Lone soul in Two Worlds

Hey camellia, Sorry for being away, sometimes you can’t witness some kind of brilliant masterpiece, and with no prior notification you get to see it, it is quite aching for me to grasp everything in the midst of brainwashing and the busy life I have, that’s why I’m begging your pardon ~f

and make friends with the Sun ignoring how awfully they talked about her back in the days of summer mornings and making her the queen of the season instead, we went out to attend our charming queen's presence.

It was a clear morning sky and since she was warm hearted knowing how people needed her , she didn't hide among clouds and rather was dancing in the sky which was her own stage!. no wonder Hemingway took the title of The Sun Also Rises as one of his own novel's !!

Pretty nice opening, I was amazed the way your words seeped as a waterfall, and this really fits on someone very, very, talented. Anyway, sometimes we give all we have to people we care about, and we keep on giving them, then at some point in our lives we surprisingly get a sudden stab in the back, some of them stab and go, and others stab and at the same time twist to make it feels more painful, and once they face you they trembled and murmured like maniacs, you even get to ask yourself whats wrong with them, but once u discover the painful fact then you will get the full picture of betrayal and remorse.f


I really don’t comprehend why such people keep on hiding beyond this shadowy mask, is it their nature, or some kind of sickness. I really can’t grasp the idea, but I really felt how sadly and deadly it is to be stabbed form people you had considered either as role models or friends, ‘cuz you gave your time, emotions, and even your trust to them and in blink of an eye they tore you apart and once you are down, the only thing you will feel is a coldly breeze,
However, in fact, I came to conclusion that no matter what, don’t lose hope, there are some people who might lean you on their shoulders when you fall down, ‘cuz once good exists, evil dose!f


Anyway, kinda wondering, what took you to get the idea of making friends with the sun, ‘cuz I believe it is fiction, but making friendship with the sun is quite new for me, is it an idea you read it somewhere or it is your own fiction?? f

When you stand upon a green hill where you can see clearly how the sun can get you warmth and hope , I have that strange feeling of remembering the dead which might turn me thoughtful and sad but somehow happy !
When I saw that incredibly amazing scene : kids are playing around , the sun is shining from behind , refreshing breeze is dancing , water is tenderly falling over young green plants that spread as far as you see, giving them a sparkling scene by the golden sun beams . All looked like small diamond pieces thrown in the grass to add more beauty to that portrait .
I was just in a deep contemplation...This is life ..
Yeah and how sometimes it seems as peaceful and sweet as forever!
Is it forever ? and are we forever?
I remembered those who enjoyed the same scene but no longer able to see the light again because simply they are gone ! .
I stopped thinking there will come a day when I will be nothing and under the ground ..and people who traveled there for good were just like me now ,but at a glance everything was completely different ,at the top of all isthe two different worlds
we are living in!
There is no sun in your world dear , I don't want to be parted from light
I don't want to lay there ...

Life itself is just a ticket to the hereafter, the light and the soft breeze can be felt by the living, but the dead can be divided to two types, those who see light by their good deeds and others by their devilish history, but honestly I hope to be the first type, it is something we believe that we will go the next station and continue the trip to the judgment day, but once I think about grave and the length that my soul will be taken off, I get some kind of thoughts and start trembling because at that point you will sets for unknown time, Allah only knows when you will be resurrected and stand to be questioned – the only factual sence I sensed is the death of my father, that was really sad, ‘cuz he was moving before awhile and some seconds later everything fall apart

Despite of the fact I don't really know what Hemingway was thinking about then but
Sun is Life even though it is the Greatest reason that will imply the End of this life.

Even if I die ...The clock will keep tick ticking , people will keep walking , water will still falling and the sun will also rise , I will be forgotten just like how they were before , nothing will stop only because I died and
everything will move on just like it does now...

It's kind of rough to long for light
and while life seems forever death's creepy face comes saying Nothing is forever But the Creator of these splendid scenes. .
your own good deeds are your bright protective sun down there my dear!


Sun isn’t life, life isn’t the sun remember that, life is what we are living, it is on this earth, it is what you see every day, this is life, but sun, it is same as you worshiping Allah.f

Everything will move, I agree, but you won’t be forgotten, ‘cuz allota people died and their touch remain as they are still here with us.f

After I was like a small kid listening eagerly to such thoughts , I went home with good satisfying fact which was we were blessed by being alive to decide how further the light of our deeds can spread ...... gg

Anyway, you conclude your thoughts with a splinted line and I really admire that.f

Anyway, sorry for writing allot, about your level, you have surpassed my expectations, and if you don’t realize just go back a little then see any topic or anything you wrote, then you will feel how high-leveled you are. .gif" border="0" alt="" title="0" class="inlineimg" />d