hey fellows, another brand new writing, but this one is quite deffrient

Walking down the road that leads to nowhere, everything is solitude, same pattern, no changes at all..? Been waiting for a happy moment, same old days, same me, even if I want to change, I simply find myself crippled, it is kind of sophisticated to keep on nattering the same thing, over, and over again !! How painful?

I have never thought of happiness equation to be solved easily, I wasn’t thinking right, H+P*2 and some mixture of Double I, then comes N to the E which will equal double S. Quite hard for me to grab the right solution

Long time back, I didn’t think about being a hero, but as folks said, every dream can be true; I was walking solely to even comprehend why every dream can be achieved!

Enclosure, d
I haven’t been able to feel happy, I have no reason why, but then I realized that my soul mate was the main reason of happiness, I’m happy, and truly thankful that today my Daughter is 1 year old, she is getting older, and I’m too happy for her, May Allah grants here happiness, and willingness to do things that I couldn’t do through my life.

Layan ( little princess ) i really love you, your daddy is going to do what ever it takes to simplify d