موشي موشي

First of all.. Big thank you to all the ppl who shared to make this topic..
and the ones that are here writing about their feelings..

I'd like to be one of you..

so Imma begin with alittle biography about myself..

I'm a highschooler (tenth grader) from jeddah.. I've always been active and well
known inevery school I studied at.. for so meny reasons.. but most of all.. the way
I look and my style..

I always was the tallest at class and the strongest.. so everyone thought twice before
making a fight with me.. though I'm not much into fights..

Anyway, what I wanted to talk about is.. lately.. actuly nowadays, I've been into many
school activities.. so I go out from school to school alot.. and take courses in
various stuff, so I don't attend alot of classes ans skip alot of tests..
and I barely see my classmates..

I like being active.. cuz it shows me how good I am and I learn lots of stuff
that are very important.. but in the same time.. I don't have time to spend
with my friends.. and I don't like that..

so what do you think?.. what should I do?

I can't ask my friend cuz they will tell me to stop my activities..

I just saw this topic.. and i thought of askin you for a solution..

and thanks alot again

sorry to have made it long..

