://www.msoms-anime.net/u1070161.html)

May Allah love you both and Be pleased with ya Ameeeeen

also, thanks for the one who made this story with sticky threads of this section and for the one who removed it from there too

love ya all no matter what, May Allah never prevent ya from seeing His AlMighty Face ever Ameeeen

17-4-2012, 10:29 AM
Booked till readin ^^"

sweety angel
17-4-2012, 02:42 PM
that's ameziiing

thx for u

ÃãÉõ Çááå
17-4-2012, 04:59 PM
Booked till readin ^^"

you are very welcome O my respected and noble brother anytime
till the time of reading this humble story of mine and after it, May Allah keep ya safe and happy always Ameeen

that's ameziiing

thx for u

you are the amazing one honey, May Allah reward ya with the best always and forever Ameeen

Xx Spring xX
20-6-2012, 12:20 PM
in the name of god

this is a truely nice story . specialy that it went beyond the limits of only a fishing trip . these were some of the words that touched me a little :
Then son, as long as you believe in our prophet and his words (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) then you must love for your brothers and sisters in humanity what you love for yourself

Im looking forward to see other stories from you . good luck

10-7-2012, 12:18 PM
alsalamu alaikum
how r u ?? hope u r fine
bless u for this great work
i will start reading it later on in sha` Allah

ÃãÉõ Çááå
3-2-2013, 03:37 PM
in the name of god

this is a truely nice story . specialy that it went beyond the limits of only a fishing trip . these were some of the words that touched me a little :
Then son, as long as you believe in our prophet and his words (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) then you must love for your brothers and sisters in humanity what you love for yourself

Im looking forward to see other stories from you . good luck

Thank you so much my sweetheart ^-^

the line you have quoted above O precious is what our beloved Muhammad 9peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) taught us form our Lord The Most Merciful...

some people read The Holy Book of Qur'aan but understand it not, they think that they did but they haven't understood the wisdom and mercy of Allah...

laa ilaha illa Allah.

May Allah bless ya sweetie and give ya the best always and forever Ameen

alsalamu alaikum

how r u ?? hope u r fine
bless u for this great work
i will start reading it later on in sha` Allah

Wa Alikum Assalaam Wa rahmatullahi Wa Barakaatuh

By The blessings and Mercy of Allah, I am in the best . All Praise and Thanks be to Allah.

What about you honey?

God bless ya too my darling and May He love and Be pleased with always Ameen

Enjoy sweetie


And thank you for all those who encouraged me through their lovely thanks
(Hope Tear (http://www.msoms-anime.net/u1115089.html),mohbaboo (http://www.msoms-anime.net/u1038150.html),Mr.D7M (http://www.msoms-anime.net/u1070161.html),ÓíÈÇÓÇßæ (http://www.msoms-anime.net/u1260339.html),Schwert (http://www.msoms-anime.net/u1083583.html),Xx Spring xX (http://www.msoms-anime.net/u1254944.html)).

May Allah love you all and make happiness the title of every single moment of your precious lives Ameeen

Love ya all for the sake of Allah always

take the best care of your precious selves.