▃ ▂ ▁ الـكون كـلـه يـتـحـجـب ؟؟!! + روعـته تجلت في فيلم فلا تتردد ( مُحسن ) ▁ ▂ ▃

[ منتدى نور على نور ]

صفحة 8 من 8 الأولىالأولى 12345678
النتائج 141 إلى 146 من 146

العرض المتطور

  1. #1

    تاريخ التسجيل
    Jul 2009

    افتراضي رد: ▃ ▂ ▁ الـكون كـلـه يـتـحـجـب ؟؟!! + روعـته تجلت في فيلم فلا تتردد ( مُحسن ) ▁ ▂ ▃

    جزاك الله الف خير اخوي رماد...

    الموضوع راااااائع جداااا,,

    وبصراحهـ عجبني كتيير

    تقبل مروري,,.
    مع تحياتي..,

    M!ss memee

  2. #2

    الصورة الرمزية كيد & رورو

    تاريخ التسجيل
    Mar 2009

    افتراضي رد: ▃ ▂ ▁ الـكون كـلـه يـتـحـجـب ؟؟!! + روعـته تجلت في فيلم فلا تتردد ( مُحسن ) ▁ ▂ ▃

    أشكرك أخي على الموضوع الأكثر من رائع ..

    أعترف .. أنني أحياناً أتنازل عن فكرةالتحجب كاملاً ..

    وأقول : يللا لساتني صغيرة >_> .. لكن الآن .. عدت إلى

    رشدي .. وهذا بفضل موضوعك الرائع وتشبيهاتك المدهشة ..

    وأنا واللي فوقي : m!ss meme على أتم الإستعداد لترجمته

    إلى اللغتين : الإنجليزية واليابانية ^____________^

    ~O!^^ شكراً لك على الموضوع الذي غير تفكير الفتيات بالمنتدى ^^!O~

    تحياتي : رورو تشان *^^*

  3. #3

    الصورة الرمزية زمردة

    تاريخ التسجيل
    Jul 2008

    افتراضي رد: ▃ ▂ ▁ الـكون كـلـه يـتـحـجـب ؟؟!! + روعـته تجلت في فيلم فلا تتردد ( مُحسن ) ▁ ▂ ▃

    مشكووووووووووووور أخي على هذا الموضوع الأكثر من رائع..
    جعله الله في ميزان حسناتك..قل آمين.

  4. #4

    الصورة الرمزية سبيل الهدى

    تاريخ التسجيل
    Dec 2010

    افتراضي رد: ▃ ▂ ▁ الـكون كـلـه يـتـحـجـب ؟؟!! + روعـته تجلت في فيلم فلا تتردد ( مُحسن ) ▁ ▂ ▃

    أشكرك على هذا الموضوع الرائع والمهم وعلى الأناشيد المميزة

    وأريد أن أعقب على كلامك : أن المرأة حينما تكون بحجابها الكامل والساتر لجميع بدنها فإنها كالماسة المكنونة لا يقدر أي إنسان أن ينظر إليها لأنها متحجبة بالحجاب الشرعي الكامل .

  5. #5

    الصورة الرمزية s.c.R

    تاريخ التسجيل
    Jun 2010

    افتراضي رد: ▃ ▂ ▁ الـكون كـلـه يـتـحـجـب ؟؟!! + روعـته تجلت في فيلم فلا تتردد ( مُحسن ) ▁ ▂ ▃

    السلام عليكم

    ماشاءالله عليك اخ رمــاد موضوع متكامل وراائع الله لا يحرمك اجره ..

    حبيت اقلك اني قرأت بموضوعك انك تبغى ترجمه للموضوع وانا حاولت اترجمه على قدر استطاعتي فحبيت اوريك اياه ممكن ينفعك ..

    شوفها انت والاعضاء واذاا كان فيها اغلاط و بامكانكم تصححوها صححوها ..

    ان شاءالله يفي بالغرض

    بسم الله نبدأ

    Things that require the veil to stay!!!

    ~ heart

    Did not think one day how will be your heart if it didn't have what protected it from the danger ??

    ~ Eye

    The most important member has been shielded by Eyelids and eyelashes . . !

    ~ rib cage:

    Thick veil ..what about your veil Dear ??

    ~ Butterfly:

    Featuring four screens of it and a thick layer covering the most important layers in her body .. The head and chest .. What did you do with your screen ??!!

    ~ Turtle:

    Her shield, large and heavy to carry on her back Throughout her life , For that she has been called as the heavier veil in honor of her patience

    ~ egg:

    if not for the thick skin the fetus died .. and didn't come out

    ~ banana:

    If the inventory of the banana peel What will happen to it !!!

    ~ Flower:

    Even members of the female flower surrounded by protected and jackets .. Is not the female human and more worthy of initial??!!

    ~ plant cell:

    Did you know that it is surrounded by a thick wall, even after her death??!!

    ~ Kabah:

    Invaluable high-status did not take off her veil NEVER!!

    ~ pen:

    Don't remove my cover or you will lose me Forever ..!!

    ~ gift-coated:

    Enveloped in the beauty and dazzling and grabbing attention Will this same if you knew what's inside??!!

    ~ The wire:

    Women like the wire .. If exposed caused the destruction??!

    the entire universeis wearing veil , and now it's your turn Darling ^^


    ~ Confessions:

    One of the girls says that she was wearing veil when she had to go to Europe With her ​​ family for the treatment of her mother .. At the hospital one of the nurses asked me to see my face and When she saw that she was shocked to think that it will be ugly or something wrong with it She asked me about the reason for wearing the veil.!!
    I explained to her that Islam treats women like a jewel that must be save from the eyes of strangers , The girl says the nurse listened intently and then said : it is beautiful.. It is wonderful ..
    How I wish that I could be like that .. I'm suffering a lot from the looks on everyone to
    Details of my body and I feel like just a puppet ..
    So here, for example .. When I walk I feel that everyone is seen
    My legs before anything else!!


    ~ strangers looking for a veil!!

    Hilessan Stansebre American writer and journalist is the roving messaging more than 250 U.S. newspaper and she have a daily article read by millions , She staied in an arabic capital several weaks ago and when she returned to her country she said " The Arab community is full of sound and this society holds
    Traditions that restrict girls and boys within the limits of reasonable , They have ethics inherited had to restrict Women in all that would harm her , And had to respect the mother and father, and would take more than the demolition Permissiveness of Western society today that destroye's the family in Europe and America.
    Stop the mixing and tied A girl's freedom, actually go back to the veil .. This is good for you and better than the pornographic shamelessness and Europe and America.


    multiple targets war ...!

    The writer refers d. Makwo Henry - a university professor and inventor of the game (scruples) and the famous author and researcher Specializes in women's affairs to the ulterior motives of the war the West on the Arab nation and Islamic .
    He explained it is a war with the dimensions of political, cultural and moral, as it is aimed at the nation's wealth and savings,In addition to being despoiled of the most valuable asset of religion and cultural treasures, ethical and at the level of women's Replace the veil and it's values with ​​Bikini (for hardcore bass) is a metaphor for nudity and septic,
    The writer says
    The role of women at the heart of any culture, the war in the Middle East but is to disarm the Arabs Religion and culture and replace the veil with bikini.


    ~ Denominations in America:

    In America, groups have emerged and new religious denominations believe in the principle should be the province of women to dress Curtain, and requires them not to show her chest and her arms and have a dress , a broad and long, and do not overdo the make-up and adornment , And these groups took advantage of the great discontent felt by some
    Intellectuals and conservatives and a lot of society women who became opposed to the ugly exploitation material Of women in the media and in the Western society and trade her body ..

    The veil of a legitimate ingredient what it takes to acquire the real beauty that embraces the warmth Virtues all ... It has the beauty of obedience and pander, enough for the woman wearing veil the honor and Greatness that she have this dress with it's details from the creator of existence ...
    Almightly says ..( O Prophet Tell thy wives and daughters, and the believing women, that they should cast their outer garments over their persons (when abroad): that is most convenient, that they should be known (as such) and not molested. And God is Oft Forgiving, most Merciful ) 59 parties
    So Go back my sister .. Go back to the fold of obedience and commitment .. Go back to the purity of virtue and purity veil (Hijab) honor and chastity ...

  6. #6

    الصورة الرمزية [الأمس القريب]

    تاريخ التسجيل
    May 2010

    افتراضي رد: ▃ ▂ ▁ الـكون كـلـه يـتـحـجـب ؟؟!! + روعـته تجلت في فيلم فلا تتردد ( مُحسن ) ▁ ▂ ▃


    جزاك الله خير ..

    ع ذا الموضوع^^

    واكثر شيء شدني وفطسسست عليــه ضحك .gif" border="0" alt="" title="0" class="inlineimg" />

    المرأة كالسلك .. إذا انكشفت سببت الدمار ..؟!

    مممم ذا الموضوع مقارب جدآ لما حدث في مجلس الأمهات
    بما اني الطالبه الوحيدة اللي كانت بالحفل [طبعاً لأني المقدمة >ـ> ]
    قاموا الأبلات بمناقشة الأمهات .. عن كل شيء ابتداءً من النت والبلاك بيري الى الحجاب ..
    للأسسسسسسسسسسسسسسسسسسف الشديد اذا ركبت الباص احس انه راح يسير فيني بلاء من البنات المهبل ليتها بسسس تكششف وجهها المخنز ..وتنتهي
    لاااا تفك شوشتها وتدور في الباص .. للأسسسف بما أن السسسواقين من الجنسسيه السسسسعوديه فهذا أدهى وأمر ..

    1/ما بي أحلف وأقول أن السسواق حفظ اشكال البنات ..
    2/ مابي احلف واقول اني البنت الوحيدة اللي في الباص اللي تتغطى .. <<<افخر بذلك , واحزن لحالهنّ ..

    اعتذر طلعت من سياق الموضوع من الحماسسسس

صفحة 8 من 8 الأولىالأولى 12345678

الكلمات الدلالية لهذا الموضوع



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