Today was my worst day at all ... i got 3/20 in Criticism exam ...
it was not my fault ... my Doctor want from us to criticize a Shakespearean novel
... but I found it very very beautiful ...
tell me : how can I criticize it ... or rather how can I tell my father about my mark
OoOoOoh my God ... help me


u mean it's out of ur hand

but u should do what the doctor told u
whatever ur openion .. it's nothing in comparison with the doctor's

wanna ask u
what did u believe in math's and physics 's rules
we just memorized it as if it was an inspiration

so ... why don't do the same

if the Doc ask u criticize the novel that u see it's markable ... just do it
unfurtinatly .... this is the way of learning in the East

so sis .. don't be sad ... and next time .. remember my advice

have great time