Farewell My Friend ...Part 1,2 +3 In The Limits Of Time

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  1. #1

    Smile Farewell My Friend ...Part 1,2 +3 In The Limits Of Time

    Hi Everyone:smile2:
    My apologies for the delay of the 3rd part
    I tried to improve my way of writing
    I've added also the 1st and 2nd parts again
    Cuz I've changed some sentences
    Hope you would read them again and tell me whether
    The changes are better or not
    Some of them were based on the comments I got
    I won't say much, I just want to see comments
    On my language and the story
    Critics are welcomed
    Thank you:smug2:

    PART I

    Yukimura Kyo is a very happy, enthusiastic, energetic boy who lives with his father, mother, and older sister. He was born in Tokyo where he spent his first 3 years and then moved with his family to the US for his father’s PhD Since his parents, Dr.Akai and Dr. Yukiko, were busy in their studies, Kyoko, Kyo’s sister, became closer to him than his parents. Kyo and Kyoko have studied in American schools for 5 years and have made a lot of friends until a terrible accident which has changed their life especially to Kyo’s life.

    It has begun when Kyo’s father told his children that they are going to an ancient garden in the early morning. They thought it is unusual to go so early, yet, they were happy thinking that they are going to meet their best friends there. Actually, Kyo's father had a close friend named Peter. They used to be colleagues together in the university, and now both of them are working for their PhDs. Furthermore, Peter had two children of similar age of both Kyo and Kyoko.When kyo’s family arrived to the garden they found Dr. Peter alone without his children. It was really strange seeing him alone.

    - “Good morning Uncle Peter… where is James and Sara?” asked Kyo.
    - “Oh! good morning …I’m sorry Kyo but James and Sara aren’t coming, they went with their mother to California”
    - “What! James didn’t tell me …what's wrong with him!?… he used to tell me every thing”
    - “ Never mind”

    Enjoying their time in the garden they were looking at an ancient building and its columns. It was really huge and glorious. In the middle of the building, a central square area had a beautiful artistic sculpture that has attracted Kyo and his family. They gathered around it while Dr. Peter started talking about its history and its maker. Moreover, he analysed each part of it so all the attention was on the sculpture. At that very moment Dr. Peter has accomplished his mission.

    - “Oh look! The sculpture is moving!!”said Kyo.
    - “Yes! It is moving slowly!” said Kyoko.
    - “Indeed! Why is that Dr. Peter?……Dr… Pe...ter….huh!!??” said, Kyo’s mother.
    - “Peter … what’s wrong…why are you…” said, Kyo’s father.

    As they turned to Dr. Peter, he was 5 steps aside from them with sly smile “farewell my friend we’ll not meet again” that was the last
    words they heard from Dr. Peter before falling into a deep dark hole.


    It was extremely dark that Kyo couldn’t see anything around him even his own body. He started calling out his sister, then his father and mother but without reply. His heart started pounding quickly; he didn’t know what this feeling was about but he kept walking and calling his family. Within the increasing of darkness, Kyo has spotted a light source that has dragged him on.
    The source of light was still too far away, Kyo didn’t know how far it is but still he didn’t give up. As he was running, suddenly the ground has started tobreak causing him to fall down, and that's when a huge hand has reached out helping him. That hand belongs to a very huge strange body which looks more like a giant human. Kyo couldn’t see anything except a frame of shadow of that huge body. Then he heard a voice calling him.
    “KYO! KYO~~~~~!! Are you ok?? Please wake up! KYO! ”
    Kyo opened his eyes to see his sister's face before him; she looked so worried and pale. Then he looked at the surrounding, this time it wasn’t dark but a metallic dungeon with passageways. His parents were a little aside from him where they were whispering. Their face looked serious and intense as if there was a serious matter.

    - “So…it was a dream after all…” said Kyo.
    - “Kyo…are you alright?” said Kyoko.
    - “yes …I’m ok but…” he looked at her with eyes full of wonder, and said:
    - “Where are we? What is going on? Why did Uncle Peter…”
    - “ I don’t know anything either…maybe Mom and Dad know something”

    Dr. Akai and his wife were still negotiating and they were making sure not to let Kyo and Kyoko hear them.
    - “Yukiko! As I told you …now take the children and go…”
    - “How do you expect me to run away and leave you behind!!??”
    - “ Don’t worry, at least they won’t kill me since they want the information from me”
    - “But they won’t go easy on you! They consider you as a traitor!!”
    - “That’s exactly why you have to run with the children… I’m sure they want to use them with you as a way to threaten me and I know nothing about the information they want so … it would be better if you ran away with them”

    Dr. Yukiko came towards Kyo and Kyoko and told them to follow her with a very strict voice. Her face looked serious and she didn’t give them a chance to answer Kyoko followed her mother while Kyo was still wondering; he looked at his father who smiled and leaned his head showing agreement. Kyo was still unsatisfied but he followed his mother, at that time his father was watching them smiling and deep inside him he was saying (I’m sorry ...Since I know nothing about the information they want, it means they’ll kill me anyway... I really don’t know where Dr. Edward went after I had rescued him).

    The two children followed their mother without a word. She was walking as if she was familiar with the place; she was also so careful that she didn’t allow Kyo and Kyoko to talk unless it is necessary. But Kyo couldn’t stay silent, he whispered to Kyoko
    - “What is that smell? Is it chemicals?”
    - “Yes…as you know Mom and Dad are chemists so…”
    - “So what?!! You mean this is their work place!!!”
    - “I think so…but not sure…anyway this place looks familiar to Mom”
    - “Can’t both of you be quite! At this rate they’ll catch our location” said Kyo’s mother.
    - “Well if it is about our location they definitely have caught it from the beginning Mom… can’t you see these cameras??!! And who are THEY?!!” said Kyo.
    At that moment the look of Dr. Yukiko has changed, she looks now more scared and nervous; her body became hot and sweating. She was thinking why she didn’t pay attention to the surrounding; it is obvious that they will use cameras especially at a place like this. Then she tried to calm herself saying (I’ve got to protect my children). Kyoko was looking at her mother “don’t sweat it mom ... it’ll be alright” she said that although she didn’t know what’s going on. “Kyoko! Kyo!” saidDr. Yukiko suddenly, “yes!” both Kyo and Kyoko answered “hold my hand and do not let it go no matter what happen, got it??” “Yes mom”. This time while they were walking, they tried as much as they can to avoid walking through the range of the cameras. They were trying to find a clue leading them to an exit, but unfortunately they couldn’t find any, moreover the dungeons were almost identical with chaotic passageways and corridors. They didn’t know whether they are moving forward or moving around the same place. “Aren’t there any guide map??!!” Kyo wasbellyaching.

    “No boy there are no maps here not even one” a throaty voice answered coming from the back. The three has stopped looking behind them to see a blond man with dark brown eyes who was wearing a white lab coat over a dark bluish uniform. He was standing between another two men who looked like bodyguards.

    - “Long time no see…Yukiko” he said.
    - “Dr. Brian!!”
    - “Yes ...how are you Yukiko? I missed you so much”
    - “Didn’t they expel you last year!!? What on earth are you doing here!!?”
    - “HAHAHAHAHAHA” he laughed “did they really expel me!…I’ve been working here since last year…poor woman…you just don’t know”
    - “Wha…what do you mean!!?”
    - “ listen to me my dear… you will know nothing unless you cooperate with us”
    - “What are you saying!!?? There is no way I’d cooperate with you”
    - “Really…” he said while he was getting near Dr. Yukiko.

    Dr. Yukiko held her children strongly while she was beginning to move backward, until she felt someone behind her, she looked to find a third bodyguard!
    So…it seems that you have no choice but to face your fate my dear Yukiko…” said Dr. Brian while Dr. Yukiko was staring at him


    Dr. Brian and his three Bodyguards have surrounded Dr. Yukiko with her children. He was so close that the distance between him and Dr. Yukiko was about two feet. At this moment Dr. Yukiko has sat down on the ground hugging Kyo and Kyoko strongly. It was the first time for both of them to see their strong steady mother so nervous. "Oh My! Are you scared?" said Dr. Brian while he leaning down on one of his knee staring at Dr. Yukiko with his sharp eyes.

    "What do you want anyway?" said Dr.Yukiko.
    "Good…I like you better that way… actually I…" said Dr. Brian as he was trying to touch Dr. Yukiko's face looking straight at her eyes. But before he could reach her face his hand was bite. "Stay away from MY MOTHER…YOU JERK" snapped Kyo. But suddenly he was shocked with a gunshot that has a very scary loud voice. The bullet was too close that scratched his cheek. Kyoko's eyes was filled with tears, she couldn't stand seeing her precious brother an inch aside from death. Looking freezing and speechless with three guns levelled towards him.
    "So, you can see how serious we are Yukiko… for me… killing that boy is my pleasure, specially that he looks and feels just like his filthy father" said Dr. Brian confidently. Dr. Yukiko was silent, she didn't say anything. She was just holding her son and her daughter (my son was going to be killed while he was held in my arm).

    "Take them to room number A-03" Dr.Brian was telling the bodyguards, he turned to Dr. Yukiko again saying "No more talking, I'll give you some time to think it over , whether to cooperate with us or facing a fate which is worse than death"
    At that moment Kyoko gazed at him with fear, dread filled her heart. Two of the bodyguards came towards Dr. Yukiko and her children, while the third one stayed levelling his gun on them. And that's when Dr. Brian has taken out three black blindfolds and gave it to the bodyguards. One of them leaned towards Kyoko who hugged her mother. Just as Dr. Yukiko was about to try stopping him everything in her sight turned black, she was caught by the other one, though she wanted to resist but she couldn’t, she saw the gun on Kyo's forehead with the black blindfold covering his eyes. For her it felt painful, unable to protect her children or to do anything for them. All she could do is staying calm for her children's safety and letting Dr. Brian accomplish his mission. Each one of them was escorted by a bodyguard, they didn't see anything around them, and they didn't know where they are going to. Eventually they reached the room. Dr. Yukiko heard a mechanical door slides up and felt a cold air as she entered the room, her steps sounded clearly but she felt some small fragmentson the metallic ground. She heard Kyo and Kyoko stepping inside. Without a word, the bodyguards have left with the mechanical door sliding down.

    Silence filled the room for a moment, Dr.Yukiko was removing the blindfold from her eyes and so did Kyo and Kyoko. They looked to fined themselves in a small chemical lab. There were small pieces of ice in between the tiles of the ground and also on the equipment and the instrument of the lab, besides five big refrigerators on either side of the walls. The first words came from Kyo's mouth was "It is freezing". He couldn't bear it as he was wearing white cotton T-Shirt with jeans Bermuda short. Kyoko came towards Kyo and hugged him. "I…I thought you were going to die when he shot at you…never mind…thank God you are still alive, we are all alright". "We are aright just now…but then… you never know what might happen" said Kyo. There was a pause until he continued saying "especially since we are in this cold lab with cameras following us".
    "Stop saying that Kyo" Said Dr.Yukiko while she was putting her black jacket on Kyo. "This might help you to hold on, but not for a long time I suppose, what about you Kyoko? I don't think your condition is any better than Kyo's"
    "Um… yes, but I'll try my best to hold on… until…we could find a solution"
    Hearing that have made Dr. Yukiko's feelings worse than before. She was filled with depression. "We… we will be able to do it dear" She said weakly.

    Dr. Yukiko cleared her throat and turned looking around in the lab. The five refrigerators have caught her attention. She walked towards one and tried to open it, but it was locked. Then she turned to the instruments and equipments. Soft small pieces of ice were on top of them, she held a small broken tube and gazed at the equipments (It looks like this lab is neglected…but why do they keep it cold? I wonder if I could find a flame here…) She wanted to find source of heat and warm as a temporary solution. Nothing useful was on the shelves or the tables of the lab which had left only the drawers and one big locker. There were five drawers, two of them were small and the other three were large, enough for Kyo to sit inside.

    Minutes have past while Kyo and Kyoko were looking at their mother. She was still busy looking for a flame among these equipments and stuff, until she took out two papers from the second large drawer. Dr. Yukiko seemed interested in these papers. She blinked and lowered her eyebrow looking frown. Then she turned holding the papers, still gazing at them, walking towards the table. She put the papers on the table, and the palm of her hand on both sides of the papers, stretching her arms, and that's when she seemed really concentrating in reading the papers.

    Kyo watched his mother with concern. Just As he was about to ask her, Kyoko stopped him " I don't think it is the right time to ask her now Kyo" she whispered to him. Kyo shrugged showing protest. He turned to the third large drawer and without hesitation he opened it. Kyoko was surprised with his reaction. Before she could say anything to him, she heard "It is empty". Kyoko gazed at Kyo and went to stand next to him "just soft small pieces of ice …nothing more" said Kyo while he was walking away from the drawer.

    The large locker was the last hope for Kyo. Without a second thought, Kyo raised his arm to open the locker. "Kyo wait" said Kyoko. Kyo glanced at Kyoko but then he ignored her. It wasn't like him to act this way, however he couldn't reach the locker. His mother grabbed his arm and pulled him away from the locker. He gasped with his eyes opened widely staring at his mother.
    - "I'm sorry dear, but please…don't touch anything around here…it is dangerous…"said Dr.Yukiko softly.
    - "D…dangerous! Why is that?" asked Kyo
    - " This is a chemical laboratory, besides… it is neglected...so don't touch anything unless you are wearing gloves as I am doing now dear"
    - "But mom, it is freezing… I…I need to do something… I wanted to help "there was a pause before Dr.Yukiko's answer. She gazed at him and said simply:
    - "I know that dear, but since we don't have more gloves, it can't be helped… now step aside please, and let me open the locker", (Although, I don't think that I'll find the flame or any other source of heat).
    - "…Okay…".

    A pile of papers with a broken glass and smashed discs, besides a small wooden box with a calendar under it. Next to the box there was a black marker and a yellow pencil. All the edges inside the locker were covered with smooth pieces of ice as well as the other stuff inside. A feeling of disappointment has contorted Kyo's face, but for his mother it was expected. It was a locker after all, so it should be contained with personal equipments as she thought. She got the wooden box out of the locker which looked homey and girlish. As she opened it, she found a nice delicate and pink handkerchief. "There is something written in the back of the handkerchief mom" noted Kyoko. Dr. Yukiko flipped it and read the words which were sewed. It says: To My Dear Father, Dr. Alden…Love, Amy. (Dr. Alden, I've heard this name before…but I can't recall who he was exactly) thought Dr. Yukiko. Immediately she went over the papers inside the locker, while Kyoko's gaze was still on the handkerchief holding it.
    It took Dr. Yukiko several minuets till she found what was expected by her. Unfortunately the paper was smashed and the words weren't clear enough to be read. This paper has included data about Dr. Alden. But only his name, age and family members were clear. Other important information was smashed including his picture. He was thirty-eight years old. His family were his wife and his daughter who was thirteen years old, the same age as Kyoko.
    Dr. Yukiko was still going over the stuff inside the locker. But Kyo has sat down his head between his knees, holding his legs with his arms. He raised his head gazing at the locker opened door. He was looking at the inner face of the door, and then he spotted something written. It was covered with many small pieces of ice which made it unclear. Kyo stood up on his feet and went before the door. His mother has noticed saying " What is it Kyo?" Kyo gesticulated at the door saying "there". Dr. Yukiko removed the pieces of ice with her hand. As soon as she removed it she read:
    I Don't Have Much Time
    I'm Limited With Time
    Whether to Obey or Die with Time

    Dr. Yukiko's breath caught, fear clenched her heart. She realized Dr. Brian words; whether to cooperate, or facing a dreadful fate. She and her children cannot stay in this lab. Their time is limited, specially her children; Kyoko who was busy untying her shiny black hair and covering her neck and her shoulders. Her hair was long enough to cover her elbows. And Kyo who turned pale with his entire body shaking.

    (Dr. Brian has meant every word he said. The time he gave us is limited; he knew that I'll be the one who'd rush to talk to him. Furthermore, I would choose what he wanted. I wouldn't stand watching Kyo and Kyoko struggling here…unless I'd find a solution…I bet Dr. Alden was here, and he used to work in this lab…but I don't know what he chose and why he has to since he belongs here…did he come across something?) Dr. Yukiko was thinking deeply. She moved her gaze towards the camera. (Was it a mistake for me and Akai to be departed? I wonder how he is doing now; I hope he would be still …alive…)

    Ja ....:smug2:

  2. #2

    الصورة الرمزية Dragonier

    تاريخ التسجيل
    Oct 2006

    افتراضي رد: Farewell My Friend ...Part 1,2 +3 In The Limits Of Time

    السلام عليكم ورحمة الله وبركاته

    I know that my reply here is too late. And I truely apologize for that
    :nosweat:I got too busy lately and kinda forgot about the story.

    To be honest, Your way of writing has improved alot since the last part
    The vocabulary attracted my attention. You used such strong words
    :cool21: explain and discribe some sitiuations and events.

    The story has developed in many ways. The way you discribed Kyoko's mother
    character was great. It truely showed how kind she is, although she seemed
    ;)a bit strict at the beginning. You did a great job in that

    The way Kyo acted, in a confused way :flex:, really showed the danger of the
    sitiuation. It really helps the reader in imaging Kyo's feeling at that time
    and the cold he felt inside that freezing room

    All of them, Kyo, Kyoko and their mother where holding to a straw
    to find a way to get out of that room. I kinda imagind the coldness they
    felt in that fridge-like room

    I know you were looking for a longer reply, but that's all I thought
    about for the mean time

    I am looking forward to the next part of the story
    So please, don't stop writing. It would be a great loss for us
    :sadwalk:if you gave up on completing the stroy

    Finally.. Keep up your good work and NEVER give up. Eventually you will be a great writer Kurosagi


  3. #3

    الصورة الرمزية **ReLeNa**

    تاريخ التسجيل
    Oct 2006

    افتراضي رد: Farewell My Friend ...Part 1,2 +3 In The Limits Of Time

    Hi kurosagi-san

    i already read ur story , it's so interesting & attractive specialy ur way in
    descirption besides the action is great << i don't like sleepy stories ! :P

    as "dragonier-san" said ,, ur way of writing & using strong vocabulary has emproved alot . 'masha2 allah

    guess yukiko-san will work with Dr. brain over letting her children die in front of her eyes

    waiting for ur next chapters .. ... keep wiritng ... & go0od luck

  4. #4

    الصورة الرمزية shooog

    تاريخ التسجيل
    Oct 2006
    لا يوجد

    افتراضي رد: Farewell My Friend ...Part 1,2 +3 In The Limits Of Time

    reading .v
    forgive me late reply
    I will come soon inshallah

  5. #5

    الصورة الرمزية shooog

    تاريخ التسجيل
    Oct 2006
    لا يوجد

    افتراضي رد: Farewell My Friend ...Part 1,2 +3 In The Limits Of Time

    Back :)

    Oh, my eyes!O
    Excuse me Kurosagi , at first I want to suggest small Idea
    Can you color or highlight names and speeches in the story ? O

    Great story’s thoughts
    I read it from the beginning to end
    I liked these sentences
    “As they turned to Dr. Peter, he was 5 steps aside from them with sly smile”
    (my son was going to be killed while he was held in my arm)
    (: it was much enthusiasm

    “a huge hand has reached out helping him. That hand belongs to a very huge
    strange body which looks more like a giant human”.
    he imagined all things against him
    he saw a huge hand whereas it was just his sister’s hand
    Wonderful description

    “ Don’t worry, at least they won’t kill me since they want the information from me”

    “(I’m sorry ...Since I know nothing about the information they want, it means they’ll kill me anyway... I
    really don’t know where Dr. Edward went after I had rescued him)”
    I think Mr. Akai will miss a dear thing at least his hand :P

    “Aren’t there any guide map??!!” Kyo wasbellyaching."We are aright just now…but then…
    you never know what might happen" said Kyo
    “But Kyo has sat down his head between his knees, holding his legs with his arms

    Kyo’s view to what happened was pessimism
    what will this kid do in the next part?O

    I’m waiting
    Your writing is really impressive

    والسلام عليكم ورحمة الله وبركاته
    التعديل الأخير تم بواسطة shooog ; 30-11-2007 الساعة 11:17 AM

  6. #6
    كاتب الموضوع

    افتراضي رد: Farewell My Friend ...Part 1,2 +3 In The Limits Of Time

    I'm really happy and glad for your concern and replies
    And thanks for
    I was really surprised!
    And sorry for the delay>> but actually I'm extremely busy
    Sure I'll reply to each one of you
    Shooog, Dragonier and YuuRin
    For all of you; thank you for your comments
    I'll be back soon

  7. #7
    كاتب الموضوع

    Smile رد: Farewell My Friend ...Part 1,2 +3 In The Limits Of Time

    I know that my reply here is too late. And I truely apologize for that
    :nosweat:I got too busy lately and kinda forgot about the story.
    Hiiii Dragonier >> glad to see ur reply
    To tell u the truth I thought that u REALLY forgot about the story
    But thank god u've remembered hhhhhhhhh
    I know u r busy so I won't blame u even if u forgot in the future
    At the same time it would show me how effective my story is
    To be honest, Your way of writing has improved alot since the last part
    The vocabulary attracted my attention. You used such strong words
    :cool21: explain and discribe some sitiuations and events.
    Thanx for telling me >> it is good to hear it
    The story has developed in many ways. The way you discribed Kyoko's mother
    character was great. It truely showed how kind she is, although she seemed
    ;)a bit strict at the beginning. You did a great job in that

    The way Kyo acted, in a confused way :flex:, really showed the danger of the
    sitiuation. It really helps the reader in imaging Kyo's feeling at that time
    and the cold he felt inside that freezing room
    I really wanted to read comments about the character>> thanx for that
    And it is true I wanted the reader to have sort of feeling about the situation
    All of them, Kyo, Kyoko and their mother where holding to a straw
    to find a way to get out of that room. I kinda imagind the coldness they
    felt in that fridge-like room
    It is good that I could make u have the feeling
    And I really LOVED ur first sentence >> it is is really describing the situation
    And by the way I'm giving descriptions of the characters in an indirect way
    I mean that I'm not giving u description paragraph about Kyo; how does he look, his age, his hair and his clothes
    I'm giving certain description for certain situation so I hope u got that
    I've given a little description about Kyo and Kyoko
    But for Yukiko I haven't yet >> I'll try in the coming chapter
    And I want to mention that I've drawn the characters long time ago but I haven't shown that bcuz I don't want to destroy the image in readers' imagination
    So what do u think about that?
    I know you were looking for a longer reply, but that's all I thought
    about for the mean time
    Well I hope I could a long reply but I'm really happy with this one
    And thanx a lot for ur concern
    I am looking forward to the next part of the story
    So please, don't stop writing. It would be a great loss for us
    :sadwalk:if you gave up on completing the stroy

    Finally.. Keep up your good work and NEVER give up. Eventually you will be a great writer Kurosagi
    Thank u sooo much for ur encouragement >> I'll try my best
    But since I'm really busy I haven't been writing
    Inshallah I'll write in the first chance I would get
    And I always tell myself
    Give up… NEVER
    Hope to hear from u soon

  8. #8

    الصورة الرمزية Dragonier

    تاريخ التسجيل
    Oct 2006

    افتراضي رد: Farewell My Friend ...Part 1,2 +3 In The Limits Of Time

    We are still waiting

  9. #9
    كاتب الموضوع

    افتراضي رد: Farewell My Friend ...Part 1,2 +3 In The Limits Of Time

    hiiiii again
    sorry for being late
    but really I did not have enough time
    many things delayed me sooo much
    thanx for ur waiting
    I promise to try my Best



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