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مشاهدة النسخة كاملة : He passed away

28-7-2007, 01:29 AM
Hi everyone

i want to share with you some of my writing, but at first i didn't know where to put this writing here or in the other section..... so i prefer to put it in this section

i wrote this when my little brother die.....actually there are many parts but i will put two of them coz i couldn't complete the writing

i want yr opinion about it


Dear Conan,

Did not I told you that I hate this month … I hate APRIL
When this month starts I feel like a rock on my chest. I know you will say why I hate the month I born in. actually many bad things happened in this month I do not like. Each year when I want to celebrate my birthday something happened. You know one thing happened this month. A thing I did not want it to come. A day it will never be gone from my mind. This thing changed me a lot. This thing makes me feel like I’m nothing. It happened Friday morning. It is not the day the problem coz this day it is good day for us as a Muslims, but the date is the problem. It is 27th of April …. It is the day my little brother said GOOD BYE to us. It is the day that I feel my heart stop when I heard that he’s gone. It is the day that I lose to see that warm smile. It is the day that he rest in peace and I rest in sadness.


Friday morning a call came to me, I wake up quickly to answer the phone thinking that my friend is calling me, but unfortunately it was a call from my sister. Telling me that my little brother passed away. I did not believe her, I was crying but I did not believe what she is saying. All of my family are crying also me, but in side me a voice telling me that he is a live and that is a lie. I take my phone sending a message to my friend telling her. If you u asked me what I wrote I will tell you that I do not remember.

27th of April … a day I will never forget
27th of April … a day I do not want it to come back
27th of April … a day I can not erase it from the calendar
It is the day my little brother said GOOD BYE to us
It is the day he broke our heart
It is the day that I felt my heart is broken
It is the day I forget what is mean to love
It is the day I lose to see that warm smile
It is the day that I will never heard my name
It is the day that he rest in peace and I rest in sadness.

PC: in this writing i was talking to Conan kun

29-7-2007, 08:08 PM

where are everyone

is it that bad

i was hoping to see at least one reply
but 0 hmmmm

كاكاشي شينوبي
29-7-2007, 08:40 PM
Hi, Dear...
I feel sorry ...
But you said
He gone to the peace...

YOU are Muslim so you shouldn't be sad as this way...

YOU will see him again in the Paradise...

Keep writing...

29-7-2007, 08:51 PM
Hi, Dear...
I feel sorry ...
But you said
He gone to the peace...

YOU are Muslim so you shouldn't be sad as this way...

YOU will see him again in the Paradise...

Keep writing...


insha allah i will see him in the Paradise

the sadness is because of the sock and missing him and that is why i begin to wrote my feelings

thanks :rolleyes5cz: ... i will try keep writing

30-7-2007, 09:09 PM

where is everyone

30-7-2007, 10:39 PM
hi there detective_girl

sorry for ur brother, inshallah men ahl el janna
about ur writing; first let me say that I'm not a good writer
to give u a really good comments
but I'll tell u my opinion

ur writing skills is good, but needs to improve of course
u r able to express ur feelings.
so in order to improve I have two seggesion
Try reading novels, poems and also magazines
I think if ur writing were more like poems it would be great
also ask someone u know who is expert or skilled in english
about ur witing, let him or her shows u ur mistakes
or alternative sentences
I'm sure u'll learn

that's all and sorry for not giving u any critic
GooD LuCk

أغلى حبيبة
31-7-2007, 01:22 AM
Hi sis ..!

I know that it hurts to lose someone you love... i feel when i read your words how you feel so sad... but your brother inshaá Allah in Jannah .. & you will see him insha Allah in the other life...

smile sis and Be strong..

live happy and Allah inshaá Allah with you ..

best wishes ^_^


<< أغلى ...

31-7-2007, 10:24 PM
hi there detective_girl

sorry for ur brother, inshallah men ahl el janna
about ur writing; first let me say that I'm not a good writer
to give u a really good comments
but I'll tell u my opinion

ur writing skills is good, but needs to improve of course
u r able to express ur feelings.
so in order to improve I have two seggesion
Try reading novels, poems and also magazines
I think if ur writing were more like poems it would be great
also ask someone u know who is expert or skilled in english
about ur witing, let him or her shows u ur mistakes
or alternative sentences
I'm sure u'll learn

that's all and sorry for not giving u any critic

GooD LuCk


thanks for passing by and giving me yr opinion
actually i read alot of novels but lately i stopped :nosweat:
i don't have anyone to read what i'm writing that's why i put it in here to let you guys read it and give me yr opinion

thanks again

31-7-2007, 10:31 PM
Hi sis ..!

I know that it hurts to lose someone you love... i feel when i read your words how you feel so sad... but your brother insha&aacute; Allah in Jannah .. & you will see him insha Allah in the other life...

smile sis and Be strong..

live happy and Allah insha&aacute; Allah with you ..

best wishes ^_^


<< أغلى ...

inshaa allah i will see him in Jannah
i have to be strong for my family:wink3:


*العلم نور*
20-3-2009, 09:03 PM
مشكورة يا أختي وإلى الأمام

20-3-2009, 09:50 PM
hi sis , am so sorry about that *_*
i really got sadness when read your words
you have awesome way in writing
keep going on sis
see you

23-3-2009, 12:56 PM
it's sadness to miss your brother
Allah mercy's him..
be a patience in this situation
my opinion ...it's sadness and you good clerk ,but the word have many things forbidden in
Islamic religion..
don't be angry (or uncomplacent) of me
...sorry but this is the truth