let’s improve our pronunciation !

Through our English learning’s flight , as we already know we must learn how to write,listen and read . The most important thing which I wanna talk about is how to pronunce the words in English or how to "read" in a right way ..

How can I improve my pronunciation ?!
you can do that by different ways , such as :
Listening to people who have native accent.
Watching programs in English.
Knowing the true pronunciation via talking dictionaries.
Using devices which require an English langauge to deal with it "I mean programs which enabled you to talk with it "

these are some ways to improve your pronunciation ..
and the most important thing is : Not To Be Embarrassed about your pronunciation ..

First Step :
In this topic, I wanna share with you ,
you should write a word , or litters in words , and write the right way to pronunce it ..

Let me start :
Light : "g-h" is silent ..
National : "tion" is pronunce as : "sh"

Can you bring another words ??

Take care in your selves ..