اقتباس المشاركة الأصلية كتبت بواسطة coaf مشاهدة المشاركة
welcome my sis DORIME, how r u, what I say about ur topic it's really very very wonderful, it's benefited me very much because it's consist very good info I wasn't know it specielly the part of enrich ur LG and really it's topic of month, thanks my sis this was beautiful from you and peace be upon you

hi coaf ... Now I somehow worried coz our marks will be ready soon in IUG site
and down coz my summer holiday will finish in 11 /7
huhuh uncredible but Iam okay with it

it's consist very good info I wasn't know it specielly the part of enrich ur LG

yaa they r from me and the daily conversation in the university ... actually in the university all our speech is slang even the liistening course is Amre ENG
but these sites r useful in anyway

thanks alot 4 passing here