اقتباس المشاركة الأصلية كتبت بواسطة Abu Aljrah مشاهدة المشاركة
وعليكم السلام ورحمة الله وبركاته

I hope to read a good story or novel but the problem is hard words..

Can you give me advice the good story or novel has an easy words and it's short ?
Well brother, vocabulary (words) is the eternal problem for language learners since it takes the longest time to learn unlike grammar. You will need a lot of persistence to get over it, but inshallah you'll be able to. As for advice, I think you should try reading with a dictionary all the time. Electronic dictionaries (pop-up dictionaries on the computer, for example) are the best. But, don't look up all the words you don't know because that is going to be difficult. Focus on verbs and on words that are repeated a lot in the text you are reading. As for reading material, it doesn't really matter whether you read short stories or novels or non-fiction, what really matters is reading something that keeps you interested as much as possible. For this reason, lots of people prefer to read news articles or blog posts rather than novels. Now here are some links to popular writers whose work is now in the public domain. To be honest, I didn't read anything by most of them, but they are well-known in the western world and I hope you like some of them. - O. Henry - Charles Dickens - Aruthur Coann Doyle (The writer of Sherlock Holmes) - Francis Scott Fitzgerald - Howard Philips Lovecraft - Edgar Allan Poe
هذا ما لدي، أرجو أن يفيدك، وإذا كان هناك شيء غير واضح فلا مانع عندي في توضيحه، والمعذرة على الإطالة.