Refresh your life

Do you know that every thing in the world move and doesn't
stop?. Every thing is refreshing a day either the land where u live
and the air what u breath. So what about u ? aren't u one of this
world? but u are the most important creature. So,why don't u re-
fresh your life? Why don't u break the routine?! Let me ask u..

Do u like to drink from a river or a pool ? I'm sure that u will choose the river.. because it moves and refreshes itself on the contrary of the pool.. it is stationary and it collects the rubbishes. That is just an example to see that we always like the refreshed things.. but unfortunately, we are sometimes as a pool when we stay on our places and don't change any thing around us.
So, I want to give u some advices to refresh yourself and your life:
First of all
*Make a strong relationship with Allah to take the strength & force
*Put your aims in front of your eyes and seek to achieve them
organize your time so u can do more in the same time *
learn more and more by reading, internet, … etc *
*Research for your hobbies and try to improve them as u can
*Change your bad habits
*Don't stay for a moment without working
*try to add something new in your society a day
*shortly .. always move one step forward*
And remember** I'm not the best but I try to do the best**

I'm waiting for your opinions