ãÔÇåÏÉ ÇáäÓÎÉ ßÇãáÉ : The Promised Day

ÃãÉõ Çááå
15-4-2012, 07:50 AM

The Promised Day

When it’s the time for the promised day to come
There will be all the former peoples and the later ones


The day when all nations will be gathered
Lost, wondering and so frightened


The day when all promises will be fulfilled
Where no right of a creature will be missed


For the winners is the paradise; what a happy life
And for the losers is the flaming hell; in misery oceans they will dive


What’s the matter with you O Jinn and Mankind?
Exerting not all your efforts but taking Satan’s side


Don’t you love and fear The King of living and dead?
Or would you like to have a hole of fire as your bed?


Where to go from The Creator; where to hide?
If hastening not to repentance; in fire you will abide


Days are racing; they are passing by
Take the chance; return to your Lord before you die


Death differentiates not between old ones and the neonate
Then would it miss the youths whom in roses age?


May Allah guide us before standing in His court The Exalted Ameen

Humbly, your sister:

Amat Allah

15-4-2012, 11:25 PM
How sweet and touching these words are !
that is really splendid work
Just remembering what is happening currently in the Islamic and Arabic world will just make me nod my head with tears while reading your words !

ÃãÉõ Çááå
17-4-2012, 08:32 AM
May Allah guide and unite the Ummah of Islam and give us the victory soon Ameeeen

Honey, we need Taqwa and strong Imaan to raise again. Most of our childern now are slaves of this mortal worldly life; so busy with the TV which is the first tool of Fitnah and also so taken and amazed by the life style of the west......

Their thinking is limited to worldly things; left the deen and are busy with songs, movies, video games , fashion and fancy things and if you would go to their houses then you will find the Qur`aan covered with many of the sand dunes and even salat; they do not pray anymore sleeping all day or out with their friends ...they are busy when its time for salat but when its time for a football match or game , they are always free and if not then they will leave everything for it...

Even mothers nowadays (some of them), you will find her calm roaming the house cleaning there and there even when hearing the call of Athan still in peace but when the sun starts rising then its the time for the state of alert; screaming all the way : SCHOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOL

and even beating them sometimes to get up for school but for salat; there is no prob just let the poor kid sleep...

this is how most of us are...alas!

we really need to work hard with ourselves and change our priorities, we need to wake up and remember that the only reason behind our creation was to worship Allah and thats it, this is how we should be Allah's slaves and servants, live for His sake and die for His sake...but are we all like what we should be?

May Allah guide us all Ameeeeeen

Jazakum Allahu khayran my sweetie for the your kind words , May Alla love you, Be pleased with ya and reward ya with the highest level of the paradise without any reckoning and the whole Ummah too .

May Allah make me deserving your sweetness my dear and precious sister Ameeeen

leaving ya under Allah's sight, care and protection

Humbly, your sister who loves ya for Allah's sake always and no matter what, God Willing:

Amat Allah.