Really beautiful topic from you Azuma

as you said why should we forget the past

i support u in that and also said we mustnot forget the past

and here your words about why we should not forget tha past

The past is the treasure that must be kept forever in one's heart..
If the past was not that important , history would never exist ,

The past is a source of inspiration ..
The past is a source of strength ..
I will never forget my past.. I will never be a traitor
I will live my present … I will keep going

and i added to you

that past is the base to the future

the man must not forget the past either it was fullof success or mistakes

if his past full of mistakes so he could correct these mistakes and learn from it

if his or her past full of success he/she must remeber his/her success and how great he/she was and continue the way to insist to be more better

finally i want to say that

a man who forget the past = a man without identity