المساعد الشخصي الرقمي

مشاهدة النسخة كاملة : [[[...Share us your ideas & What do you need from the English Forum...]]]

10-9-2013, 10:05 PM
In The Name Of Allah

...Hi Friends

I want to present this topic to know what you members want from this forum to present

How do you like it to be

what things that you expect that will make this forum come back to life again

you have the entire space here to say and suggest what you like, wish or need in this

and all Ur suggestions will be studied to achieve what we are able to do and the best for

and if you please, mention Ur level in English Language that U think U have

مرحبا يا اعضاء منتدى مسومس الكرام الذين يقرأون هذا الموضوع حاليا ^ ^0

هذا الموضوع هو مساحة واسعة لكم لكي تطرحون فيه اراءكم واقتراحاتكم والاشياء والاحتياجات

التي انتم تحتاجونها وتحبون ان تروها في مندى اللغة الانكليزية حتى لو كانت تغيرات على مستوى

تصميم وترتيب المنتدى واقصد منتدى اللغة الانكليزية بشكل خاص

قد يكون البعض بحاجة الى اشياء معينة يتوقع من منتدى اللغة الانكليزية ان يوفرها له او لها لكنه لايجدها هنا

الان يمكنك ان تطرح هذه الرغبات والحاجات هنا في هذا الموضوع واذا كنت مبتدئ او في مستوى لا

يمكنك من الرد بااللغة الانكليزية خذ راحتك وعبر عن ذلك بلغتنا العربية الفصحى^_^ وان شاء الله سيتم

دراسة هذه الاقتراحات والحاجات وتلبية مايمكن القيام به لاجل توفير اقصى خدمة لكم وتحقيق

اهدافكم المتعلقة بدراسة وتطوير انفسكم باللغة الانكليزية الى جانب المتعة والتعاون والتعارف الذي

يتحقق خلال السير في هذا الدرب

اذكر مستواك في اللغة الانكليزية رجاءا في اخر التعليق

Miaka Yuki
11-9-2013, 08:43 PM
I'll be back inshallah
السلام عليكم ورحمة الله وبركاته
Thanks for great idea my bro. ummm
I am going to wirite my problem, so you can know what I want .
I can write, but I cannot write very well. so I hope If we have thread about writing or How do we write very very well and How do we improve our writing to be perefect.
umm my level is intermediate - when I tested in web, it gave me this level.
I hope you understand me

thanks alot.

Miaka Yuki
24-9-2013, 12:23 PM
I'm back

24-9-2013, 03:39 PM
وعليكم السلام ورحمة الله وبركاته

Big thanks goes to Schwert for this useful topic, and this forum supervisors shall have my thansk as well :icon100:

Hmm... for me, and as a person who's about to get to the college, i'd like to see more topics like those which tells you more about the tricks of the English language and like the idioms and stuff like these. That, of course, in addition to some topics which provides tips and advises about the international tests like TOEFL and SAT and SAT2 and IELTS... etc

I feel really ashamed of myself for being so selfish that I even request topics without even providing the simplest help, but what can I do? the Sudanese cells have already overcame my original cells :icon100:
Nah, just kidding. I'm facing a lot of difficulties as a student at his last year of high school, and I'm overloaded with tasks and quizzes already, so I can't really be that much of a help

Wish y'all best luck, and see you later

5-10-2013, 01:22 AM
peace upon you ,,

thanks for the topic ,, I think we really need it here in this forum
and i think we need topics for making conversation and discussions
it can be discussion for anything , any topic

I wish you and the supervisor of the forum give attention to this topic
and study the suggestions here
I think we all ready to share in developing the forum

many thanks for you again .. ~

Nino chan
21-10-2013, 01:35 PM
peace my dear ppl
okay okay
eventhough i asked resigning as i've got married and i don't have that time to deal with net and so on
so, feel free to discuss and you can add any thread that you feel it good for your english
i am missing you so much