Welcome everyone,l
as you all know, and after changing the old educational forum into an English literature forum,l
many things have to change in order to have a well organized forums.l
So, after checking and moving many old topics away, and following the new set of rules that states "topics that contains only links for websites and downloading programs and software will be deleted.l
Instead, you add your links and help others by sharing them here in order to have our our library for such aims.l
I hope for cooperation and thank you every one.l
Please, remember that you have to explain what you are providing us with and be careful of websites with any kind of inappropriate contents which will lead for penalizing you.l
سيكون هذا الموضوع مرجعًا ومكانًا لمن أراد مشاركة ما لديه من روابط لمواقع أو لتحميل برامج تعليمية
وسيحذف أي موضوع يكون فيه روابط فقط وكل المواضيع التعليمية التي لا تكون من جهد العضو وشرحه الخاص