Hi Guys
I am in again
to present what I have done recently
but this time from Arabic into English
hoping you like it and get enjoyable times with it

I frankly didn't satisfy well on my work
cus I translate into English in an expression and way that sounds as an Arabic expression
but in fact, there're different way of expressing things in English==>English way
and that what I like to learn through this way and I mean this topic

I also would like to know if I have mistakes or a little correction
I also would like to see yours ^ ^, go read now ; )

قصة ذكاء ودهاء
يحكى ان كلثوم بن الأغر ( المعروف بدهائه وذكائه ) . .
كان قائدا" في جيش عبدالملك بن مروان
وكان الحجاج بن يوسف يبغض كلثوم
... فدبر له مكيده جعلت عبدالملك بن مروان يحكم على كلثوم بن الأغر بالاعدام بالسيف فذهبت أم كلثوم إلى عبدالملك بن مروان تلتمس عفوه فاستحى منها لأن عمرها جاوز المائه عام . .
فقال لها :
سأجعل الحجاج يكتب في ورقتين الأولى يعدم وفي الورقه الثانيه لايعدم
ونجعل ابنكِ يختار ورقه قبل تنفيذ الحكم فإن كان مظلوم نجاه آللـَہ . .
فخرجت والحزن يعتريها فهي تعلم أنّ الحجاج يكره ابنها والأرجح أنّه سيكتب في الورقتين يعدم . .
فقال لها ابنها لا تقلقي يا أماه ،
ودعي الأمر لي ..
وفعلا قام الحجاج بكتابه كلمة (يعدم ) في الورقتين /
وتجمع الملأ في اليوم الموعود ليروا ما سيفعل
كلثوم ..
ولما جاء كلثوم في ساحة القصاص
قال له الحجاج وهو يبتسم بخبث
اختر واحده -
فابتسم كلثوم !
واختار ورقه وقال :اخترت هذه.
ثم قام ببلعها دون أن يقرأها
فاندهش الوالي وقال ماصنعت ياكلثوم :
لقد أكلت الورقه دون أن نعلم ما بها !
فقال كلثوم :
يامولاي اخترت ورقه وأكلتها دون أن أعلم مابها ولكي نعلم مابها ، انظر للورقه الأخرى فهي عكسها . .
فنظر الوالي للورقة الباقية فكانت{ يعدم }
فقالوا لقد اختار كلثوم أن لا يعدم
بقليل من التفكير نستطيع صنع أشياء عظيمة .. فإذا أردت صنع الاشياء العظيمة عليك " بالتفكير " ..

The story of intelligence and guile
It's narrated that Kalthom bin Al-Aghar (who known by his smartness and intelligence)
was a commander in the army of Abdul Malik bin Marwan
Al-Hajjaj bin Yousef was abhors Kalthoum
so he plotted a plot made Abdul malik bin Marwan sentence by death on Kalthom bin Al-Aghar so Kalthom's mother went to Abid Al-Malik bin Marwan seeking his pardon on her son
Abid Al-Malik felt shy to refuse the mother's request as she is an old woman passed nearly 100yrs and said to her:
I'll send to Al-Hajjaj to write two papers and write on the first one "Execute" and on the second one "Not Execute" and then we'll ask your son to choose one of them before we apply the execution, so if he is on right, Allah will save him from death
then, the mother left and sadness on her face because she knew that Al-Hajjaj hates her son and probably he will write on both papers "Execute"1
The son said: don't afraid my mother and leave this thing to me
and as mother expected, Al-Hajjaj wrote "execute" on the both papers
People gathered in the big day to see what Kalthom would dose
when he came at the yard of execution
Al-Hajjaj said in a malignant smile: choose one, i.e. a paper
Kalthom smiled and chose a paper then said: I chose this
then he(Kalthom) swallowed it without even read it
The governor surprised of this and said what did u do Kalthom
you ate the paper before we know what was writen on it
Kalthom said: my governor I chose a peper then I ate it and I haven't known what was on it
so if we have to know what was on it, look at the other paper, it will be against the first one
so the governor looked at it and saw "execute"
the people said Kalthon chose "not execute".1

a little time of thinking could makes a great things
so if you want to make great things you have to think