The Promised Day

When it’s the time for the promised day to come

There will be all the former peoples and the later ones

The day when all nations will be gathered
Lost, wondering and so frightened

The day when all promises will be fulfilled

Where no right of a creature will be missed

For the winners is the paradise; what a happy life

And for the losers is the flaming hell; in misery oceans they will dive

What’s the matter with you O Jinn and Mankind?

Exerting not all your efforts but taking Satan’s side

Don’t you love and fear The King of living and dead?
Or would you like to have a hole of fire as your bed?

Where to go from The Creator; where to hide?

If hastening not to repentance; in fire you will abide

Days are racing; they are passing by
Take the chance; return to your Lord before you die

Death differentiates not between old ones and the neonate
Then would it miss the youths whom in roses age?

May Allah guide us before standing in His court The Exalted Ameen

Humbly, your sister:

Amat Allah