ćŌĒåĻÉ ĒįäÓĪÉ ßĒćįÉ : Birthday Girl ŻŹĒÉ ĒįćķįĒĻ (ŽÕķĻå) by Mo7trf

20-2-2009, 06:03 PM
hey there everyone

how's your days here

I'm hopin' good

sorry for my absent
the term exams
whats can I do

I'm here to make it up to you
by a new poem

this poem been writin to my Sister's Daughter
that's her first Birthday Party
and I'm faraway from her
so I writed this poem as a present to her
my Us Female Friend helped me too
she called Renoul
but usually we call her Roro
cuz she said to call her that way

and that's the Poem for you

sorry I didn't got the time to design the poem picture


Givin' you my Heart Girl
that's my present to you
Happy Birthday baby
go now open the rest
* * *
I wanna know your feelings
I wanna see your smile
I wanna see your tears of joy
* * *
the pics is not good enough
touchin' your soft chin
and kissin' you face
that's the real feelings
* * *
watchin' you playin' in the back yard
makin' sand castles by your hands
takin' a nap in afternoon time
watchin' your peacful sleep
* * *
waitin' you to ask me to go
to the city garden
to play some more
and eat some Icecream
* * *
I wonder what's that feel to me
after we finished
and hold you between my arms
and fall asleep in the way home
* * *
Cherishin' you
that's what I must do
to see your tiny little beautiful smile
sayin' unckle
* * *
there's only one thin' to do here
* * *
which is to hold on with the time passes
cuz sooner or later
I'll meet her for the first time
* * *
for now I'll say Happy birthday
and God Bless you


that's what I have for now till' another poem

and the next Peom is one of my greatest hits
in others US forums

Love is Sick

so enjoy this

Catch Ya Later

21-2-2009, 01:44 PM
as i see ,,, you are living out of your home land

and this is the hardest thing for you ,,


oh really wonderful.....

this is so much beautiful thing

you know ... your poem is distinguished by that it has a lot of feelings

your feeling of having homesickness....

your feeling toward your niece by the time you become uncle

which reflects your joyful of having a new born niece

and how much you wish to meet her ..............

your feelings also of sadness that you did not attend her birth day party ......


i like your poem

it's awosem..

and this is the part that i liked the most

Cherishin' you
that's what I must do
to see your tiny little beautiful smile
sayin' unckle

very beautiful

and thank you so much

wish you good luck

and to be delighted by seeing your lovely niece's face


it was an honor to be the first one to comment

best wishes


22-2-2009, 01:19 PM
thanks alot sis
Don't know what to say to you
it hurts when my sis got her daughter to this world
and I wan't there to welcome her
but like I said
sonner or later I'll meet her
and of course we must cherish everythin' we've got
and by BTW
that's my first ENG poem I've post
here (http://www.msoms-anime.net/showthread.php?t=73864)
thanks again for your reply

Sweet Dark
22-2-2009, 02:20 PM
so you came back with such a nice paom

you can print your feeling in those words

l 'd liked this paom ...

well done good writer ..

and hope you meet your sister's daughter so soon

GoOd LuCk

22-2-2009, 04:36 PM



