LET'S Stand Up & Speak Before PUBLIC

[ منتدى اللغة الإنجليزية ]

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  1. #1

    الصورة الرمزية Do Ri Me

    تاريخ التسجيل
    Nov 2006

    افتراضي LET'S Stand Up & Speak Before PUBLIC

    Hello everybody
    How R U ?
    ....How is the holiday with U ? I hope U R having fun & every thing is Okay
    Yes this is the last topic I can post here before I start university again in this summer semester

    some how my topic this time is different . U know we have 2 improve our LG in every side of it

    ENG SKILLS R 4 : they R

    Reading and Listening------> and they are Receptive skills
    Writing and Speaking ------>and they are Productive skills

    I won't talk about Reading , Listening ,or Writing. but Speaking
    and the tittle says


    so I mean let's learn abouT PUBLIC SPEAKING

    the topic is divided into these parts
    I : An INTO about PS
    II : PS fear & Solution
    III : Standard Rule Of Speech making
    :: intr .::. body .::. conclusion ::
    IV : How to response to responses


    First of all you might ask why we need to know how to speak before public
    hmm let's say ... now perhaps U R still a school student then u might not need it now
    But when u enter the university 4sure u'll need it ,especially if u enter a scientific department . that happened when u have a report or a research or even a project and theN u have to present and discuss it before ur instructor and ur same peers . so u'll need to know how to speak !
    Also in other departments u might need it ...

    it means you stand upbefore ( in front of ) friends or strangers in order to deliver a speech about a specific topic and idea ....yes that's it


    Now imagine yourself is the 1st person in the school , college , or any organization and this day is the graduation day and you are suppose to deliver a speech before strangers you don't know You might feel afraid and scared !
    but why this fear ??

    let's define these causes of fear and try to solve them

    thinking that public speaking should be frightening --->be positive

    thinking you need to be brilliant or perfect to give a speech ---> no , every one can speak . we all
    have tongues

    trying to give too much information in a short time ---> you need to know more what is public speaking rules

    trying to please every one ---> think of the best

    trying to copy other speakers ---> just simply be yourself

    trying to hide too much of yourself ---> learn to be confident

    trying to control the wrong things ( like the behavior of your audience ) ---> don't shout at them . one killer sight can be useful

    thinking your audience wants to judge you as " bad " ---> be more full of yourself

    spending too much time worrying ---> develop confidence and trust in your natural ability to succeed

    and the basic idea to get rid of this fear is to be moreconfident ... how ??? I'll say in it's place in sha' Allah


    In order to make a speech

    you have to write an essay ( the whole topic ) then summarize it next outline it and finally rehearse it .

    u must consider the standard rules of ps in order not to get this result in ur audience ...
    look they are bored coz of ur boring speech .

    speeches are " now".they cannot be looked at twice like written words.they only exist in the memory of the listeners. so their main ideas need to be repeated in a clear yet interesting way .
    we don't want ur speech ends like this...

    so the standard rules of ps are :

    1- say what you are going to say ( ICE BREAKING ) it's the introduction .
    2- say it ( the ideas and evidences ) it's the body.
    3- say what you have said ( echo of the intro ) it's the conclusion .

    why we have intro

    give general idea about the topic .
    ice-breaking stage .
    creates suspense ، ppl gear to know what else .
    attract ppl mind ... with catchy intro

    how to wite an intro ?
    there are various methods to write it to fit with type of the topic

    1use story > this in informal speech ، ppl can learn morals from folk tales . or you can
    use Anecdotes > it's a personal story happened with u .

    2- use Quotes > for formal one . when u start ur speech with a such famous quotation
    it will give the importance to the topic .

    3- use Questions > there are Q to answer and other not to answer we called it" Rhetorical Q"
    the Rhetorical one made the audience think more and more about the topic what will be .

    4- use Moving LG ( Metaphors ) > it will made the meaning more interesting and deep

    the important elements of the body :
    * Ideas
    * Evidence
    * Connection

    how to organize the body ? ( the pattern )
    there are many types :

    1- Topical > we have main topic and sub topics

    example :

    the main topic is smoking
    and the sub topics are
    1 healthy side
    2 financial side
    3 social side

    and we talk about every topic by order .

    2- chronological > it's according to the time line , so don't mix the events with other .
    u have to keep the time order .

    example :

    the topic: the history of making paper
    we start with the most ancient event such as before 5000 B.C then talk about the next even
    after that date
    such as 500 A.D and so on ...

    p.s. :: chronological : consist of the part > chronology : it's latin word means time

    3- spatial order > it's according to the place . this pattern is useful in geographic topics .

    4- problem - solution > in this we have a problem , we define the causes of it then we suggest
    some solutions of it .

    5- Argument counter argument > in this pattern we have 2 opposite ideas and explain every one
    and in the end we decide which is better .

    :: Evidences ::

    there are 2types {in-ex}ternal Evidence.

    Internal Evidences > these are the secrets of confidence in public speaking

    you as a public speaker u have to consider these points :

    how u do dressed :

    it should be comfortable 4u and 4 audience too .
    it should also be suitable 4 the topic... how it would if u dressed a fancy clothes in a topic
    of the war , diseases , catastrophe??
    or in other hand u have to consider it will be formal or informal .
    and remember "the simple is the best "

    how is ur voice :

    it should be in poly-tone ... don't be in a mono tone .

    how is ur gestures :

    hands free & flowing , but not too much . make a habit to
    start with hands held lightly in front
    to avoid nervous gestures. once u r comfortable allow them freedom .

    how is ur eye-contact :

    look in the eyes of ppl . move ur eyes in slow smooth cycles to cover the entire audience , especially corners.
    this will please the audience.

    how is ur posture :

    be comfortable & amicable : straight & poised .

    how is ur LG :

    it should be comfortable 4audience and u . be away from Bookish LG .

    these r the Internal Evidences ... they are imprtant to success but noy enoght

    External Evidences > Ideas

    before this ... this an example to understand it ...

    u r the speaker of topic about smoking ...

    u said "and believe me smoking is very dangerous
    it's the shortest way to die , yes all of the smokers in our country die from affections of it .
    plz stop smoking it's a horrible habit

    the audience will think " yes smoking is dangerous
    but I can't believe u all of the ppl die from it give me approve !!!

    :::: so some external evidences to use :::

    1- expert testimony : an experience from u and others .
    2- examples : 2types
    1- actual : real one .
    2- fictional :
    literary not real .
    3- statistics: numbers
    4- Audio - Visual : like pictures , sounds or video clips.

    Why we have conclusion ?

    * let them know the speech is finishing .
    * Remind them of the main points .
    * Remind them of ur main idea .
    * give them something memorable .

    actually the conclusion is echo of the intro ... so we can use also here story , example , Q or even sense of humor....


    now in the end of the speech perhaps ppl want to ask so u have to be ready .... how ?

    * u can rehears before friends ... and they will ask u .
    * collect a sufficient data .
    * ask ur self : what's the Q I do/not like to be asked !

    these tips when u practice
    but in the speech ...

    * don't answer Q hasty ( even u r ready to answer ): if u do this it will be a sign of NO RESPECT
    but if u wait it will express :
    - a sign of respect .
    - confident
    - good listener

    * if some one ask Q that's embarrassing , or u don't want to answer .
    don't say" I don't want to answer u" but " I have no comment " that way is very gentle .

    in the end I can say this is a brief of public speaking
    but if u follow every point u'll please urself and ur audience too
    I won't give u any website because they are a lot … and I don't know which one is the best.
    Anyway I hope u to keep this topic with u … perhaps it will be useful in the future … who know perhaps u'll say ur speech before ur citizens when u r a president huhuh
    Just kidding …..
    I really wanna to write more and more but … huh I have to go now …
    Please ask Allah for me the success in Al-Donya and Al-Akhira

    See yaa
    Your sis : DoRiMe

    التعديل الأخير تم بواسطة Do Ri Me ; 8-7-2009 الساعة 03:35 AM

  2. #2

    الصورة الرمزية coffee"

    تاريخ التسجيل
    Apr 2009

    افتراضي رد: LET'S Stand Up & Speak Before PUBLIC

    Hi ..Do Ri Me
    what a nice topic here
    i used to scared from standing
    before public
    Especially if the speech has
    Related to the English
    & it's happend just for

    the first time
    thanks Allah ,Not any more .
    that felling it's run away Suddenly
    i don't know how &why

    maybe ,i speak with people
    alot in English
    but i think your way it's the

    main way how could i Beat the fear

  3. #3

    الصورة الرمزية Schwert

    تاريخ التسجيل
    Nov 2008

    افتراضي رد: LET'S Stand Up & Speak Before PUBLIC

    thanks my sis Do Ri Mi for the perfect topic I really liked it & I thank you for precent the info that u studied it and ur offort to put it, we're benefit from it very much go on in this creativeness because you are really creative and peace be upon you

  4. #4

    الصورة الرمزية the Assassin

    تاريخ التسجيل
    Oct 2007

    افتراضي رد: LET'S Stand Up & Speak Before PUBLIC

    what a brilliant theing do ri me

    Sticky AND SHINY =)

  5. #5

    الصورة الرمزية -мιккι-

    تاريخ التسجيل
    Apr 2009

    افتراضي رد: LET'S Stand Up & Speak Before PUBLIC

    WOOW !! thats a very special topic my Friend =D

    i enjoyed reading it , and all of the things u said are true ~

    "and wat a strong english u got xD

    u reminded me of a very special even that i had in my life , i wont say much about it but ...

    i wasn't recongnized much anywhere , my grades wasnt perfect i was not an artist or any of that but i was good at english and im proud of it becuz i taught myself , and i was known for it ~
    being in goverment skool didnt help much , but i can't blame that for the fact that some ppl made fun of my english or anything didn't put me down becuz english was in my blood

    "and btw those ppl now come and ask me to correct their spelling or to correct their grammer , wired huh ??"

    until my E teacher offered me to compete in a spelling bee contest , i was like WAT !!?
    the lack of self-confidence at that time made me hestaite alot , all i keep asking myself is why would i win or get anything ? ppl there would be better and of course , ppl there would be from private skools , took courses traveled out of the country , and they also might be british or american ??
    i was about to reject but mum pushed me , also my dear friend ~

    nobody helped me , and when i ask my teacher wat kinda of words would they ask me to spell ? she said nah dont worry hun its all from wat u learned "and yeah they the word were picked randomly from the dictionary xD"

    and yeah guess wat ? i got the third on my twon xD "but sad i was aiming for the first >.>"
    and yeah there was an american girl there who couldnt even spell suicide , its not about who u r or were u come from its about the effort and how hard u try

    i went there , with my mind filled with a thousand of words and most of all self-confidence and the spirit to enjoy and i dont regret it xD

    and of course i got nervous , scared everyone would be if they have to face the puplic xD
    but the most important thing to leave a good impression , and learn how to ENJOY IT and to react with the auidance , being nervouse and scared would built a wall and we must learn how to break it "and i cant add more then u have already said xD"

    and most of all , sorry for taking long of ur time , but ur topic really reminded me of so much , i highly appreciate ur effort and ur great jop

    "and excuse my english and grammers mistakes xD

    and most all thanks for the enjoyment that i had during reading ur topic =D

    Ur sis , MiKKi ~


  6. #6

    الصورة الرمزية lolleta

    تاريخ التسجيل
    Apr 2009

    افتراضي رد: LET'S Stand Up & Speak Before PUBLIC

    hi Do Ri .. how r u

    really ... honestly ... frankly ...............that was bomb
    u were successful in giving these info

    amazing topic .... and i printed it to save it
    coz i'm sure that i will need it one day

    when i will be in that situation .. i will follow ur way
    to be bright on the stage

    thanks alot dear sis
    fantastic ... brilliant .... wonder ..... whatever u expect

    i'm waiting for another masterpeace like that
    but ......... after the comp

    so ...do ur best and shine always lady
    Allah bless u



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