In the naem of god the merciful and compassionate

gr8 topic u hve here, Movies

wt can i say about movies, its one of most things in my daily life, though i think Movies is Forrbiden in our religion and we see awuful scenes in Movies, but i guess my purpose is Clean

hahahaha, i only watch Movies to improve my English, see Odd words listen to wt thet say and the most thing i love is watching eng-sub-movies.

mmmmmm, i love lots of movies, my best kind is Investigation movies and thrill ones, that makes u think all movie time and wanna knw wts going on, the type that activate and make ur mind work, like DeathNote, Inception, i cant recall now but there r lots of movies i watched.

thnx 4 the topic
with my greeting, M.A.T