!When the world collapse!

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الموضوع: !When the world collapse!

العرض المتطور

  1. #1

    الصورة الرمزية the Assassin

    تاريخ التسجيل
    Oct 2007

    Post !When the world collapse!

    Hey Folks
    its been a long time
    anyways i was a lil bit busy
    and i feel like missing myself
    during this events and i decided
    to raise up my pen and let it
    dance upon my paper with
    the mixtuer of m blood which
    i believe one day it will be engraved
    in history
    i wrote this simple one as a dedication
    to whom i love..
    so feel free to write any comment

    !When the world collapse!

    Its 10 past eleven,
    No one is coming,
    I don’t know why
    I can’t ask cos I’m shy,

    Somebody help me,
    Where I can flee,
    No place to hide,
    Even I start losing pride,

    People gotten twisted,
    Like harsh-words reflected,
    Where could I run?
    To place to see the sun,

    I need to fly far away,
    And move to my way,
    Cos I was wondering,
    Why the world keeps darken,

    I got enough of being alone,
    And see nothing but soon,
    I’ll open my eyes to the distance,
    Where I can heal this illness,

    But I feel I keep echoing the same Question
    Which was a mix of sorrowful reflection?
    I asked my self when the world collapse,
    Shall we be together or perhaps

    we will be too way apart,
    And tore up our hearts
    Or we gonna be all together,
    Till the end holding up each other???

    Now im done,
    hope it gets Allah statisfaction
    and then yours..
    this is me
    the assassin
    over & out

  2. #2

    الصورة الرمزية mis eima

    تاريخ التسجيل
    Apr 2008

    افتراضي رد: !When the world collapse!

    the assassin
    what a nice poem ...

    I got enough of being alone,

    And see nothing but soon,
    I’ll open my eyes to the distance,
    Where I can heal this illness

    this is the hope light in your pome

    naice naice

    next time write happy pome
    see you

  3. #3

    الصورة الرمزية the Assassin

    تاريخ التسجيل
    Oct 2007
    كاتب الموضوع

    Talking رد: !When the world collapse!

    اقتباس المشاركة الأصلية كتبت بواسطة mis eima;(يمنع عرض أرقام الهواتف بدون أذن الإدارة)
    the assassin

    what a nice poem ...

    this is the hope light in your pome

    naice naice

    next time write happy pome
    see you

    hey missy
    wassap, its been a long time
    where have u been, let me guess
    EXAMS.. loool

    Thanks for the super-sonic reply
    Hope to see something form u
    And btw I’ll write something good inh
    Hehe what a thing ,,

  4. #4

    الصورة الرمزية أسمـــاء

    تاريخ التسجيل
    Oct 2006

    افتراضي رد: !When the world collapse!

    Somebody help me,
    Where I can flee,
    No place to hide,
    Even I start losing pride,

    People gotten twisted,
    Like harsh-words reflected,
    Where could I run?
    To place to see the sun,

    I liked those two stanzas so much ,
    sometimes we feel that this world is wholly black but other times we feel that we live in a

    glowing shining world .so for what is this contradiction
    we should have known that this world is a mixture of black and white , bad and good
    sweet and bitter , what we really need is to destroy that blackness, that evil and finally live as we are supposed to live no matter how much frustration we face and let palestinians be our example ... their strong struggle for a very long period and their unlimited bravery ... sorry but i would like to mention this great people and i wanna express my feelings toward them,,,they are all and each time on my mind
    we can not enjoy life while other muslims are suffering hanger ,,cold ,,pain and hard times ..we feel what they feel ,,we cry as they cry and share them this sadness moment ..
    we really feel shame ...yes..and we are broken hearts
    but,it can not be helped and it is out of our hands
    we taste the bitterness of this injustice world
    we will not forget them at least even by a drop of tears

    and prying from our hearts fo them

    Allh is the only hope for us

    thanks for this beautiful poem which touches our hearts
    keep going

    see ya

  5. #5

    الصورة الرمزية the Assassin

    تاريخ التسجيل
    Oct 2007
    كاتب الموضوع

    Talking رد: !When the world collapse!

    اقتباس المشاركة الأصلية كتبت بواسطة Azuma;(يمنع عرض أرقام الهواتف بدون أذن الإدارة)
    Somebody help me,
    Where I can flee,
    No place to hide,
    Even I start losing pride,

    People gotten twisted,
    Like harsh-words reflected,
    Where could I run?
    To place to see the sun,

    I liked those two stanzas so much ,
    sometimes we feel that this world is wholly black but other times we feel that we live in a

    glowing shining world .so for what is this contradiction
    we should have known that this world is a mixture of black and white , bad and good
    sweet and bitter , what we really need is to destroy that blackness, that evil and finally live as we are supposed to live no matter how much frustration we face and let palestinians be our example ... their strong struggle for a very long period and their unlimited bravery ... sorry but i would like to mention this great people and i wanna express my feelings toward them,,,they are all and each time on my mind
    we can not enjoy life while other muslims are suffering hanger ,,cold ,,pain and hard times ..we feel what they feel ,,we cry as they cry and share them this sadness moment ..
    we really feel shame ...yes..and we are broken hearts
    but,it can not be helped and it is out of our hands
    we taste the bitterness of this injustice world
    we will not forget them at least even by a drop of tears

    and prying from our hearts fo them

    Allh is the only hope for us

    thanks for this beautiful poem which touches our hearts
    keep going

    see ya

    Hehe, u seems emotional this time, what a thing
    Btw, this the first time that I notice you becoming emotional
    Anyways, one day those whom we love and wish to get over
    This damnable war will get the rest,
    and live their life remembering their lose And whom they loved,
    But tbh, if we want to show our love, no matter what, even by little,
    We will face a lot of consequences and we might become terrors in the eyes of law,
    We might show some love, but the thing is that we can’t show the full love
    b-cos this love day by day will be reduced, cos we can’t do nothing,
    only we can ask Allah to help them and other Muslim around this tiny world,
    I know life is mixture of sorrow, and happiness, love and pain, and we should break
    The whole barriers to break-out form our own prisons,
    But the thing is, if we can’t smile, we should feel sad, this is the process and the
    Reality of life, cos sometimes it depends, what type or mood we are in,
    If we happy then we can write something brilliant and happy, other wise the sadness
    Will seep all over the place, and turn us to the place where we can’t get away,
    One last word which I can say about this issue,
    I can see the world, like a collapse rose, waiting the ray of hope, while there are to much pain left for her to express.
    And guess what, I found the sun which can be seen at the end of this tunnel, its our hearts, whenever we smile our senses and hearts smiles too, so wth, lets smile,
    I know that when I wrote this scheme, I was on a bad mood, but now I’m happy
    So lets feel the happiness once in a while.



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