enrich your vocabulary through reading

[ مدرسة تعليم اللغة الإنجليزية ]

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  1. #1

    الصورة الرمزية راجية الفردوس

    تاريخ التسجيل
    Aug 2007

    افتراضي enrich your vocabulary through reading

    بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم
    In the name of Allah, the most Merciful

    It is known that reading helps in improving language so as a way of encouragement to me and you, I will put a part of an article even if it is political , social , etc , then underline 10 words and write their meaning in English and that will happen every now and then , God willing. We were advised to use a dictionary that translates from English to English because one word in English could have different meaning. I'd like to give you that good site which consists of most of the popular English dictionaries for free. When you first open the site, you can enter a word that the site will translate or if you want to search a particular dictionary like Cambridge, you will press on "search dictionaries" and then you will find what you had searched for. "www.onelook.com"

    Let's start with this simple passage:

    Water pollution is increasingly becoming a large problem that we as humans need to confront. Water is our most valuable resource. Just think of how much we humans are dependent upon clean water. Water is way more valuable than gold, what can you go a day, week, year with out, gold or water? Besides the fact that we drink the water, we use it for irrigation of farm fields, cooking, washing clothes, flushing toilets, etc. and every industrial process requires water to function. Everyone knows that the Earth's surface is covered by 70% water, so why fuss of protecting water? Only 3% of all water is fresh and drinkable and of that 3%, 75% is frozen, which leaves a grand total of only 1% of the Earth's surface water that is readily available for consumption. After taking that fact into account, one can see why the conservation and protection of our remaining water supply is so vital. Before water pollution can be stopped, the sources of the pollution must be known

    confront: deal with , to see that a problem exists and try to deal *
    with it . for example : first , they must confront their addiction

    This word has 3 other meaning which are : 1- accuse . 2- to be in a
    difficult situation 3- frighten

    dependent : influenced by or decided by something for example, The amount of tax you pay is dependent on how much you earn. it also could mean : needing the help of someone or something to exist or continue as before . for example, she's completely dependent on her
    parents for money

    valuable : is very helpful or important
    for example, He was able to provide the police with some valuable information
    It has another meaning which is :worth a lot of money

    irrigation : to provide water for an area of land so that crops can be

    industrial: connected with industry for example, industrial production
    industry means: the production of goods in factory
    :Another meaning for industrial
    with alot of factories

    requires : to need or demand something . for example, Training to be a doctor requires a lot of hard work
    Another meaning : to officialy demand that someone does something

    leaves : the most appropriate meaning that i think to this word is :If something leaves something else, a part or effect of it stays after it has gone or been used. for example ,If I give you £10 that won't leave me enough cash to pay the bill
    This word has many other meanings. look in the dictionary

    consumption : the amount of something that someone uses, eats , or drinks . for example, China's total energy consumption
    Another meaning for the word : when someone uses, eats , or drinks

    conservation : when you are careful not to waste energy , water, etc
    Another meaning for the word : the protection of nature

    vital :necessary . for example, Tourism is vital to the country's economy.
    Another meaning for the word : formal : full of energy

    The dictionary used is Cambridge. Hope that it is useful
    التعديل الأخير تم بواسطة راجية الفردوس ; 2-2-2009 الساعة 03:16 PM



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