اقتباس المشاركة الأصلية كتبت بواسطة ماجد الهداف مشاهدة المشاركة


فيه قاعدة لم أفهمها جيداُ..

ألا وهي حرف الـA


Khaled is going to buy a new car

أعتذر على الأطآلة..

شكراُ لكم..

c ya..
السلام عليكم ورحمة الله وبركاته

A is an indefinite article
يعني قبل نكرة وليس المعرفة، فهذه الأخيرة نستعمل فيها the

We use a before:

> a word beginning with a consonant, or a' (vowel with a consonant sound):

Examples: A man

A story

A university

a singular countable noun <

أي الأسماء التي لها جمع

e.g: I need a pencil

أحتاج إلى قلم

We shouldn't say: a men

It is incorrect because here the noun is plural

i> a noun compliment

(professions, nationality, beliefs...)i

e.g: He is an engineer

(an is used before words beginning with a vowel like an apple)

i> In certain expressions of quantity

e.g: A lot of
A couple

i> In certain numbers

A hundered
A thousand

i> we use a with possessives "a...of" like

A collegue of mine

> Expressions of time, weight, price...

e.g: 5p a kilo
four times a day

I think now you know why we use "a" here

Khaled is going to buy a new car

Of course there are many cars but he is going to buy one of them, in other word car represents a particular thing

And as you see before the noun there is an adjective

That's why we put the article a

I hope you get it now

في أمان الله