السلام عليكم ورحمة الله تعالى وبركاته...

(سوف أكتب
بالانجليزي ان هناك لا مانع...^ ^")

...?How are you Chiko-chan
...?And how is your
"^ ^...I hope you are
all fine & doing well

I see that
everybody is asking question like you are some kind of philosopher or something...

^ ^...
Hopefully my questions are chill & light like a sprinkle of cool water on a burning day

^ ^...I only have
three questions...if you don't mind
..."And then there were
^ ^...?The sentence
above...does it mean anything to you?...if it does...then what

describe yourself in one sentence-

...?Do you consider yourself
fit?...or are you above your weight limit-
Sorry about the last question...

...That is all
"^ ^...I hope you
enjoy the remaining week...and, hopefully...you don't get drowned from the questions

^ ^...Have a
lovely day