Peace be upon
Here re the answers for this week's quiz

The ideal answers


Respect --> disrespect
Possible --> impossible
Polite --> impolite
Comfortable --> uncomfortable
Safe --> unsafe
Formal --> informal
Smoking --> nonsmoking
Happy --> unhappy
Correct --> incorrect
Obedience --> disobedience


Work [person] --> Worker
Use [full of] --> Useful
Worth [without] --> Worthless
Psych [subject of study] --> Psychology
Sad [adv] --> Sadly
Sun [adj] --> Sunny
Process [machine] --> Processor
Policy [subject of study] --> Politics
Polite [noun] --> Politeness
Craziness [adj] --> Crazy
In the results
I put a green plus (+)l
for those who have a good chance in competing for the first three positions in the second round which starts this week
The rest can continue but they have a very small chance

Keep in mind that starting from next week's quiz, it's gonna be an elimination round until the end
That means if you miss one quiz out of the four, you will be disqualified and shall be eliminated
So. be careful, and yes, there will be no exceptions

The results

Good luck in the next ones