hi mina again

Do Ri Me

i hope you get well soon
شافاك الله و عافاك
brother sharloc thanx

ur translation is perfect-like translation and it would be more beautiful if u use

aversion : loathers
loathers ?
u surely mean : loathe or loathing
( from long man i got their meaning )

موضوعي الجديد في قلم الأعضاء .
my new topic at members-pen

you know it's not a sentence at all huhuhuh


أصعب أنواع الفراق ، فراق القلب

Do Ri Me
by the way from which manga is your signature i feel like i know it but not sure

really surprised me you notice it as manga not anime
coz you are a guy
you " NEED NOT TO KNOW " i hope u got it