I picked up my pen to reveal what was hidden inward my heart, Nothing compared with the past that I’ve been through, everything was awful, unstable, miserable, and this is the way I was and the way I am, I just was an ordinary man like others around this tiny world who used to pursuit their happiness, I was looking for the place where I can rest my head while the sound of chaos still digging inward my heart, I was running from myself, even when I see my shadow, I get paranoid, but I was pleasant that I made it this age, I don’t know how, but It is kinda delightful to seek that only Allah has the ability to chose whatever and whenever.
It is kinda pleasure that this world has a respective scene to you, while the underestimated look got vanished,
Have you ever asked your self that, was it possible to have had avoided any of what had happened, if you consider that life won’t smile, you just ripped off your spirit, and forget that you still a strong-human.
Some of you think that I’m kinda philosopher, but being happy is the only and the strongest remedy to all your misery.
Anyhow, The way this fragment was written, is the way you cannot understand what suppose I meant,
Even though, I have the clear view that y’all are gonna understand it.
IF not,
(What I meant is, when I addressed you as I, I mean you, which means I = you “the reader “.
Some of us, has a miserable and dreadful past, and even a those who would remember their past would shed tears, In such cases, I used to address you as strong human, starting to reveal that you’ve been through a miserable view, anyhow, the solution that I’ve described above, is what are you gonna feel in life later.)

I wish to write a dozen of words but I can’t. Cos some of ya might get angry!