welcome everybody to my topic
three days of work to present it as beautiful as i can
hope it'll be delightful

let's start
Have u noticed before that u live In a circle?o
by doing the same every day
and Don’t feel excited what r u doing any more ? o

U have no idea what r u doing in ur self
U just make it a died life
Day by day .. u’ll lose it forever

The savior tell u that u don’t have to do more
It’s a simple and useful way …

It’s called ,,, the change


Of course u can’t change ur own world in this moment
but u can make this moment is the start
If u get bored from ur normally life … come with me
In small trip to see another world
If u like it .. bye a ticket and go right now

A world called

First .. what does this word mean?o
About my self .. I see it’s acompletely change that guides u

to a better position Than u r in

And every one has his/her own definition about this word
Let’s see


new look
to understand it I will give you an example
I have a long hair and unshaved beard
after two weeks
I had a hair cut and shaved my beard
So, I have a new look
you say it to someone who changed the way he/she looks
either by the way the look, dress and even the way of life
so you look different than before


I know about this words or phrase that it means
new style in relation to clothes"new model" or may
about life"new life style" and too it means new vision

New look.. the only thing that comes to my mind when i see
this word is something new in the appearance of someone
! like hairstyle or clothes..
It can also be a look from someone to another has changed


A new look " a new view That you Show it To The others "s
I love Jordan

it means that there is someone has changed his or her
style in something ... in clothing, haircut, and so on
for example :

Samar : Have you seen Lara,s hair?
Maha : Yes ... she has her haircut... but this new look
is not suitable for her... isn't she?
Samar : Yes. you are right ... the last new look was more beautiful

( the best comment ever)

.. About this word
.. Doesn't necesserally mean to change my haircut or type of clothes

It means - more spacificly - for me to change my way to connect

my friends and to improve my self ... etc
.. Also it means to change my outlook .. but not as the previous meaning I wrote
: So by the short way
.. To change my " inlook " and make it better for contacting with other people


that were some comment's that i have collected
to show u the defference between our impression of this word

Now .. let’s learn how to make new look of our lives

just one new thing every day can help u
e.g; if someone used to sleep after noon 3 hours .. he can make them two
so he will do whatever in the third hour

and if u suppose to do the same schedule every day .. it’s okay
but change the order

e.g ; if u used to set on the internet every night after the dinner
do it before … and so on

as u saw .. small change every day can be a big change soon


r ppl used to see u one style ??o
why don't u surprise them
with new look? new haircut .. new dressed and new smile ?o

if u usually wear T shirt and jense at work
.. tomorrow wear a black suit and red cravat
and see how will u make a bomb in ur work team

u 'll listen alot of comments ...o
remember .. give an ear to the possitive one
a condition is ... ... Islamic rules which restrict u .. don't mean by
ur new look is to imitate weastern and famouse ppl
the advanage is ... Get self-confidence and break the routine


not all can change thier house or even its paint
but u can change the arragement of the furnatures .. some pieces
here and some there .. don't forget the accessories
that make ur eyes feel comfort ..o

now .. what do think
is it seem new house or not ....?


let me ask u ...how much u weigh ? r u a healthy person ?o
what kind of food u usually eat
remember .. my aim from this topic is to help u make a new look ..o

and of course ur health plays a major role

now leave the pizza .. snaks.. french fries .. pepsi .. choclate as u can
try to eat new stuff of food .. more tasty more healthy and more economic
can u imagin ur self now with fit body and high health ?? o
u have the choice **

look at this pic and learn how to make new look in ur food


most of ppl .. when they think of new look .. they look
for the tangible things which attract attentoin .. o
in this way .. they believe that they r have changed actually
and when other say wooow .. they become happy
unfortunatly.. they have no idea that the change comes from deep inside
continue reading to see how to do it


once u renew the relationship with Allah .. He help u to change ur whole life
ur hearts is the most important piece in ur body ..

(اذا صلحت صلح الجسد كله واذا فسدت فسد الجسد كله )
so . start with it .. ignore every thing can make u far away from Allah
and be more closer to him so he will

don't ask him to change ur life .. put do it ur self and then he'll help u
((لا يغير الله قوما حتى يغيروا ما بانفسهم
if u didn't do that and just started change ur appearance ... o

u'll be as that man whom change his house'paint..o
and the structure is terrible
unfurtunatly .. hi house will fall at any moment

always .. care about the base .. and ur base here ..... o
is ur relationship. with Allah


this is not that easy to do but it will take short time
as much as ur ability and ambition
u need to read some books about the way of thinking

and solving the problems
u need also to read about the successful ppl .. to learn

how did they get it

that's a real new look will let u see ur life in another glimpse
remember how many times u were in troubles
cuz of ur wrong thinking and decides

what if u learn how to become wise and intellegent ??o
let ppl get back their trust of u


from long time .. Mom was saying about somone that he is
a gentle person in his speaking
and i didn't understand what she mean before i talk to him dirctly
he seems a normal person .. but when u talk to him .. he like no one
i recognized that i must learn the skills of communicat others
that will make me attractive and great person

learn how to talk with ur parents , ur friends , ur president, the kids ....
each one of those needs a special way in the contact

remember .. ppl will be sure that u have changed after they talk to u

that what i have about new look
if someone has more .. plz share me
let's all enjoy & learn togother

Question is
