Hi every one how are you doing I hope you're okay

This is poems about frindship I you'll like it
here we go

I Call You My Friend
A friend like you is a speical gift worth more than silver or gold
you're always there when things are tough with a comforting hand to hold
you know my thoughts before I speak you share my hopes and fears
and when life brings us joy or grief you share my smiles and tears
you're always there with a hug to share you're there with a hand to lend
I could never be happy without you I am so happy to call you my friend
My Friend
the roads of the life
parted us...but
I still remember you
really,,, every thing about you
My friend
do you still remember me? do you
,do you still remember our days
our talks,
,our place
and our chairs
we used to set every day
our high and down moments
our beautiful and miserable time
oh my friend
how long didn't I
see your face or
hear from you ,,.
eight years or more
how many times did I come to your mind
throgh these years
don't say never lease
don't hurt me again
I will keep you in my mind
and our nice memories together
in my heart
and hope to see you again

When I am hurt
I tell you my pain

When I am lost
You are there to show me the way

When times seem to get rough
some how seem to show up
We might not get along but we try the best we can
But no matter what we always seem to get throw the bad times

I hope we remain friends

Even when the road starts to end
Lets stay friends like we were from the start
And I mean every word from the heart

You Are My Friend And I Hope

You Know That's True.

No Matter What Happens

I Will Stand Right By You.

In Times Of Grief

I Will Give You Belief.

I'll Be There For You

Whenever You Are In Need.

To Lend You A Hand

To Do A Good Deed.

So Just Call On Me When

You Need Me, My Friend!

I Will Always Be There For You

Right To The End!

Best Friends Forever

I really hope you like it and if you have another poems about frindship you can put it here