][ To Where The Bad Freinds Will Lead You ][

[ منتدى قلم الأعضاء ]

النتائج 1 إلى 17 من 17

مشاهدة المواضيع

  1. #1

    الصورة الرمزية vampire hunter

    تاريخ التسجيل
    Dec 2006


    أهلاً بكم جميعا .

    طبعاً هذه قصة بالإنجليزى ، القصة من تأليفى بالكامل لذا يمنع منعاً باتاً أن يتم نقلها .

    معلومات بسيطة:
    1- القصة ليس لها أى علاقة بحياتى الحقيقة .
    2- السبب فى وضع القصة فى منتدى قلم الأعضاء هو إنى وجدته أنسب لمكانها فالقصة أقرب للموعظة من أن تكون قصة إنجليزية .
    3- تعمدت إستخدام الكلمات البسيطة فى كل القصة و ذلك حتى يتسنى للجميع فهمها .

    الكلام الموجود قبل العنوان ما هو إلا مقدمة قصيرة .

    Before the beginning you have to know that this story is not a true story.I made it up and the characters either. The main character is me. There are no names in the story. So let’s begin the story.

    To Where The Bad Friends Will Lead You?!!

    My story began when I was a kid. I guess I was 15 by that time. Anyway, my father had a dangerous situation of cancer. So I had to take him to the hospital because I was his only child. When we reached the hospital I was shouting for help suddenly I saw a doctor looks familiar to me. How did I forget that: he was my father’s old friend. The doctor took my father inside the hospital. After two hours the doctor came to me and said “I am so sorry to say this but your father may die during two weeks may be more or less, only God knows I am really sorry”. I did not believe what I had heard. The doctor’s words stayed on my mind for a very long time. I did not know what to do: should I go back home and tell my mother about this or should I keep it as a secret. In the end I decided to keep it as a secret because I did not know how would my mother act if she knew. However I went back home and told my mother that my father was ill and he was going to stay in the hospital for a couple of weeks. This two weeks passed as if they were two years.

    In the last day of the two weeks I went to the hospital to check on my father. When I arrived I saw a lot of people outside my father’s room. When I asked for the reason the answer was the thing I did fear the most. They told me “may Allah (God) have mercy on your father’s soul”. It was a few seconds before I fell onto the ground. I stand up again after a few seconds and entered my father’s to see him for the last time even if he was dead. Two minutes after I saw my mother coming and she looked to me with a crying face and asked “why did not you tell me about this before, why?” . I never answered that question. After my father’s death every thing was changed: my mother had a shock and she stopped talking to anyone even me. I was changed into a bad person. The reason was some bad young men. I did meet them in the high school. They were too bad, they were smoking, hading drugs and they even go to the night clubs. I am not going to lay to you I was doing the same things. You may wonder from where I did get money? I forget to tell you that my father was a rich man. He had a big company which was given to my uncle because my father had written this in his will. So I was hading 10 thousand riyals per month. This amount of money was enough to make me do what I wanted to do.

    Me and the gang were known as drugs dealers in the high school, I had stayed in this bad situation for the whole high school but when I finished it I woke up. The only reason was that I had found myself in the street with the gang members but our classmates had gone to universities. It was a short time before I back to the gang again. But this time I was more badness. I continued in this way for a very long time. I was the leader of the gang because I was the one who had the money, cars and everything the gang might need. That meant I was the one who pay for cigarettes, drugs and wine.

    At the age of 25 I returned to who I was when my father was alive. That meant I had returned to the right path. The reason that made me return was what had happened in one night. In this night I had given some money to one of the gang members to buy us some drugs. On his way back to the car a terrible accident had happened: a car came out from middle of nowhere and hit him. We put him into the car and we were about to take him to the hospital but he said “stop the car I want to tell you something” so the car had stopped. Then he said “we had been doing bad things for many years, it is time to stop and return to our God and ask God for forgiveness” then he breathed his last breathe. His words were too enough to wake us up from the life which we had been living in. However, after my return, my mother became the mother that I had known once. When I was 26 years old I married to a good woman that my mother had chosen for me. After that, when I was 29 years old I had finished my studies in a private university and became a great engineer. When I was 31 years old I own my father’s company. Now I am living with my wife and two children a girl and a boy. But I will never forget what had happened to me when I was in the high school. In the end I have a small advice for every student in the high school “good friends are like the stars. You do not always see them but you always know that they are there.”

    فى الأخير أتمنى أن تكون نالت القصة إعجابكم .

    و من لديه تعليق فأهلاً و مرحباً به .

    written by : vampire hunter

    Behold The Next story ترقبوا القصة القادمة بإذن الله

    التعديل الأخير تم بواسطة vampire hunter ; 8-5-2008 الساعة 12:52 PM



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