well . let's see
my friends are the most important things in my life
they've got a million ways to make me laugh
I love them so much <3
they are the light in my dark life
and if I go away someday , I know that they will still my friends to the end

A true friend is the greatest thing the person can have

im my life . in the beginning . I didn't realize
that my friends were the power which I was lucky and happy because I have them
and after years when we moved on
and I stayed alone
I just realized what the " true friend " means

I cried so much
and I didn't sleep many nights because I was so sad then
and when I met a new " true friends " I just knew that
I can be happy again
and throw away all of my sadness and dark nights
!! now . I fell like I'm the luckiest girl in the world

A " true friend " totally not a simple word
it's so much bigger than that

A true friend will go to the end of the earth
to give you the things you need

When I cried . I found my true friend wipe away all of my tears
and when I screamed I found her fight away all of my fears

when some hand catch you

and get you up

your Hope is Hear

and your heart is beating

it's just a hand

beautiful words
I like it so much
and thank you
for this warm topic