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ćŌĒåĻÉ ĒįäÓĪÉ ßĒćįÉ : Fake Smile ĒįÖĶßÉ ĒįćŅķŻå (ČŽįćķ)

27-1-2009, 11:26 AM
Hey ya All

New poem
New feelings

that's the point of my poems

read it and enjoy it

B.S. If you don't know english
that's your problem

and here we go


there's somthin' in this world
everybody should know
* * *
some times it's funny
some times it's huge
* * *
but there's a time
it would become dark
and begin to get cold
just standin' in the side walk
feelin' that cold
enterin' your body
and reachin' your bones
* * *
you can see the people around you
but you can't hear'em
you wanna talk to'em
but the cold makes you stand still
* * *
some times you see the world gettin' small
and see the people risin' around you
and that makes you sick
* * *
with your friends
you hear a joke
your brain says to laugh
but your heart says not to
so you force yourself to rise your lips
* * *
that's what I call it
* * *
A Fake Smile
* * *
but all of this you feel inside you
that .... I call it
* * *
* * *
well one of my friends is wise in this stuff
and he told me a few words
to shortcut all that feelings
* * *
my friend's name is Nana
and that's his words
* * *
It's A Cruel Cold World that We Live In It
* * *
I guess he's right about all things
I always make that feelin' go away
* * *
by goin' to the garden
in the middle of the night
just hearin' Nana
and lay down
and watch the stars
with a nice hot cup of Mocha
and everythin' becomes blue around me
* * *
No people
No Speak
just the sound of the wind
hittin' my face
* * *

* * *
God what a good feeling
* * *
you all should try it some time
then you'll have something
* * *
A True Smile
* * *
only between you
and your heart
don't forget that
* * *
thanks Nana for everythin' you said to me


that's the end of it

hope you enjoy this poem
I'll be back

and Please don't trans it to Arabic
it's english people

Next to Come


stay Tuned All

Mo7trf_American Language Teacher

Catch Ya Up Later