المساعد الشخصي الرقمي

مشاهدة النسخة كاملة : Translation Project [WORKSHOP] :D come on guyzz

Nino chan
16-2-2013, 08:41 PM

Peace be upon you my people
First of all HOW are YOU ?! I hope everything is OKAY
Gomin }{“ I was extremely busy to open this workshop

Welcome translators, editors, readers, curious ppl to our Small Workshop
This workshop is for collecting articles and quotes to be translated and edited by us XD
after revising the works, they will be transferred to an encyclopedia : D


Anyone is invited warmly to participate with us, we just need active ppl here :D am nt talking about myself :P
Btw, I won’t stick the topic to let it up by yourselves

Let’s go : D

Nino chan
16-2-2013, 08:43 PM
suggested works & translators, editors
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Nino chan
16-2-2013, 08:44 PM
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Nino chan
16-2-2013, 08:54 PM
lets start with your suggestions first to set up smoothly

from Arabic to English
i feel i can't translate any classic literature so i vote always for Mahmmoud Darwish :$$ ohh
but we can't translate literature only so i've chosen this page to be our main source of quotes

مما قرأت (https://www.facebook.com/Mma.Qara2tt?fref=ts)

the work will be for individuals, but for long quotes or stories.. we need pairs or groups

i gotta stop to finish my other duties, i need all of you to suggest from English to Arabic and vice verse

16-2-2013, 09:03 PM
Hi There
I'm so pleased indeed to see this topic
and I want to thank you a bundle Nino
you spent a time and plain effort to present this topic in this way
* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
as I suggested before, translating sth long to a certain extent
in different topics as you also mentioned upthere
will enrich our vocabularies in a different areas and to learn
pharasl verbs, idioms, ways of expressions, special expressions and so on

This is my first touch, I hope you like it

Be careful what you water your dreams with.
Water them with worry and fear and you will
produce weeds that choke the life from your dream.
Wter them with optimism and solutions
and you will cultivate success.
Always be on the lookout for
ways to turn a problem into an
opportunity for success.
Always be on the lookout for
ways to nurture your dream.

انتبه بماذا تسقي احلامك
اسقهم بالقلق والخوف وستنتج اعشاب ضارة تخنق الحياة التي في احلامك
اسقهم بالبتفاؤل والحلول وستحصد النجاح
كن دائماً منتبهاً للطرق التي تغير من خلالها المشكلة الى فرصة للنجاح
كن دائما منتبها للطرق التي تجعل احلامك نابضة بالحياة

16-2-2013, 09:27 PM
peace upon you all
Thanks Nino for opening the work shop
ISA it 'll be good for us to improve our language
I 'll search for something we can translate
but if anyone find anything please share it here
because that's my first time to search for s.th to translate
good bye until I find s.th or someone find s.th ^^

17-2-2013, 10:22 PM
Hi Guys
I am in again
to present what I have done recently
but this time from Arabic into English
hoping you like it and get enjoyable times with it

I frankly didn't satisfy well on my work
cus I translate into English in an expression and way that sounds as an Arabic expression
but in fact, there're different way of expressing things in English==>English way
and that what I like to learn through this way and I mean this topic

I also would like to know if I have mistakes or a little correction
I also would like to see yours ^ ^, go read now ; )

قصة ذكاء ودهاء
يحكى ان كلثوم بن الأغر ( المعروف بدهائه وذكائه ) . .
كان قائدا" في جيش عبدالملك بن مروان
وكان الحجاج بن يوسف يبغض كلثوم
... فدبر له مكيده جعلت عبدالملك بن مروان يحكم على كلثوم بن الأغر بالاعدام بالسيف فذهبت أم كلثوم إلى عبدالملك بن مروان تلتمس عفوه فاستحى منها لأن عمرها جاوز المائه عام . .
فقال لها :
سأجعل الحجاج يكتب في ورقتين الأولى يعدم وفي الورقه الثانيه لايعدم
ونجعل ابنكِ يختار ورقه قبل تنفيذ الحكم فإن كان مظلوم نجاه آللـَہ . .
فخرجت والحزن يعتريها فهي تعلم أنّ الحجاج يكره ابنها والأرجح أنّه سيكتب في الورقتين يعدم . .
فقال لها ابنها لا تقلقي يا أماه ،
ودعي الأمر لي ..
وفعلا قام الحجاج بكتابه كلمة (يعدم ) في الورقتين /
وتجمع الملأ في اليوم الموعود ليروا ما سيفعل
كلثوم ..
ولما جاء كلثوم في ساحة القصاص
قال له الحجاج وهو يبتسم بخبث
اختر واحده -
فابتسم كلثوم !
واختار ورقه وقال :اخترت هذه.
ثم قام ببلعها دون أن يقرأها
فاندهش الوالي وقال ماصنعت ياكلثوم :
لقد أكلت الورقه دون أن نعلم ما بها !
فقال كلثوم :
يامولاي اخترت ورقه وأكلتها دون أن أعلم مابها ولكي نعلم مابها ، انظر للورقه الأخرى فهي عكسها . .
فنظر الوالي للورقة الباقية فكانت{ يعدم }
فقالوا لقد اختار كلثوم أن لا يعدم
بقليل من التفكير نستطيع صنع أشياء عظيمة .. فإذا أردت صنع الاشياء العظيمة عليك " بالتفكير " ..

The story of intelligence and guile
It's narrated that Kalthom bin Al-Aghar (who known by his smartness and intelligence)
was a commander in the army of Abdul Malik bin Marwan
Al-Hajjaj bin Yousef was abhors Kalthoum
so he plotted a plot made Abdul malik bin Marwan sentence by death on Kalthom bin Al-Aghar so Kalthom's mother went to Abid Al-Malik bin Marwan seeking his pardon on her son
Abid Al-Malik felt shy to refuse the mother's request as she is an old woman passed nearly 100yrs and said to her:
I'll send to Al-Hajjaj to write two papers and write on the first one "Execute" and on the second one "Not Execute" and then we'll ask your son to choose one of them before we apply the execution, so if he is on right, Allah will save him from death
then, the mother left and sadness on her face because she knew that Al-Hajjaj hates her son and probably he will write on both papers "Execute"1
The son said: don't afraid my mother and leave this thing to me
and as mother expected, Al-Hajjaj wrote "execute" on the both papers
People gathered in the big day to see what Kalthom would dose
when he came at the yard of execution
Al-Hajjaj said in a malignant smile: choose one, i.e. a paper
Kalthom smiled and chose a paper then said: I chose this
then he(Kalthom) swallowed it without even read it
The governor surprised of this and said what did u do Kalthom
you ate the paper before we know what was writen on it
Kalthom said: my governor I chose a peper then I ate it and I haven't known what was on it
so if we have to know what was on it, look at the other paper, it will be against the first one
so the governor looked at it and saw "execute"
the people said Kalthon chose "not execute".1

a little time of thinking could makes a great things
so if you want to make great things you have to think

18-2-2013, 01:05 PM
Peace upon you everyone

I read "the story of intelligence and guile " yesterday .I didn't know it before and I like the trick and how Kalthom was very cunning

And because I am very curious about the stories about famous saying and quotes
I 'll share one with you
that's story about famous Arabic saying "Maybe that was good"


The story about a king and his adviser
every time king was in trouble his consultant told him maybe that's good

Someday the king was cleaning his sword when he cut his finger
and the consultant visited the king to make sure he is good
,the consultant : "I'm sorry my king about your injury
Thank god for the accident , sure that's good for you "

the king:
" Are you crazy ???
how did you dare to tell me that's good that I cut my finger
Guards, take the consultant and put him in the jail"

while the guards was taking the consultant to the jail , he said maybe that's good for me

after that the king went in hunting journey and suddenly a tribe caught him
to make him as a sacrifice to their god
but when they found the injury at his finger
they released him

the king remembered when the consultant said " it's good for you "
and released him from the jail

the king: "now I know how that was good for me
but when I ordered to lock you up
how that was good for you ? "

the consultant: " if I was not in jail
I would be with you in the haunting journey
and the tribe might take me instead of you "

the king laughed and knew the value of that word .


the story in Arabic but I didn't translate it in english
I just read it and then write it in my way

لعله خيرا
يحكى ان ملكا كان لديه وزيرا حكيما ...
وكان هذاالوزير كلما المت مصيبة بالملك
يهون على ملكه ويقول له لعله خير يامولاي
فلا أحد يعرف ما هو مقدر له مما تحمله الايام لنا
فقد نراه شرا ويكون الخير فيه وقد نرى الخير في سبيل اخر فيكون الشر فيه

الى ان جاء يوم وضاق الملك ذرعا من كلمة وزيره (لعله خير )
حيث كان الملك ينظف سيفه واذا به يقطع اصبعامن أصابع يديه

فجاء وزيره يزوره ويطمئن عليه
وقال له لابأس عليك يا مولاي ولعله خير لك
فثار غضب الملك وقال له أمجنون انت أيها الوزير ؟
وأين الخير بأن تقطع اصبعي ؟
وامر بسجن وزيره
فقال الوزير والجنود يذهبون به الى السجن( لعله خير)

وبعد مدة كان الملك في رحلة صيد واذا بقبيلة بدائية تمسك بالملك
وتذهب به مكبلا الى حيث تقيم حيث أرادوا ان يقدموه قربانا لالهتهم
فاعدوا النار لكي يحرقوا هذاالملك
فكبلوه وأوثقوه واذ بهم يرون ان اصبعه مقطوعة ولا يصلح لئن يكون قربانا
فأطلقوا سراحه
وهو في طريق عودته عرف ان
قطع اصبعه كان خيرا له
وتذكر كلمة وزيره (لعله خير)
فعاد الى مملكته وأطلق سراح وزيره واعتذر منه
وحكى له ما جرى معه في رحلته وقال له
اما الخير الذي أصابني من قطع اصبعي فعرفته
فمالخير الذي أصابك من سجني لك ؟
فضحك الوزير وقال
لو لم تسجني يا مولاي لكنت معك في رحلتك هذه
ولأخذوني عوضا عنك قربانا
فضحك الملك وعرف قيمة هذه الكلمة
(لعله خير)

sorry if I made any mistake in spelling or grammar
sure that's my first time to write a story in English
so if anyone find any mistake or has any comment
I'll be happy to hear it ^^

Nino chan
18-2-2013, 01:35 PM
good job guyz


gomin for my short time
i'll be free from Wednesday to Friday isa

Miaka Yuki
24-2-2013, 01:59 PM
I'll come back here soon

Nino chan
24-2-2013, 06:38 PM
because there's a problem with editing my previous posts, we need to wait a bit longer.. mmm I'll edit the first two pieces from Schwert.. thanx yugii .. when i can edit freely i'll classify and distribute works isa

8-3-2013, 02:04 AM
peace upon you all
I hope everyone is good
long time not writing things in English
so i decide to search for something useful and i can put it here
and i found this article
wish it be useful and interesting
http://images.msoms-anime.net/images/88320771387851412418.jpg:How to Stop Telling White Lies
Do you let lies slip all the time? Is it hard to control? so read this steps ,it 'll help you

Admit you have a problem. It may sound cheesy, but it is. Admit to whoever you have told lies to
that you've lied to them, and you're trying to kick your habit of lying

Realize why you lie. There are many reasons why someone would tell a lie. Maybe you were embarrased, scared, or did it for gain, say, to get more friends, or be popular. Run the list through your head of all the reasons you lie.

Understand. If you lie because you are embarrassed realize that everyone has the feeling. Lying makes it worse, and you have to tell lie after lie to cover up those white lies until you are buried so deep, you can't get out. And you'll still be embarrassed in the end. Lying to get gain is a little different. If you feel like everyone hates you, or that you have no friends, talk to a close friend or family member.

Be the new you. Make a promise to yourself that you will not tell white lies. Begin with, say, a week.
So, you will not tell a lie for a week. If you pass that goal, make a new one: two weeks. Keep going and going with your goals, until you've completely stopped lying.


الترجمة :::

كيف تتوقف عن قول الاكاذيب البيضاء ؟
هل دائما الاكاذيب تخرج من فمك ولا تستطيع منع نفسك من هذا ... اذا فلتقرأ هذه الخطوات

اعترف ان لديك مشكلة : ربما يبدو هذا نوع من الجنون ولكن فلتحاول ان تخبر من تكذب عليه انك تكذب عليه وانك تحاول ان تتخلص من هذه العادة " اذا كنت لا تستطيع فلتفكر جيدا قبل ان تكذب على احد فإن كذبت سيكون لديك شعور باذنب "

لماذا تكذب: يوجد العديد من الاسباب التى نكذب بسببها مثل الخوف الحرج او لكسب اصدقاء او لنصبح محبوبين
حدد لماذا تكذب فى قائمة واجعلها دائما فى بالك

الادراك: اذا كنت تكذب لانك محرج من قول حقيقة شعورك تجاه شئ ما فيجب ان تدرك ان الكذب لن يحل المشكلة ولكنك ستحتاج الى المذيد من الاكاذيب لتغطية كذبتك البيضاء وكأنك مدفون تحت كم من الاكاذيب التى لن تستطيع الخروج منها وفى النهاية سوف تحرج ايضا
اما اذا كنت تكذب للحصول على المزيد من الاصدقاء ومشاعر الحب وانك تشعر انك مكروه فلتتحدث مع اقرب صديق ليك او احد افراد عائلتك سيعطوك الثقة بأنك محبوب وان الكذب لن يحل المشكلة

كن شخصا اخر: اقطع وعد على نفسك انك لن تكذب مثلا لمده اسبوع "او يومين لو اسبوع كتيير :) " ولو حققت هذا الهدف اجعل الفترة اكبر مثل اسبوعين وهكذا الى ان تتوقف نهائيا عن الكذب

I wish you like the article
it's from WikiHow and BTW it is full of useful articles
"it's suggestion for anyone wants to share here and doesn't know what to write"
see you soon N sha allah ^^