☆Your Guide to writing poetry☆

[ منتدى اللغة الإنجليزية ]

مشاهدة نتائج الإستطلاع: Do you think you can write poetry now after reading the guide?l

16. أنت لم تصوت في هذا الإستطلاع
  • Yeah, thanks man

    11 68.75%
  • Nah, I still suck

    1 6.25%
  • I'm not really sure

    4 25.00%
صفحة 1 من 2 12 الأخيرةالأخيرة
النتائج 1 إلى 20 من 31

العرض المتطور

  1. #1

    تاريخ التسجيل
    Apr 2008

    Talking ☆Your Guide to writing poetry☆

    it's nice to see you all again

    Today, I'd like to introduce this full guide for writing poetry
    and hoping that it'll help you to start making your own poetry and share them with us

    Writing Poetry is is a wonderful outlet for expressing ideas. Poetry can be used to convey ideas, information and feelings but, above all, it is a great means of entertainment

    let's start by defining, "What's poetry?"

    1. "Poetry is a short piece of imaginative writing. It is usually very personal in nature, representing a feeling or emotion. Poetry is probably the most free form of writing, with few restrictions like plot and character. Like any art form, poetry takes a commitment and thrives with practice and knowledge of the craft."k

    2. " Poetry is an imaginative awareness of experience expressed through meaning, sound, and rhythmic language choices so as to evoke an emotional response. Poetry has been known to employ meter and rhyme, but this is by no means necessary. Poetry is an ancient form that has gone through numerous and drastic reinvention over time. The very nature of poetry as an authentic and individual mode of expression makes it nearly impossible to define."

    3. "Poetry is piece of literature written by a poet in meter or verse expressing various emotions which are expressed by the use of variety of different techniques including metaphors, similes and onomatopoeia. The emphasis on the aesthetics of language and the use of different techniques such as repetition, meter and rhyme are what are commonly used to distinguish poetry from prose. Prose can be defined as ordinary speech or writing without any metrical structure. poems often make heavy use of imagery and word association to quickly convey emotions. Poetry in English and other modern European languages often use different rhyme schemes and these technique are most often seen in children poems such as Nursery Rhymes making them easy to remember. Other examples of different types of poetry which use rhyme are limericks. Poets make use of sound in different types of poetry by employing different kinds of techniques called Alliteration, Assonance, Consonance and Euphony."

    definition of literary and poetry terms

    (press on the terms to see definition and examples)

    types of poetry

    (press on the type to see definition and examples)

    a simple guide to help you through your poetry

    these instructions are for the free writing which I will try to provide in this guide

    Carry a paper and pen at all times. As all artists know, inspiration can hit at any time at any place. It probably comes most often when least expected, when waiting in the checkout line or sitting on the subway. The immediate feeling of the instinctual emotion felt at the very moment will be forgotten, or at least begin to cloud in memory.

    step 2

    Know metaphors and how to use them. Use them while speaking to hear how they sound. Think of them constantly and try to make them more eloquent and beautiful all the time. After a while they should be able to flow freely and naturally.

    step 3

    Have a wide vocabulary. This comes from reading, writing and speaking. Read avidly, and try to incorporate new words while writing. Practice using new words in conversations.

    step 4

    Use imagery. Imagery is vital to poetry. Know how to describe things in ways that no one else describes them. Be aware of all five of the senses and how to describe effectively what each is experiencing.
    step 5
    Read poetry. Read poetry all the time. Get inspired by other poets. Learn about their style. Read classic poets such as Aristotle. Read Shakespeare, Emily Dickinson and Rimbaud. Read contemporary poets like Nikki Giovanni. Read unknown poetry posted online.

    step 6
    Get outside opinions. Talk to friends, join online groups or even enroll for a course. All feedback is constructive, whether positive or negative. Learn to grow from criticism; it will only help. Don't be afraid to share work with an audience.

    The elements to include are imagination and imagery and conveying these ideas by writing poetry which makes good use of rhythm, rhyme, tone and using the English language and its various means to enhance your work. The two most popular devices to enable you to do this when writing poetry is the use of metaphors (A figure of speech in which two things are compared like "the world's a stage") and Similes (A figure of speech in which two things are compared using the word "like" or "as.") The use of such devices when writing poetry allows the writer the broaden the images and meanings of everyday terms so that they take on a new dimension

    When you write a good poem, one you really like, immediately write another. Maybe that one poem was your peak for the night, bit maybe you’re on a roll. There’s only one way to find out.l
    The bigger your theme, the more important the details are. A poem with Love, Destiny, Hate or other huge themes in the title already has two strikes against it (and I like love poems).l

    Say what you want to say. Let your readers decide what your poem means.l

    Feel free to write a bad poem.l

    That one perfect line in a thirty-line poem may be what makes it all worthwhile. It may also be what is ruining the rest of your poem. Keep an eye on it.l

    Don’t explain everything.l

    Untitled poems are like unnamed children.l

    People will remember an image long after they’ve forgotten why it was there.l

    Develop your voice. Get comfortable with how you write.l

    There are many excuses not to write. Try using writing as an excuse not to do other things.l

    The more you read, the more you learn. Read poetry often.l

    The more you write, the more you develop. Write poetry often.l

    Poems that focus on form are rarely my favorites, but most of my favorite poets learned how to write in forms before they discarded them. Writing in forms is a challenge. It makes you think.l

    Don’t be afraid to write from a different point of view. Write a poem that says exactly the opposite of what you believe. If you can, do it without irony.l

    When you cannot write, lie on the floor a while, go for a walk, or at least twirl around in a circle. Do something that changes your perspective.l

    Write in different places. Keep a notebook. Write in a park or on a street-corner or in an alley. You don’t have to write about the place, but it will influence you whether you do or not.l

    Listen to talk radio while you write. Listen to the people who call. Great characters and voices emerge that way.l

    If you don’t like a poem or poet you read, figure out exactly why. It may reflect something you don’t like about your own poetry.l

    When nothing is coming, start writing very fast. Write down any and every word, phrase or sentence that comes to mind. Do that for about a minute before you go back to working on your poem. I call this trick flushing. Feel free to use anything you came up with, but the purpose of flushing is to clear your head.l

    Make a list of poems you can remember specific lines from. Go back and read those poems. Figure out why they stuck with you.l
    Keep a dream journal. Dreams are your mind at it’s most creative so pay attention to them. Don’t feel you have to write a poem about your dreams unless one truly inspires you. The main goal is to see what thoughts the dreams lead you to.l

    Analyze other writer’s poems. Figure out what works, what doesn’t work, and why. Think about how you would work with the same material and concepts.l

    Use humor, irony, and melodrama, but don’t abuse them.l

    Write the worst poem you can possibly write. Use clichés, use pretentious words, and beat your reader over the head with your point. Felt good, didn’t it? Now get back to work. The point is, don’t be afraid to write a bad poem. Every great poet has written a bad poem. Most great poets have written hundreds, even thousands of bad poems. The great poets kept writing though, and so should you. If it takes a hundred bad poems to produce a poem you like, finish those hundred poems. l

    Limericks can be fun too.l

    Every line of a poem should be important to the poem, and interesting to read. A poem with only 3 great lines should be 3 lines long.l

    Poems should progress. There should be a reason why the first stanza comes before the second, the second before the third, and so on.l

    Follow your fear. Don’t back away from subjects that make you uncomfortable, and don’t try to keep your personal demons off the page. Even if you never publish the poems they produce, you have to push yourself and write as honestly as possible.l

    Find a way to publish your poems. Sooner or later you have to send your babies out into the world to find their way. Emily Dickinson was a fluke. Most people who don’t publish while they’re alive will never be seen or heard of — no matter how great their poems.l

    Buy poetry books, especially books by current writers. Give back to the poetry community by reading (and paying for) the works of others.l

    Go to poetry readings. Check your local arts publications for upcoming events. Almost any sizable town has readings every week or every other week. This is a great opportunity to meet poets and people who care about poetry.l

    When you go to readings, donate money and buy books if you can.l

    Host a poetry event or organize a reading.l

    If you want to swap poetry and criticism with your peers, form your own group. Many .local arts publications let you list your group for free.l

    Publish your own poetry journal or web site. Even a few sheets of paper stapled together gets the word out.l

    Whatever else you do, keep writing.l

    Now, we reached the end of this guide which I hope it was beneficial to all of you
    and that it's answered all or most of your questions regarding writing poetry

    I tried to gather the most helpful and useful knowledge
    and steps and techniques in this guide which I thought were good as I learned a lot from them and they helped through my previous studies in College

    Finally, I'd like from you guys to include something in your comments
    I want you to write something even few lines from what you've understood from this guide and I will put what you write here as examples

    my friend by mohbaboo

    it's a small piece entitled, " my friend!"

    and it's more of a free writing than an organized one

    once upon a time I was a kid
    played in secret and never said
    to anyone whatever I did
    what did you expect, I was a kid

    no one listened to what I said
    even if I even yelled
    until I found my own friend
    who I met in the end

    on the little piece of ground
    the piece on which we played
    we had happy times and a happy end
    and until now he's my friend

    This is an Example I wrote for the ABC type of poetry

    Be a MAN by mohbaboo

    A wise woman once told me
    be a good man to yours
    can you take the responsibility?l
    do what you can do?l

    every time you were asked
    for a help or even a task
    good for you or even bad
    how would you react?l

    I want you to know
    Judgment day coming no way
    kiss you mom's head when you see her
    lollipops to be given to your young sister

    man should be a MAN
    not some hesitated one in the shadows
    or you can be nothing
    please son, be wise and choose the right one

    this one is a free verse

    A Dolly and I by Do Ri Me

    I just don't understand why ?
    there would be thousands reply
    when those icy eyes ,
    gazed at me with dead blind

    I didn't think someday some one ,
    would be at her place ,
    Nope , this life gives and takes ,
    exactly as nothing would happen

    O, my hopes of rosy future go ,
    with winds if not with storm
    there is no reality , no truth ,
    satanic lies out of truth

    And alone , my dolly and I
    will go on and be fine ,
    with out othe's cheering , but with a smile ,
    due to if dolly is doll , I am a Human

    thank you sister Do Ri Me for your contribution
    may Allah bless you

    thank you everyone for being patient
    and good luck to you all

    your brother

    التعديل الأخير تم بواسطة mohbaboo ; 5-2-2010 الساعة 03:16 AM

  2. #2

    الصورة الرمزية Do Ri Me

    تاريخ التسجيل
    Nov 2006

    افتراضي رد: ☆Your Guide to writing poetry☆

    yo ~ man

    really amazing
    I hope I can reward yo in anyway
    but can't help it
    ur work is stunning
    in the spot ... I am speechless
    BTW This topic ganna be so useful to me ... So I put it in my fav sites

    Aregatow Goziamishta

    May Allah bless you And Lead you to success

  3. #3

    تاريخ التسجيل
    Apr 2008
    كاتب الموضوع

    افتراضي رد: ☆Your Guide to writing poetry☆

    اقتباس المشاركة الأصلية كتبت بواسطة Do Ri Me مشاهدة المشاركة
    yo ~ man

    really amazing
    I hope I can reward yo in anyway
    but can't help it
    ur work is stunning
    in the spot ... I am speechless
    BTW This topic ganna be so useful to me ... So I put it in my fav sites

    Aregatow Goziamishta

    May Allah bless you And Lead you to success
    welcome my sister

    oh there's no need for anything but your prayers for me
    that's all what matters

    I'm really glad that the guide is gonna be useful to you and the others

    you're welcome and thank YOU for the encouraging comment as usual

    my Allah bless you


  4. #4

    الصورة الرمزية the Assassin

    تاريخ التسجيل
    Oct 2007

    افتراضي رد: ☆Your Guide to writing poetry☆

    Man that was just a piece of art, it is such a supreme guide though.. and i believe it is the best thing i have ever read about poetry guides, what i like mostly is types of poetry
    man that was helpful,

    btw, ur topic is offically now on my fvr8, and on top of that my heart

  5. #5

    تاريخ التسجيل
    Apr 2008
    كاتب الموضوع

    افتراضي رد: ☆Your Guide to writing poetry☆

    اقتباس المشاركة الأصلية كتبت بواسطة the Assassin مشاهدة المشاركة
    Man that was just a piece of art, it is such a supreme guide though.. and i believe it is the best thing i have ever read about poetry guides, what i like mostly is types of poetry
    man that was helpful,

    btw, ur topic is offically now on my fvr8, and on top of that my heart
    oh that's one honoring complement I got for myself here hhhh

    yeah it's one my favorites too and that website is almost the best and helped me a lot in this guide

    glad to help in any way possible and LEGAL hhh

    wow I'm starting to blush now
    thank you brother for the sincere encouragement

    may Allah bless you

  6. #6

    الصورة الرمزية Schwert

    تاريخ التسجيل
    Nov 2008

    افتراضي رد: ☆Your Guide to writing poetry☆

    Hello dear friend Mohbaboo, I really surprise from this topic; it's really brilliant thing
    it'll benefit me so much to learn about poetry, I thank you so much for ur effort in this topic my dear
    and certainly the topic has been saved in my folder, I wish I find enough time and clear mind for set and write poetry, the more I read the more I learn and with time everything will be okay, ur topic my mate was amazing thing here,thank you and good bye'cya'1

  7. #7

    تاريخ التسجيل
    Apr 2008
    كاتب الموضوع

    افتراضي رد: ☆Your Guide to writing poetry☆

    اقتباس المشاركة الأصلية كتبت بواسطة Saber مشاهدة المشاركة
    Hello dear friend Mohbaboo, I really surprise from this topic; it's really brilliant thing
    it'll benefit me so much to learn about poetry, I thank you so much for ur effort in this topic my dear
    and certainly the topic has been saved in my folder, I wish I find enough time and clear mind for set and write poetry, the more I read the more I learn and with time everything will be okay, ur topic my mate was amazing thing here,thank you and good bye'cya'1
    Hello my dear friend Mohannad

    thank you very much
    it's such an honoring complement from you

    take your time and enjoy reading and when you finish
    I'm gonna be waiting for your piece here hhhh _ I won't let it go for you and the two before you hhhhhhh

    you're welcome and thank you for your nice comment

    may Allah bless you


  8. #8

    الصورة الرمزية lolleta

    تاريخ التسجيل
    Apr 2009

    افتراضي رد: ☆Your Guide to writing poetry☆

    amazing ideas
    graet work
    special design
    alot of useful info
    no comment
    really no comment

    Million thanks bro

  9. #9

    تاريخ التسجيل
    Apr 2008
    كاتب الموضوع

    افتراضي رد: ☆Your Guide to writing poetry☆

    اقتباس المشاركة الأصلية كتبت بواسطة lolleta مشاهدة المشاركة
    amazing ideas
    graet work
    special design
    alot of useful info
    no comment
    really no comment

    Million thanks bro
    no worries sister
    for you to be here is for all the world

    all thanks to you guys
    you all made my day after all the effort I put into this guide




    you have to write
    at least few lines of poetry in your comments
    it's compulsory and excuses won't be tolerated hhahahahah

    'till later

  10. #10

    الصورة الرمزية ČŞ2

    تاريخ التسجيل
    Nov 2006

    افتراضي رد: ☆Your Guide to writing poetry☆

    I wish, I can writing or reading a poetry

    But, I guess the poetry not easy


    Thank you

  11. #11

    تاريخ التسجيل
    Apr 2008
    كاتب الموضوع

    افتراضي رد: ☆Your Guide to writing poetry☆

    اقتباس المشاركة الأصلية كتبت بواسطة ČŞ2 مشاهدة المشاركة
    I wish, I can writing or reading a poetry

    But, I guess the poetry not easy


    Thank you
    I'm sure you will with time and practice

    it wasn't easy for anyone until they tried and did their best

    if we try and work hard on anything, we will do it

    thank you brother
    and wish you all the best


  12. #12

    الصورة الرمزية Do Ri Me

    تاريخ التسجيل
    Nov 2006

    افتراضي رد: ☆Your Guide to writing poetry☆

    okay ... this is my try ... but look it doesn't have any rule ... u can say it's free verse

    A Dolly and I
    I just don't understand why ?
    there would be thousands reply
    when those icy eyes ,
    gazed at me with dead blind

    I didn't think someday some one ,
    would be at her place ,
    Nope , this life gives and takes ,
    exactly as nothing would happen

    O, my hopes of rosy future go ,
    with winds if not with storm
    there is no reality , no truth ,
    satanic lies out of truth

    And alone , my dolly and I
    will go on and be fine ,
    with out othe's cheering , but with a smile ,
    due to if dolly is doll , I am a Human

    huhuhuh????? how do you find it ... perhaps the topic is trivial but i found it a bit nice^^

  13. #13

    تاريخ التسجيل
    Apr 2008
    كاتب الموضوع

    افتراضي رد: ☆Your Guide to writing poetry☆

    اقتباس المشاركة الأصلية كتبت بواسطة Do Ri Me مشاهدة المشاركة
    okay ... this is my try ... but look it doesn't have any rule ... u can say it's free verse

    A Dolly and I
    I just don't understand why ?
    there would be thousands reply
    when those icy eyes ,
    gazed at me with dead blind

    I didn't think someday some one ,
    would be at her place ,
    Nope , this life gives and takes ,
    exactly as nothing would happen

    O, my hopes of rosy future go ,
    with winds if not with storm
    there is no reality , no truth ,
    satanic lies out of truth

    And alone , my dolly and I
    will go on and be fine ,
    with out othe's cheering , but with a smile ,
    due to if dolly is doll , I am a Human

    huhuhuh????? how do you find it ... perhaps the topic is trivial but i found it a bit nice^^
    welcome back

    that's one beautiful piece of thoughts and feelings

    I truly enjoyed it
    and believe me when I say that the free writing is the most expressive way of writing 'cause you express what's on your mind without any restrictions

    also, your piece expresses the loneliness in someone's heart
    thaough you're still happy with what you got

    as I said in the topic
    keep on writing and never stop
    and you'll make pieces of art

    thank you very much for sharing what you wrote here

    see you when I see you l


  14. #14

    الصورة الرمزية tsunade

    تاريخ التسجيل
    Jun 2008

    افتراضي رد: ☆Your Guide to writing poetry☆

    Hello my brother ..
    Very beautiful and unique and wonderful writing
    I congratulate you on this innovation

  15. #15

    تاريخ التسجيل
    Apr 2008
    كاتب الموضوع

    افتراضي رد: ☆Your Guide to writing poetry☆

    اقتباس المشاركة الأصلية كتبت بواسطة tsunade مشاهدة المشاركة
    Hello my brother ..
    Very beautiful and unique and wonderful writing
    I congratulate you on this innovation
    hello sister tsunade

    thank you very much for passing by

    I'm glad you enjoyed the reading and I hope you'll enjoy writing, too


    اقتباس المشاركة الأصلية كتبت بواسطة Ls460L مشاهدة المشاركة
    just I want to know that every poem in a verse( or in a line) it must have a specific # of words or articles
    in every two or three repetitive lines or not ,
    Hope reply soon as possible.

    there are different types
    and they are all explained in the types

    all what you've said are correct
    and there are no limitation
    every type has it's unique features and characteristics

    and I'm no expert to answer your answer and you have to read
    and learn bye yourself in order to improve

    thank you

  16. #16

    الصورة الرمزية DARK LEGEND

    تاريخ التسجيل
    Mar 2009

    افتراضي رد: ☆Your Guide to writing poetry☆


    ^^ .. pretty good topic


  17. #17

    الصورة الرمزية Ls460L

    تاريخ التسجيل
    Aug 2009

    Question رد: ☆Your Guide to writing poetry☆

    just I want to know that every poem in a verse( or in a line) it must have a specific # of words or articles
    in every two or three repetitive lines or not ,
    Hope reply soon as possible.
    التعديل الأخير تم بواسطة Ls460L ; 4-2-2010 الساعة 03:23 PM

  18. #18

    الصورة الرمزية qoot_syria

    تاريخ التسجيل
    May 2009

    افتراضي رد: ☆Your Guide to writing poetry☆


    Your very impressive and surprisingly amazing!

    Hair the way for recreation and write all the illusions that exist in our heart.

    Actually it's way too beautiful and amazing ..

    Thank you brother for this great work and be useful ..

    But I am going back to read the topic again ..

    Because there are some words that were unable to read and understand ..

    All praise / qoot

  19. #19

    تاريخ التسجيل
    Apr 2008
    كاتب الموضوع

    افتراضي رد: ☆Your Guide to writing poetry☆

    اقتباس المشاركة الأصلية كتبت بواسطة qoot_syria مشاهدة المشاركة

    Your very impressive and surprisingly amazing!

    Hair the way for recreation and write all the illusions that exist in our heart.

    Actually it's way too beautiful and amazing ..

    Thank you brother for this great work and be useful ..

    But I am going back to read the topic again ..

    Because there are some words that were unable to read and understand ..

    All praise / qoot
    hello qoot
    hhhh why surprisingly?l
    did you not expect it from me or what? -- kidding

    you're welcome

    take your time and ask if you need anything to be clarified

    thank for the nice comment

    see you

  20. #20

    تاريخ التسجيل
    Apr 2008
    كاتب الموضوع

    افتراضي رد: ☆Your Guide to writing poetry☆

    This is an Example I wrote today for the ABC type of poetry
    hope you enjoy it

    and by the way
    I will put your poems that you will write in the main thread above so others wouls see them
    so, if you followed a certain type please mention it

    Be a MAN

    A wise woman once told me
    be a good man to yours
    can you take the responsibility?l
    do what you can do?l

    every time you were asked
    for a help or even a task
    good for you or even bad
    how would you react?l

    I want you to know
    Judgment day coming no way
    kiss you mom's head when you see her
    lollipops to be given to your young sister

    man should be a MAN
    not some hesitated one in the shadows
    or you can be nothing
    please son, be wise and choose the right one

صفحة 1 من 2 12 الأخيرةالأخيرة



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